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  1. They do have a specific function (or nonspecific depending on your point of view). They can be used for meshes or walls which can't be said for the rest of tdm's textures, with a few exceptions. Sorry guys, but I'm going to rant . . . [rant] There's other reasons for pushing this idea though. A lot of people working on this mod do not have the skills to have a clean uvw map & this kind of urks me When I started looking at the textures for the models, I was astonished on how messy the textures looked, especially the characters. Another reason is I can't apply another skin to a model because the texture is model specific & if I don't like the look, I'd have to figure out how that modeler mapped the mesh & create a new texture and skin. With this idea, all I have to do is apply another gen* skin to it. The problem with a community mod is the skill levels of each person vary so the quality of the work varies. Some people submit textures that don't tile and others submit broken models. This causes grief down the road because someone has to take the time to fix these things which delays more important tasks. I can't imagine how much further this mod would be if things were close to being right the first time. For example, the character models are being redone so we can have facial expressions. This should have been brought to the table in the first place. Another thing that urks me are decisions that could have been made on certain features are not in the mod yet because people disagreed about it. UI design and the back story are a couple of those "features" that's been delayed due to disagreements. Either vote on it or just implement one of them until a concensus has been made.That's why most forums have voting features & I wonder why voting isn't utilized more often in this mod. I went against the design documents for the noisemaker because I didn't look that the design documents (I should have). But when I presented the new noisemaker design, the mod team liked it. That's one example of implementing something, without all the discussion/voting, that actually worked. It definately doesn't work all the time but it's something to keep in mind. *Good grief I have to stop complaining here, but here goes . . .* The Dark Mod is held in high esteem & high quality is expected by this mod. When those expectations are not met, people can be total asswipes: Sure were not going to please everyone but when any "pros" take a look behind the scenes, then we'll definately hear about it. I'm not saying GBM is a pro btw In short, I think we should be more consistant with voting proceedures because a lot of discussions so far have been counterproductive. Either that or just implement the damn thing. Don't get me wrong on community projects (or this one for that matter), I love them, but these problems rub me the wrong way. Sorry to keep being a thorn in the members' sides. [/rant]
  2. For stuff like that I'd say just do a search on doom3world forums Bob. They've basically got a two year archive of exactly that kind of stuff.
  3. Fair enough crispy. Basically Oddity sent me a PM calling me names and saying that the team members forums were slagging me off. I PM people when I want to know something usually game related, but sometimes I'm interested in the person. This seems to have annoyed some people. They should say that they are busy or prefer not to have PM's. Then it would be finished. However having a bitch in a forum where the person being bitched about can't defend themselves is below the belt. SO being a bit annoyed I decide to call Oddity some names in reply to his rude PM and am willing to call anyone else names too in defence.
  4. Well the forums are dead anyway so who the fuck cares, you half arse. The reason why more people from TTLG don't come here or you guys don't get any help is because a few of you are so up your own arses. You're decent at what you've done, Oddity, but no way near as good as you think you are. D*ckHead
  5. Way back, yeah, but it's changed. I've got a couple new ones, if you want replacements for the site (see internal forums).
  6. Forgot to add the banner, @148 polys. For completeness: Edit: Also, http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=84195
  7. Yes, oDDity is no longer actively making models for us as an official Team Member. He has moved on to some other projects so he can continue to push himself in new directions, as an artist of his skill should. His membership is still active however as he may contribute a model here and there in the future and he left us with his character templates so that all of our future models will still fit with the rest of the characters. As for 'individual opinion' not speaking for the team, that has always been in place. It's far too easy for someone in the community to say, "I HATE that mod because 'such and somebody' said something sucks...so the entire team must feel that way". Unless we voted on something in our development forums, it certainly wouldn't be considered a "Team Stance". Heh...even then, it's only the opinion favored by the majority of the vote. So, you see...there is never really any hardcore team opinion and it drives me NUTS when people base a ridiculous argument on something like that.
  8. And here's after a bit of levels adjustment and a gaussian blur to add back in some removed sharpness (edit: duh, I mean smoothness). Decent results, I think? (compressed as JPG here of course) Compare to the first attempt: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=82172 Edit: as always, thanks for the guidance guys, you're a wealth of information.
  9. I covered this a year ago in the documentation forum. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2341
  10. Any idea where the best spot to place this post would be? Do most texture contributers have any access to the texture forums?
  11. Are you registered over at the Recall to Hell mutual assistance forums? There may be people there who have worked with head swapping already.
  12. Is that a good or bad sign when your own team members are spamming the forums?
  13. Continued from animation thread: 6. How do we go about splitting the AI in sub-meshes so that we can separate the textures into different materials? How does this affect the existing animations? Background: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=4063
  14. Maximus was an fairly common Roman cognomen (a name that is usually given as a nickname or for a family branch, or the town an individual comes from), and Maximius is in minor variation on it, albeit an extremely uncommon one - the usual variant was Maximinius. It means "largest" or "greatest". Maximus would be a good name for a Roman Centurion, and was commonly given to large men, or possibly an ironic name for a midget. My username reflects both my love of stealth based games, and of remaining anonymous on public internet fora - "obscurus", from the Latin meaning "of the dark" "concealed" "covered over" or "shadowed" "shadow"or "darkness" (also see obscuri, obscurare). Terribly original I know, I'm sure there are a few thousand variations of "obscurusXYZ@hotmail.com", but I guess I dived in first on the Darkmod Forums, and it seems fairly appropriate. I generally use it on any forum where it isn't already taken by someone else.
  15. This is continuing from a thread in the animation forum. One clarification--When we say "mitten hands" we're talking about the D3 style of a separate index finger and thumb, with the other three fingers bound together (if that's not correct, someone let me know). 1. Are we going with mitten hands (I'm now in favour of it)? If so, who is going to make them? How hard is it to attach them? Does it mess up current animations? Background: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...hl=mitten+hands
  16. Continued from Animation thread: 4. Robed characters (noblewoman, builder priest/acolyte/prelate) need feet added before they are animated. Who is going to take on that task and how much work is it? Background: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...;hl=robed++feet
  17. I stumbled upon the word "gleeful" in an english book (I'm Austrian so my mother tongue is German) and liked it's double-meaning of fröhlich and schadenfroh. That was about 8 years ago - been using it on a lot of forums ever since.
  18. Cool! I really like the style of that last one. By the way, just wanted to make sure: Squill can see these forums, right?
  19. I only use this name on this forum. I have different one on TTLG and I use one only on the UK forums I'm on.
  20. I mean your username. The name you use in forums i.e. New Horizon
  21. With access to the source, you could write your own AI if you don't like the default one. That is, if you can. Ok, seriously now: What you'll able to tweak easily are constants that determine characteristicts of the AI, such as health, walking speed, maybe search acuracy, alertness and so on. I'm not really the right person to ask, because all I'm doing is making pretty ambients and obnoxious comments in the Team forums.
  22. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=81081 Do I sense a Deja Vú here? You should focus on the part after the first two sentences. Empty lines don't count as sentences.
  23. I was having a conversation in the Mutual Assistance forums and someone mentioned this: Might be something to look in to for our characters if we find we need to optimize.
  24. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=81081
  25. I'm pretty sure that our current walk/run cycles that Oddity used were from motion capture. I know some animators have a problem using them, but as I see it, the more basic animations we can get already made, the more time is freed up to create our more unique ones, or to add variety to the ones that exist. That said, any idea where Oddity was getting them from? Remember the animation from the bottom of this page? I know he didn't make that one from scratch. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=284&st=25
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