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Mmmmmkay. Finally got Hammer working in WINE. Wonderful! Great!


I hate it. Loathe. Despise. DO NOT WANT. It's clumsy as hell. Not just a question of being more familiar with Radiant type editors, but it's CLUMSY. Constantly having to click on new functions, everything's nested in tiny little windows, (I mean come on here, people.... I'm a computer tech. You know.... half blind from spending twenty someodd years staring at a computer screen? Throw me a freakin' bone here?) You can't detach windows and thereby make your viewports some usefully large size.... ick.


I've heard that you can at least partially do Source editing in GTKRadiant, is there a plugin or something for DarkRadiant that would let me do half life 2 mapping? Something to import Source's functions? I tried doing a basic map in DR and opening it in Hammer to do texturing and such, but it bombed out.


Is it possible to do this? Or have the two formats just diverged too much since the old Q3radiant days?

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I don't know of an existing solution but Dark Radiant's python implementation is more than adequate for the task if you want to write a plugin. That's probably not the answer you were hoping for but it does mean such a conversion is possible.


The bad news is that this would mean I'd have to learn Python.


....the good news is, that's a job skill.... hmmmmmmmm.....


** edit **


Oooooookaaaaayyyyy..... sooooooo.....


.....how much python? Is there a list of what would be required?

Edited by CorwinWeber
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If we're strictly speaking about python, the task is reduced to file handling and a bit of math.


The hard bit is understanding HL2's map format well enough to do the conversion in the first place. You might want to look into that first.


Ok, I'm looking through files. One thing I'm noticing is that VMF files have a huge amount of information that's specific to Hammer in them.... that MAP just doesn't use. Thing is, I suspect most of this could be faked. The compiler doesn't care (at least I don't think it cares) what version of Hammer you're using to edit the map....


VISGroups could be an issue, I'm not sure yet.

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