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3 Things I Wish (I'd Found The Appropriate Thread To Bring Up In)


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Looked around a bit for some general purpose sticky threads on the lines of models-that-might-need-tweaking; guis-that-might-need-tweaking; or smallish-suggestions-that-might-be-made-and-discussed-without-resorting-to-cluttering-up-the-elsewheres.


But found nonesuch.




1. The coiled rope model (?) seems to have an inordinately large and/or oblique collsion model (?); you have to mantle over it.


2. When you die you are presented with "Restart Mission" "End Mission" Or "Objectives"; how about a "Load Saved Game"?


3. The nice feature that lets you walk away while a newly installed and begun mission does it's long-load so that when you come back after putting your pizza french-bread in the oven you are presented with a "click to start" rather than a "dead thief" would be just as nice if it could take notice that you have just started the doom3 engine for a new session and, even though, you aren't starting a whole new mission, just a saved game, it works the same... because initial loads are all long-loads.




Yes, #1 is random, #2 is possibly just a matter of clarity unclarified, and #3 is certainly so rambling it won't be understood.

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1. You might make your own collision model in a minute and contribute it. For the record you can also turn it off with a noclipmodel 1 spawnarg on it; you can do it from the .map file without even opening it in DR.

2. Not a bad idea.

3. So you want a "click to start" screen after a long load too. Hmm, for most FMs loads are only a fraction of the time of a start, and when you're re-loading a dozen times to get through a tricky part, a "click to start" would be the most annoying thing ever. So there's countervailing considerations here. I wonder if there's a way you can force it to pause while it's loading though, like pushing [Esc] mid-load triggers a visual cue & it goes to menu as soon as it starts as a compromise. I'm not sure.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Thanks, all, for reading and replying.


@demagogue: You got what I was getting at with #3 except missed my point about the "take notice that you have just started the doom3 engine for a new session". You are correct, it would be worse than not having the click-to-proceed feature at all if the short-loads were hampered by it; but I'm thinking the system must be able to recognize that whatever it is (maybe the main doom3 assets?) that makes the initial load when you start a new session so long can be the determinant for when the click-to-proceed kicks in.

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#1. Yeah, I've noticed that too, but I just (titter, splutter) get over it!! Literally!! (Lol, etc. I'll just wait for y'all to get up off the floor there.)

#2. +1. Don't know why it should matter so much that I should be saved a bit of fiddling on the mouse, but it does, and that's the way it is.

#3. I think this may have happened to me once or twice, but mostly I think I automatically wait till I'm in a pretty safe/dark area before doing a savegame.

#4 (ST's). +1

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#3, I see. What you're asking for is the .gui code to know when it's loading an FM for the first time. I don't think that's an easy thing to do, but you never know. If someone finds a way to do it, then it'd be worthwhile to have that "Click to start" only for those cases.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Ah yes, did you catch that BSB? What you do is load the mission normally, go off and dawdle while it's loading, come back to the "click to start" prompt, start the mission, then quickload your saved game and no long loading time.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Okay, yeah, that's definitely the thing to do. Start anew... "a 'new'"... and then just load the save you really want to pick up from. That'll do!


Still it would be nice to have TDM work this extra clickage out by anticipating the situation as I described. I can't see where anyone would not want it to allow you to start a session and assume that you want the first load to be a "click-to-proceed". I am very, very opposed to bloat/meddling when it comes to software "features", and especially those purported to be user-friendly-improvements -- those that try and anticipate what the user wants and means to do -- because there are often too many variables for a machine (or rahter programmer) to make any assumptions... but this is a case I think that fits in the eliminate-redundancy, that's-what-a-computer-is-meant-to-do, area...


Meanwhile, the solution/workaround is easy enough and thanks for pointing it out.

Edited by BlueSkyBullet
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#3, I see. What you're asking for is the .gui code to know when it's loading an FM for the first time. I don't think that's an easy thing to do, but you never know. If someone finds a way to do it, then it'd be worthwhile to have that "Click to start" only for those cases.


It ought to be fairly simple to determine how much time was taken to load, and display the click to continue button only for loads which took longer than a certain threshold (e.g. 10 seconds).

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