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Everything posted by SeriousToni

  1. Phew seems like a lot of work to get into the new standards.. I'll try to update the mod after the summer concerning your findings. But I can't promise anything currently
  2. I used a wrong version there? I'll have to look into that when I'm back at my desktop PC
  3. Oh I hate puzzles in ARPGs - thanks for sharing this!
  4. Oh what did I miss? I see there's a test map but what do I need to revisit? Are there any problems with my footstep sounds in this map?
  5. I feel you on the time loss. My son was born too in 2020 and since then I struggled with the same loss of freetime and still the wonderful joy he brings every day. I barely managed to update my old FM but it feels wonderful if you can accomplish something with the short amount if time given.
  6. Have you been able to play this yourself? I also got the gift and was a little excited when I saw the trailer. However the reviews seem to be pretty mixed and I don't want to take 20 hours to get into the game and then realize that it's not really worth it.
  7. Make the vent / cave vertical and spawn the player there?
  8. Are you supposed to know that rule beforehand as an artist?
  9. If you have suggestions to make it more clear and easy on the wiki please let us know!
  10. I wonder about the alternative models for the arrows. Have they been used in other missions too already? I really like them, maybe I could extract them to my directory to use them in general for the game?
  11. Yeah there should have been an invisible wall brush to prevent this. Or even better in terms of UX, a little secret inside the room.
  12. Don't take me wrong but I personally think it's fine to use the standard intro text template for such a small map.
  13. Yeah it's not an easy to go option, more like an inspiration. There's always lots of artifacts and inconsistencies which take so much time to fix that it is nearly the same time to create images as painting them by yourself if you have an eye for detail. I tried it for creating textures too and it worked pretty well (I think it was dalle 2 back in the day last year). Most difficult part was making it seamless. I think the time it took for rerolling prompts was nearly the same as searching for stock textures though. But the results were as least as good as stock textures. A thing I couldn't say about artwork. There's no coherent style or consistent features for story actors. I would say you didn't miss anything of value. We'll see what the future holds.
  14. I got up from the stone wall in front of the window. There are a few higher brushes that made me able to jump and mantle into the window. Thanks for your hints! Nice mission BTW
  15. It seems to be ai generated if I'm not mistaking. Sometimes the people have six fingers, sometimes the eyes are strange, sometimes the text is gibberish. But if it is done well I guess it's a comfortable way to enhance your mission intros. Very nice little mission BTW I really enjoyed it! Loved the rat secret.
  16. Maybe it's less time to let him do his work and re-checking the change history afterwards if necessary than to make him post edits here and insert them manually every time guys...
  17. @SpringheelSpeaking of Springheel - I wonder if he will manage to join the contest. I pretty much liked his first map back in the day. I am curious to see what he could do now with all his cool model asset modules.
  18. @datiswous Thank you. This is already setup like this. I think you can only download it if you have a Google account. That's the problem I think. I'll try your second suggestion by zergrush ASAP.
  19. Really? Aww man I have to find some upload service that doesn't require registration or doesn't delete my files after one year. Any recommendations are welcome
  20. The alternative footstep sound download url is not working. This one is correct (1st post)
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