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SEED bug returned/still exists


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From http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=SEED_-_Known_bugs#v1.03_bugs


The system crashed when saving a mission, or when loading such a savegame. Also it could crash at the end of the game session. These were due to incorrect memory management (double free by the system itself, and then by the doom engine again). This has been fixed in TDM v1.04.


This happens under TDM 2.0 sadly.


I have no problems with SEEDs that use models. However a SEED that had func_static sources exhibits that exact behavior. It crashes using quickload, load saved game, or when the game tries to load the statistics at the end of mission. You can reload TDM and access the same once per session however.


The objects also don't show up properly post save if you reload TDM, they show up as black cubes instead.

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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It is my deepest hope that this calls Tels back to the forums\project, that said you can try sending him a PM or send one to stgatilov who

also know this system well.


Also, please post a condump of the session.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Here's a condump after a quicksave, then the quickload surprisingly/fortunately didn't crash, but the seeds came back black/cubes, so I did another condump, then the same quickload crashed.


Before trying to contact folks, since it seems to involve both the SEED system and save/load, does this point more toward one or the other?


WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed


Warning, LONG logfile within spoiler tags:



v - using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
v - using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
v - using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
v - using GL_EXT_texture3D
v - using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
v - using glStencilOpSeparate
X - GL_NV_register_combiners not found
v - using GL_ATI_fragment_shader
v - using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
v - using GL_ARB_vertex_program
v - using GL_ARB_fragment_program
X - EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
---------- R_NV20_Init ----------
Not available.
----------- R200_Init -----------
---------- R_ARB2_Init ----------
----- R_ReloadARBPrograms -----
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
Font fonts/english/stone in size 12 not found, using size 24 instead.
gamex86 - Found DLL in EXE path with timestamp of 1382486886 - F:\Program Files
gamex86 - Found DLL in pak file with timestamp of 1380990320 - F:\Program Files
gamex86 - DLL in EXE path is newer, ignoring DLL in pak file
Found Intel CPU with Hyper-Threading enabled, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 CMOV
game using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing.
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
--------- Initializing Game ----------
The Dark Mod 2.00, code revision 5894
Build date: Oct  5 2013
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 88: entityDef 'atdm:ai_archmage01' previ
ously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:50
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 107: entityDef 'atdm:ai_mage01' previous
ly defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:91
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 121: entityDef 'atdm:ai_mage01_ragdoll'
previously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:109
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 142: entityDef 'melee_mage_damage' previ
ously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:126
WARNING:file def/tdm_weapon_fireball.def, line 133: entityDef 'projectile_mage_
perdo' previously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:174
Initializing event system
...819 event definitions
Initializing class hierarchy
...168 classes, 399672 bytes for event callbacks
Initializing scripts
Compiled 'weapon_base::ExitCinematic': 137.5 ms
---------- Compile stats ----------

Memory usage:
 Strings: 39, 4784 bytes
 Statements: 18660, 373200 bytes
  Functions: 1205, 122276 bytes
  Variables: 85344 bytes
Mem used: 1064852 bytes
Static data: 2277552 bytes
  Allocated: 2798472 bytes
Thread size: 7068 bytes

...6 aas types
game initialized.
Parsing material files
Found 0 new mission packages.
Found 70 mods in the FM folder.
Parsed 71 mission declarations.
No 'tdm_mapsequence.txt' file found for the current mod: mandrasola
-------- Initializing Session --------
Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.
session initialized
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
------------- Warnings ---------------
during The Dark Mod initialization...
WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/launch
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 107: entityDef 'atdm:ai_mage01' previous
ly defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:91
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 121: entityDef 'atdm:ai_mage01_ragdoll'
previously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:109
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 142: entityDef 'melee_mage_damage' previ
ously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:126
WARNING:file def/tdm_ai_mage.def, line 88: entityDef 'atdm:ai_archmage01' previ
ously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:50
WARNING:file def/tdm_weapon_fireball.def, line 133: entityDef 'projectile_mage_
perdo' previously defined at def/tdm_ai_animagus.def:174
6 warnings
Couldn't exec autocommands.cfg - file does not exist.
Widescreenmode was set to: 14 (1600x834)
Found 0 new mission packages.
Found 70 mods in the FM folder.
============= ReloadEngine start =============
Shutting down sound hardware
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...restoring hardware gamma: success
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
I18NLocal: Shutdown.
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
ModelGenerator memory: No LOD entries.
Shutdown event system
------ Initializing File System ------
Current search path:
 F:\Program Files\darkmod/fms/windowopportunityCRASH
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\fms\windowopportunityCRASH\windowopportunity.pk4 (17
 F:\Program Files\darkmod/
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 (297 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 (234 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 (312 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 (110 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 (271 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 (192 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 (390 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 (41 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 (65 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 (124 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 (37 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 (218 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 (360 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 (36 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 (38 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 (155 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 (317 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 (71 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 (323 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_standalone.pk4 (4 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 (25 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 (1104 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 (680 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 (128 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 (2337 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 (739 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 (1292 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 (82 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 (596 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 (882 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 (8 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 (24 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 (151 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 (205 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 (544 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 (123 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 (89 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 (1809 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 (1679 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 (49 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 (667 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 (2 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 (2 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 (696 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 (98 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 (169 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 (149 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 (24 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 (82 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 (50 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 (79 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 (10 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 (49 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 (7 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 (69 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 (313 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 (155 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 (87 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 (8 files)
 F:\Program Files\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 (80 files)
File System Initialized.
background thread already running
----- Initializing Decls -----
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
renderSystem initialized.
I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'.
I18N: Found no character remapping for english.
I18N: 1213 strings read from strings/english.lang
I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found.
WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/launch
Couldn't open journal files
Couldn't exec editor.cfg - file does not exist.
execing default.cfg
Unknown command 'use'
Unknown command 'console'
Unknown command 'next'
Unknown command 'prev'
Unknown command 'previous'
Unknown command 'next'
Unknown command 'crouch'
Unknown command 'Lean'
Unknown command 'lean'
Unknown command 'Readables'
Unknown command 'spyglass'
Unknown command 'compass'
Unknown command 'lantern'
Unknown command 'maps'
Unknown command 'objectives'
Unknown command 'keys'
Unknown command 'lockpicks'
Unknown command 'lean'
Unknown command 'Inventory'
Unknown command 'Mantle'
Unknown command 'creep'
Unknown command 'frob'
Unknown command 'inventory'
execing Darkmod.cfg
Couldn't exec autoexec.cfg - file does not exist.
I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'.
I18N: Found no character remapping for english.
I18N: 1213 strings read from strings/english.lang
I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found.
----- Initializing Sound System ------
sound system initialized.
----- R_InitOpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...getting default gamma ramp: success
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...created window @ 0,0 (1608x861)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
Checking portable OpenGL extensions...
v - using GL_ARB_multitexture
v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
v - using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
v - using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
v - using GL_ARB_texture_compression
v - using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
v - using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
v - using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
v - using GL_EXT_texture3D
v - using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
v - using glStencilOpSeparate
X - GL_NV_register_combiners not found
v - using GL_ATI_fragment_shader
v - using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
v - using GL_ARB_vertex_program
v - using GL_ARB_fragment_program
X - EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
---------- R_NV20_Init ----------
Not available.
----------- R200_Init -----------
---------- R_ARB2_Init ----------
----- R_ReloadARBPrograms -----
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
Font fonts/english/stone in size 12 not found, using size 24 instead.
gamex86 - Found DLL in EXE path with timestamp of 1382486886 - F:\Program Files
gamex86 - Found DLL in pak file with timestamp of 1380990320 - F:\Program Files
gamex86 - DLL in EXE path is newer, ignoring DLL in pak file
Found Intel CPU with Hyper-Threading enabled, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 CMOV
game using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing.
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
--------- Initializing Game ----------
The Dark Mod 2.00, code revision 5894
Build date: Oct  5 2013
Initializing event system
...819 event definitions
Initializing class hierarchy
...168 classes, 399672 bytes for event callbacks
Initializing scripts
Compiled 'weapon_base::ExitCinematic': 134.1 ms
---------- Compile stats ----------

Memory usage:
 Strings: 39, 4784 bytes
 Statements: 18660, 373200 bytes
  Functions: 1205, 122276 bytes
  Variables: 85344 bytes
Mem used: 1064852 bytes
Static data: 2277552 bytes
  Allocated: 2798472 bytes
Thread size: 7068 bytes

...6 aas types
game initialized.
Parsing material files
Found 0 new mission packages.
Found 70 mods in the FM folder.
Parsed 71 mission declarations.
No 'tdm_mapsequence.txt' file found for the current mod: windowopportunityCRASH

-------- Initializing Session --------
Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.
Font fonts/english/mason in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.
session initialized
============= ReloadEngine end ===============
Couldn't exec autocommands.cfg - file does not exist.
Found 0 new mission packages.
Found 70 mods in the FM folder.
DisplayBriefingPage: briefingData is maps/windowopportunity/mission_briefing
DisplayBriefingPage: xdata found.
DisplayBriefingPage: numPages is 2
DisplayBriefingPage: current page is 1
Objective 1: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 2: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 3: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 4: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 5: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 6: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 7: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 8: Parsing success and failure logic
Applied 0 objective conditions.
Objective 1: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 2: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 3: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 4: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 5: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 6: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 7: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 8: Parsing success and failure logic
Applied 0 objective conditions.
Objective 1: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 2: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 3: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 4: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 5: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 6: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 7: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 8: Parsing success and failure logic
Applied 0 objective conditions.
reloading guis/mainmenu.gui.
reloading guis/restart.gui.
reloading guis/msg.gui.
Widescreenmode was set to: 14 (1600x834)
--------- Map Initialization ---------
Map: windowopportunity
----------- Game Map Init ------------
collision data:
  100 models
15324 vertices (359 KB)
33348 edges (1172 KB)
17956 polygons (1215 KB)
  720 brushes (103 KB)
 4636 nodes (126 KB)
32643 polygon refs (255 KB)
 3538 brush refs (27 KB)
12196 internal edges
26 sharp edges
 0 contained polygons removed
 0 polygons merged
 3260 KB total memory used
162 msec to load collision data.
map bounds are (2447.3, 4980.0, 3016.0)
max clip sector is (305.9, 155.6, 188.5)
 112 bytes passage memory used to build PVS
0 msec to calculate PVS
  16 areas
  26 portals
3 areas visible on average
  64 bytes PVS data
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas48
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas96
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas32
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas100
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas_rat
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas_elemental
ConversationManager: Found 0 valid conversations.
Entering tdm_main()
Exiting tdm_main()
Spawning entities
removed 28 degenerate triangles
removed 32 degenerate triangles
WARNING:idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath failed on
removed 24 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 12 degenerate triangles
removed 48 degenerate triangles
removed 8 degenerate triangles
removed 48 degenerate triangles
removed 8 degenerate triangles
WARNING:idAFBody::SetDensity: center of mass (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) not
at origin (-0.000001, 0.018725, -0.000060) for body 'CMeleeWeapon_atdm:moveabl
removed 7 degenerate triangles
removed 56 degenerate triangles
removed 4 degenerate triangles
removed 3 degenerate triangles
WARNING:idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath failed on
removed 24 degenerate triangles
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 12 degenerate triangles
removed 58 degenerate triangles
removed 22 degenerate triangles
WARNING:file <implicit file>, line 2: unknown token '-'
WARNING:Couldn't load sound '_default.wav' using default
WARNING:idAFBody::SetDensity: center of mass (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) not
at origin (-0.000001, 0.018725, -0.000060) for body 'CMeleeWeapon_atdm:moveabl
removed 16 degenerate triangles
removed 10 degenerate triangles
removed 24 degenerate triangles
removed 20 degenerate triangles
...969 entities spawned, 36 inhibited

WARNING:location entity 'info_location_5' overlaps 'info_location_4'
==== Processing events ====
Objective 1: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 2: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 3: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 4: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 5: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 6: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 7: Parsing success and failure logic
Objective 8: Parsing success and failure logic
Applied 0 objective conditions.
[aas48]: Assigned 0 multistatemover positions to AAS areas and ignored 0.
[aas32]: Assigned 0 multistatemover positions to AAS areas and ignored 0.
[aas100]: Assigned 0 multistatemover positions to AAS areas and ignored 0.
[aas_rat]: Assigned 0 multistatemover positions to AAS areas and ignored 0.
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/scoreboard.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/spectate.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/chat.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/mpmsgmode.gui'
SpawnPlayer: 0
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_doublevision.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_skipcinematic.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guienter.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guiexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitarmor.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitflesh.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportstart.wav' using default
----- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----
0 models purged from previous level,   321 models kept.
----- idImageManager::EndLevelLoad -----
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve_frill
WARNING:Couldn't load image: tail
WARNING:Couldn't load image: arms_legs
WARNING:Couldn't load image: rope_belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: _bloomimage
WARNING:Couldn't load image: _cookedmath
0 purged from previous
 195 kept from previous
 685 new loaded
all images loaded in  14.1 seconds
----- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad -----
138950k referenced
2831k purged
sound: missing efxs/windowopportunity.efx
34555 msec to load windowopportunity
interactionTable generated of size: 134217728 bytes
------------- Warnings ---------------
during windowopportunity...
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/chat.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/mpmsgmode.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/scoreboard.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/spectate.gui'
WARNING:Couldn't load image: _bloomimage
WARNING:Couldn't load image: _cookedmath
WARNING:Couldn't load image: arms_legs
WARNING:Couldn't load image: belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: rope_belt
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve
WARNING:Couldn't load image: sleeve_frill
WARNING:Couldn't load image: tail
WARNING:Couldn't load sound '_default.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_doublevision.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guienter.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guiexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitarmor.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitflesh.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_skipcinematic.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportexit.wav' using default
WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportstart.wav' using default
WARNING:file <implicit file>, line 2: unknown token '-'
WARNING:idAFBody::SetDensity: center of mass (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) not
at origin (-0.000001, 0.018725, -0.000060) for body 'CMeleeWeapon_atdm:moveabl
WARNING:idAFBody::SetDensity: center of mass (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) not
at origin (-0.000001, 0.018725, -0.000060) for body 'CMeleeWeapon_atdm:moveabl
WARNING:idFileSystem::OSPathToRelativePath failed on
WARNING:location entity 'info_location_5' overlaps 'info_location_4'
26 warnings
Bloom Kernel size is set to: Small
Using TDM's enhanced interaction
SEED atdm_seed_2: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_2: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_2: Creating 5 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 15
SEED atdm_seed_2: Preparing 5 entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_2: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_2: Combined 5 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_2: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 995
SEED atdm_seed_3: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_3: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_3: Creating 7 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 64
SEED atdm_seed_3: Preparing 7 entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_3: MultiPVS.
SEED atdm_seed_3: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_3: Combined 7 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_3: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 996
SEED atdm_seed_4: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_4: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_4: Creating 15 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 3
SEED atdm_seed_4: Preparing 15 entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_4: MultiPVS.
SEED atdm_seed_4: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_4: Combined 15 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_4: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 997
SEED atdm_seed_1: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_1: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_1: Creating 22 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 7
SEED atdm_seed_1: Preparing 22 entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_1: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_1: Combined 22 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_1: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 998
SEED atdm_seed_5: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_5: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_5: Creating 50 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 4
SEED atdm_seed_5: Preparing 50 entities took 1 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_5: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_5: Combined 50 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_5: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 999
SEED atdm_seed_6: Preparing entities.
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
WARNING:Source with 1 surfaces. snapshot func_static, scaling: no, needFinish:
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 59 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#1 inde
x 0, seed 104210072).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 56 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#0 inde
x 1, seed 29311099).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 14 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#3 inde
x 2, seed 44438230).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 3 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#5 index
3, seed 12225604).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 0 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#6 index
4, seed 113418541).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 3 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#4 index
5, seed 32991575).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 0 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#7 index
6, seed 63473250).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Creating 14 entities of class atdm:seed_dummy_static (#2 inde
x 7, seed 65898225).
SEED atdm_seed_6: Preparing 149 entities took 4 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_6: MultiPVS.
SEED atdm_seed_6: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_6: Combined 149 entities into 6 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_6: spawned 6, culled 0, existing: 6, visible: 6, overall: 1005
SEED atdm_seed_7: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_7: Adding skin 'winebottle05' (idx 1) to class.
SEED atdm_seed_7: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_7: Creating 10 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 8
SEED atdm_seed_7: Preparing 10 entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_7: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_7: Combined 10 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_7: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 1006
SEED atdm_seed_8: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_8: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_8: Creating 5 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 89
SEED atdm_seed_8: Preparing 5 entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_8: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_8: Combined 5 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_8: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 1007
SEED atdm_seed_9: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_9: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_9: Creating 14 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed 8
SEED atdm_seed_9: Preparing 14 entities took 1 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_9: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_9: Combined 14 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_9: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 1008
SEED atdm_seed_10: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_10: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_10: Creating 3 entities of class func_static (#3 index 0, seed 1
SEED atdm_seed_10: Creating 3 entities of class func_static (#0 index 1, seed 7
SEED atdm_seed_10: Creating 5 entities of class func_static (#4 index 2, seed 1
SEED atdm_seed_10: Creating 3 entities of class func_static (#1 index 3, seed 1
SEED atdm_seed_10: Creating 5 entities of class func_static (#2 index 4, seed 1
SEED atdm_seed_10: Preparing 14 entities took 1 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_10: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_10: Combined 14 entities into 4 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_10: spawned 4, culled 0, existing: 4, visible: 4, overall: 1012
SEED atdm_seed_11: Preparing entities.
SEED atdm_seed_11: Creating 0 watch list entities took 0 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_11: Creating 41 entities of class func_static (#0 index 0, seed
SEED atdm_seed_11: Preparing 41 entities took 1 ms.
SEED atdm_seed_11: MultiPVS.
SEED atdm_seed_11: Merged entity positions, now building combined final list.
SEED atdm_seed_11: Combined 41 entities into 1 entities, took 0 ms.
atdm_seed_11: spawned 1, culled 0, existing: 1, visible: 1, overall: 1013
speaker_zone_ambient::init() called
Color read from main ambient light 'ambient_world': 0.05 0.05 0.08

Changed location from '' to 'Land'.
The ambient 'snd_Land' for location 'Land' is now playing.
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
WARNING:idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed
]condump seedcrash.txt
Dumped console text to seedcrash.txt.
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
ModelGenerator memory: 8 LOD entries with 30 users using 5161 bytes, memory sav
ed: 13610 bytes.
--------- Game Map Shutdown done -----
reloading guis/mainmenu.gui.
reloading guis/restart.gui.
reloading guis/msg.gui.
reloading guis/map/windowopportunity.gui.
reloading guis/playertools/spyglass.gui.
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/scoreboard.gui'
reloading guis/scoreboard.gui.
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/spectate.gui'
reloading guis/spectate.gui.
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/chat.gui'
reloading guis/chat.gui.
reloading guis/mpmain.gui.
WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/mpmsgmode.gui'
reloading guis/mpmsgmode.gui.
reloading guis/tdm_hud.gui.
reloading guis/tdm_lockpick.gui.
reloading guis/tdm_inv.gui.
reloading guis/tdm_loot.gui.
reloading guis/tdm_waituntilready.gui.
reloading guis/readables/books/book_hand_ellianerelle_world.gui.
reloading guis/readables/scrolls/scroll_calig_mac_humaine_world.gui.
reloading guis/playertools/compass.gui.
reloading guis/playertools/spyglass.gui.
--------- Map Initialization ---------
Map: windowopportunity
idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap: retaining existing map
------- Game Map Init SaveGame -------
map bounds are (2447.3, 4980.0, 3016.0)
max clip sector is (305.9, 155.6, 188.5)
 112 bytes passage memory used to build PVS
0 msec to calculate PVS
  16 areas
  26 portals
3 areas visible on average
  64 bytes PVS data
Keeping maps/windowopportunity.aas48
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas96
Keeping maps/windowopportunity.aas32
Keeping maps/windowopportunity.aas100
Keeping maps/windowopportunity.aas_rat
[Load AAS]
loading maps/windowopportunity.aas_elemental
No running thread for RestoreScriptObject(), creating new one.
  138 msec to load windowopportunity
interactionTable generated of size: 134217728 bytes
WARNING:idAFBody::SetDensity: center of mass (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) not
at origin (-0.000001, 0.018725, -0.000060) for body 'CMeleeWeapon_atdm:moveabl
WARNING:idAFBody::SetDensity: center of mass (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) not
at origin (-0.000001, 0.018725, -0.000060) for body 'CMeleeWeapon_atdm:moveabl
Bloom Kernel size is set to: Small
Using TDM's enhanced interaction
Restarting ambient sound snd_Land with volume -8.073548
]condump seedcrash2.txt
Dumped console text to seedcrash2.txt.


"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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I have no problems with SEEDs that use models. However a SEED that had func_static sources exhibits that exact behavior. It crashes using quickload, load saved game, or when the game tries to load the statistics at the end of mission. You can reload TDM and access the same once per session however.


But then sidestepping the problem is easy: just export an ase model of your func_static.


-The mapper's best friend.

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But then sidestepping the problem is easy: just export an ase model of your func_static.


Technically perhaps true, the catches being to remember that (the bug doesn't show up when working in DR/mapping, only after you've packaged the mission to stand alone and can save/reload), and other mappers of course not knowing that. When I asked why func_statics used as seeds might not be showing their textures a month or so ago, well, I'm still awaiting a response. ;-) Folks who might search out that in the future might not imagine there's a workaround.

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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  • 1 month later...
...this calls Tels back to the forums\project, that said you can try sending him a PM or send one to stgatilov who also know this system well.


The former hasn't responded to my PM back then (a month ago), the latter was a resource for Tels from my understanding, but isn't particularly familiar with the system unfortunately.


Unless someone new digs into it fresh, sounds like the circumstance will remain as is.

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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