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Movement keys?


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Hello everybody!


Loving the work that has been put into this game, so far I've tried to play the mission called Tears of St.Lucia. It's been good, however I've been having some problems that keep me from fully enjoying the game.


The first is probably the movement keys. It's surprising for me to see that some of the movements have been binded to only work with combined keys. For example run requires you to use forward + run, same with creeping, it only works when I press forward + creep. The way I remember it from Thief I and II was that all of those different speeds had an unique key. I guess that would make the most sense. I would like to bind it this way: run - mouse 3 (middle button, that's the way it's always been for me), walk - shift and creep - Left Ctrl. How can I do this in TDM?


The second thing that bothers me is the slow loading times. I've got a Quad-Core i7-3632QM, 16GB of RAM and a nVidia GeForce GT635M GPU. Why is it still loading slow? I tried to look into the FAQ, but found no help. Once I'm in the mission, reloading a quicksave is fast enough, no problems there. What can I do?


Third: alt-tabbing. Read a bit about it, the talk about it not working in Doom 3 based stuff at all and even some third-party help solutions, but really? Another program to solve just this? I guess I could look past this, but it is a bit weird for me. With these paragraphs I'm going from most to least bothering so I could overlook this if I got the movements done the way I want :)


PS. Fighting is also difficult to adapt to, but yeah that's more like my own preferences vs the developers.. and I shouldn't need to 'fight' that much anyway, eh :)


I don't want to come across as whiny, but if you know how to help me, it would mean a lot! Until then, thanks for the awesome work and looking forward to your replies!


A humble newcomer taffer,


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Well, the thing with running and creeping is that you can also do it sideways. Best way might just be to set up something like autohotkey.


I think it's curious how long the loading times of the maps initially are. No idea what causes it. Maybe the entire mission needs to be unpacked? It's just once, though. So if I'm playing, I just make sure to play for a long while.


No idea about alt-tabbing.

You can call me Phi, Numbers, Digits, Ratio, 16, 1618, or whatever really, as long as it's not Phil.

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Yes, the fact that run was a separate key in The Dark Project is one of the worst things about it honestly. If I recall correctly it was fixed in The Metal Age. No offense to you and your middle mouse button running (which frankly seems to me like the absolute worst button to map to run), but it definitely makes much more sense to me to have one key bound to "forward" and then have the auxiliary movement speeds like run, crouch and creep work as modifiers.

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If you don't mind windowed mode (fullscreen = no), you can simply alt-tab. Some don't like the window border though.


I tend to strafe-run a lot, while looking in other directions, but I like chording keys and setup my gamepad that way. Usually there isn't too far to travel in this game, maps tend to be dense rather than expansive.


As for loading times, what can you do, wait a second? It's not enough time for me to bother popping to the web browser and read something before it's up.

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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I've read you can alt-tab out when you open up the console (cntl-alt-~ IIRC), so it ends up being very simple. I use Dexpot sometimes too. The loading times actually used to be slower and some optimizations were made to speed it up from before. It's possible that more optimizations could be made in the future to speed it up more, but I don't know about it.

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What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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With respect to the crashes, it might be well the NVidia drivers.

Anything newer then 314.22 never worked reliably for me - and the internet is crowded with people having the same random crashes.

Even if you just browse the web, and sometimes even if you don't do anything specific at all.

So, you might try to uninstall the drivers completely and then install 314.22.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually in the opposite boat when it comes to the OP's post. The dedicated key to walk/run in TDP/Gold was one of my least favorite features. I am just very used to the modifiers ever since Wolf 3d. So it's just breaking habit. I was very glad this was changed around in TMA. I would guess that since TDM is built from D3, that this is why it is the same way with key modifiers.


I don't have any crashing issues. I will agree on game load times are a bit long for the initial loading, it is slow, but once loaded, quick load / regular load times are very speedy.


Only thing that is a bit troublesome for me with TDM is centering certain items on screen to either pick up or move around. More times than not it is a bit of a burden.

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That last issue is solved by the mapper expanding the frob radius. I mean it's a mapper issue, not mod issue. Not many mappers appreciated the problem in the past. But I think it's better now, though we're getting new mappers so we need to tell them about it too.

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What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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