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I now have a progam called customiser for facegen, which means I can make my own head mesh and UV layout and textures, import them to facegen, and then generate faces based on morphing of my own meshes. This obviously means there is no way of them knowing we used the app, since all faces will be based on my own meshes, UVs and textures.


Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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I've been exporting blendshape facial expression and lip sync vertex animation from maya to to doom using a script that parsonsbear from the doom3world forums wrote. He's willing to configure and change it to best suit our needs. I'm basically beta testing it for him.

This means there's no problems from the animations side of lip sync and facial expression, its up to you coding boffins to work out your end of the deal.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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How do they usually do this, in general terms? Can we write an external app that takes .ogg speech files and translates that into a script sequence of lipsync animations? That seems like a pretty daunting task, though one that might be in high-demand. I wonder if there's an open-source program that does this?

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Here's one:




The company offers higher end stuff ~$500, but this release is free and includes the source, and does basically what we need (reads audio input and converts to a script of phoneme timings)


"Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.1 Engine to generate time-aligned phonetical information given Microsoft RIFF Wave input... The inputs to the system are a wave file and an optional text transcription... The output from the system is a newline delimited list of phoneme timings and word timings produced by SAPI."


We would need to figure out how to read this script of phoneme timings in order to play and blend the lip sync anims, but at least the hard part of speech analysis and timing relative to the audio file would be done for us.


I guess one idea would be to run this program outside the game, to generate a script for each phrase that must be entered. We could maybe convert this to an md5 animation that is played on the mouth/face when that particular phrase is uttered. (Or we could try to do it in realtime blending md5 animations together based on the text "phoneme script," altho that might be more difficult).


[EDIT] In case anyone wants to try this out, here are the links:




You'll also need this, and will have to install it in a particular path unless you want to rebuild the C++ (see the docs)

MS Speech SDK (free):



Haven't tried this out yet myself but maybe will, looks interesting.

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THe easiet way to do it would of course be to make an actual animation for every AI bark.

That isn't as outrageous as it sounds - they don't have to be perfect, what's good enough for a game like this is nowhere near what's good enoughr a movie.

COding in the facial expressiions will be a lot simpler.

SO if nothing better can be thought of, then we'll fall back on doing this.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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If we want to have real lipsyncing it should be done in realtime, but I don't see how we can do this, unless we use an alternative sound engine.

Why? Is the dialogue going to change in real time? No it's not. Each sound file will have a phoneme file associated with it, and played when the sound file is played.

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Why would we have to use another sound engine when we have this src that directly processes the OGG/WAV files and generates phoneme timing scripts that can be used for lipsync? I have to agree that I think it'd be sufficient for our purposes if we wrote some code to generate a facial animation based on the phoneme timings, and then save an animation per phrase.


Trying to do it realtime would be much more involved (moreso than we need to spend time on IMO) we'd also have to read ahead in the stream, since from what Odd is saying, doing it correctly depends on what they're about to say in the future as well as what they're currently saying.

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Why? Is the dialogue going to change in real time? No it's not. Each sound file will have a phoneme file associated with it, and played when the sound file is played.


Because, if we don't have access to the sound engine we wont know when a sound is interrupted, or overlayed with another one. So we have a guard speaking something and then it is interrrupted in mid sentence and suddenly start to talk something else, but the animations continue to play the old sync. I don't know about you, but everytime I see a movie that is badly synchronized I get an itchy feeling up to the point that it becomes unbearable. It detracts from the picture and shatters immersion. And for this to happen, it only takes a split second of timing between the lipmovement and speach to be apart.

Something like this is even worse then having no lipsyncing at all.


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That will be easy to handle spar, no need to directly "see if a sound is playing"


Our AI decides what sound it will play at what time. When the AI is interupted, it needs to decide what to do about it, and it is at that point we can stop playing the sound, stop playing the phoneme animation, choose a new sound file, and start the phoneme anim that goes with it.


In fact, asking the sound directly to see if a particular sound is playing would be a really roundabout and innefficient way of doing it. In all my game programming experience, the only time I needed to ask the system if a certain sound file was playing was when I was limited to how many sounds I could play at once and needed to priorities which ones cancelled out others. And even then I could have programmed my own sound management system by starting timers for each sound file or something like that.

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The sound engine has enough exposed functions to avoid that problem you're talking about, Sparhawk. Domarius is right in the sense that we have access to all the call to start a sound in the sound engine, and where the code presently stops all other sound on that channel before playing a new sound, we can add in a line to stop all existing lipsync animation as well, before playin a new sound on the CHANNEL_VOICE channel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is some tests using the vertex exporter, which changes the vertices of the model into bones.

Of course, this script can be used for other things, like cloth deformation.









Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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BTW, any lip readers among you?

(I didn't actually animate it to any specific phrase, but it seems pretty obvious what he's saying by reading his lips, it's just pure accident)

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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