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Coin Roll


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I've just spend 3 solid hours learing how to do this - I get addicted to this sort of thing, and there's is now literally nothing of any importance in the world to me except learning how do to this perfectly, and I won't stop until I dan do it.

The guy in this video shows it being done to perfection.

After 3 hours I can do it slowly but perfectly every time, but it takes weeks to get the muscle memory taking over and making it glide gracefully like in the video.

It's totally pointless, but at the same time, toally sublime to be able to do it.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Can you do all of those variations, or just the basic one?

The one where you roll it back and forth between the pinky and forefinger looks the best

I can't get it going backwards yet at all..

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Ive done it perfectly once back and forth across my hand with a quarter, I was stone drunk at a redneck bar and barely knew I had done it, except the drunk next to me shouted out "LOOK HE DID THAT MAGICAL COIN ROLL!" and I got a beer for it. Never was able to do it again. Behold the power of beer!

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Neanderthals weren't stupid - that's irgnorant welsh man misconception No. 1.

They had a slightly larger brain capacity then we do.

This skill isn't pointless, if you play poker - that's ignorant welsh man misconception No. 2.

Skills like this were originally developed with poker chips in order to imtimidate opponants.

As you know (well, obviously you don't know, so I'll tell you), poker has nothing to do with luck, or the cards you're dealt, it's all comes down to psychology, so any mental edge is important.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Neanderthals weren't stupid - that's irgnorant welsh man misconception No. 1.

They had a slightly larger brain capacity then we do.


They had a large physical brain-size, but I am not aware of any evidence that they were actually more intelligent than other hominids.

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They hadn't the same cognative abilties as homo sapiens sapiens, but they weren't the dumb club-wielding brutes that they're popularly percieved to be.

They were nible, skillful hunters, developed the existing flint technology which had been stagnant for hundreds of thousands of years, they buried their dead, and they has some speech.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Neanderthals weren't stupid - that's irgnorant welsh man misconception No. 1.

They had a slightly larger brain capacity then we do.

This skill isn't pointless, if you play poker - that's ignorant welsh man misconception No. 2.

Skills like this were originally developed with poker chips in order to imtimidate opponants.

As you know (well, obviously you don't know, so I'll tell you), poker has nothing to do with luck, or the cards you're dealt, it's all comes down to psychology, so any mental edge is important.


That's very loud oDDity rant to try to justify an obsession with a completely mind numbing game No. 2012. Neanderthals weren't stupid, but they weren't cultured either. They may not have had anything better to amuse themselves than flipping small items and pushing rocks off the tops of mountains to watch them fall, but thankfully we live in a much more interesting world than them. Were they more intelligent? Perhaps, but because of the shape of their larynx they couldn't speak much better than a drunk on saturday night.


Poker is also completely pointless - so that's one pointless thing to help you do another pointless thing. Congratulations.

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If poker is pointless, then playiong computer games must be equally pointless, so why are you making a map for one?


Creating a video game mission is the closest thing I can get to creating a new world without spending a fortune on set design and costumes. The actual game doesn't interest me that much, especially those parts of it that just require you do do pointless repetitive tasks. But the world in which that game is set does interest me (this is why I play Doom 3 on god mode, I have no interest in it as a FPS, but I like exploring this unique world ID has created). A video game is a piece of art, and like any piece of art it helps us understand our own world by holding a mirror to it. Games also often features a lot of puzzles, the Dark Mod is a moving puzzle after all, so it is also interesting in that way.


Gambling has some worth as a way of socialising with others, but is mostly a waste of money. I never gamble but have watched friends waste thousands of pounds on it over the years. Occasionaly they win big, but the losses pile up far above that. Poker has some worth and as game of skill, but there are plenty of games of skill out there that don't waste my money.


Flipping a coin between your fingers however is just a skill learnt by practice, but unlike most sports it has no worth in that it doesn't keep you fit and healthy. It's just a matter of repeating the same thing over and over until your fingers can do the task for you.

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Playing poker does not have to involve gambling.


Poker is defined as a game of gambling involving cards. Therefore a game of poker without gambling would be something else. :)


Ok, so by that definition, archery is totally pointless, it's just repeating the same thing over and over again, and doesn't keep you fit or healthy.


As just an exercise in hitting the red bit on a target, it is pointless, unless that skill would be required to defend your life or the life of others around you at some point by shooting an intruder/an animal with an arrow. It does involve fitness because it takes strength to draw back the arrow to fire it.

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Strength has got nothing to do with fitness. Fitness is gained through aerobic exercise.

Virtually everything is pointless by your standards then. Poetry - what's the point in that? Is it necessary for survival? Does it keep you fit? No. it's just a bunch of words stuck together. Why bother then.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Strength has got nothing to do with fitness. Fitness is gained through aerobic exercise.


Meh, does it really matter?


Virtually everything is pointless by your standards then. Poetry - what's the point in that? Is it necessary for survival? Does it keep you fit? No. it's just a bunch of words stuck together. Why bother then.


As I said, any art is a mirror on our world and therefore has value. It keeps your mind fit. ;)


Why on Earth are you trying to argue that this coin roll thing isn't pointless anyway? You said it yourself in the first post:


It's totally pointless


If you're now trying to prove that everything else is pointless as well, just look up nihilism on wikipedia then copy and paste those arguments.

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But then Macsen, the real point is, isn't it pointless to argue the point that it's pointless since the fact it's pointless is an already established point, along with the equally proven point your never going to get Oddity to agree with the point that has already been said by him to be pointless


^pointless but fun use of the word point over and over

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Apart from anything else, it's been independantly verified by several different scientific studies, that anyone who doesn't appreciate the coolness of rolling a coin across the back of your fingers is a homosexual, so..

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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