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How To Copy Ram Files


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You can't keep a copy of a streamed RAM file AFAIK. The technology required to play it will discard each segment once it's finished playing.


AFAIK, reverse enginering this to save it as it goes along has not been very sucessful.


:( I have a two hour commute now for work and I want to get web radio shows for my Mp3 player, but a couple good ones are real audio links only. Thanks anyway for the info all.

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AFAIK, reverse enginering this to save it as it goes along has not been very sucessful.


There used to be a program called Streambox VCR that would do this, but I think it was shut down due to legal issues.


Technologically there is nothing to prevent streamed data from being saved, but software that does this is open to DMCA-style actions.

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There used to be a program called Streambox VCR that would do this, but I think it was shut down due to legal issues.


Technologically there is nothing to prevent streamed data from being saved, but software that does this is open to DMCA-style actions.

It is possible that someone might still have a copy of this program if they happened to know where to send it. Of course that doesn't that the person would know whether it was up to date and would work or not.


But you can always simply record your output, especially if you have a digital out and then you are good to go.

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It is possible that someone might still have a copy of this program if they happened to know where to send it. Of course that doesn't that the person would know whether it was up to date and would work or not.


But you can always simply record your output, especially if you have a digital out and then you are good to go.


Where would this digital out be located and what would I use to record the data, software or hardware?


max the techno-tard

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Where would this digital out be located and what would I use to record the data, software or hardware?


max the techno-tard

Well it depends on your sound card. And it depends on your drivers, the game theater XP had a digital out and in, and you could loop a cable between them to record the digital stream, but the newer drivers disabled this at the behest of the powers that be.


So to record from digital out you need a digital out and a digital in on your soundcard. Without those you won't be able to do it. There may be some virtual device of some sort, that redirects sound output to a file, but I am personally unaware of such a thing. That would make it so you would not need to do anything complicated.

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If you have a professional soundcard, a lot of them have very advanced ways of piping audio streams around through virtual busses which enable you to basically circumvent any normal copy protection mechanism. It is an expensive way to go though if you have no other use of a pro-audio card though. ESI Juli@ or EMU 1212m would do the job, but they will set you back a fair bit of cash. It will be very intersting to see how TPM based DRM deals with these cards, as the ability to pipe audio streams to different audio applications is an essential feature of these cards, but it breaks all current DRM implementations...

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