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Modelling Request--banner


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If there's a modeler looking for something really straightforward to make, I'd love to get a long banner like the typical T2/TDS ones. http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs37&d=05285&f=thief3.JPG


The one we currently have starts looking weird if you stretch it too much.


No need for a texture, or even a normalmap, I can make those. It would have to be uvmapped though.

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Didn't BT make a really nice one a while ago, or is that the one you're referring to? If so, what's technically wrong with it, so that the next one doesn't have the same problem (e.g., does it need more polys in the 'logo area', or fewer, or larger, smaller?) Should it be one-sided or two? If you plan to do a normalmap for it yourself, you wouldn't need a highpoly renderbump version at all? Are you able to get the effect as seen, for instance, on Pink's incredible curtains?


Those guys have both made awesome cloths, so if and only if they're not interested in doing it, I might give it a try. But I definitely wouldn't take first grab at it, as I'm sure they can do much much better. I'm still getting my feet wet, afterall (plus I'm attempting something else at the moment ^_^).



Edit: Ah yes, this one (although I thought I remembered more hanging ripples along it...) - how about we just elongate the middle?



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Yes, that's a good one, but it's really squarish, and if I stretch it it doesn't look that good. I'd also like one with a simple point at the bottom instead of those points that stick out at the sides. BT did show one very much like what I wanted--eight months ago (with the inventer's logo). But who knows when that will get on CVS. :)


I don't need a highpoly or anything like that, just a simple flat banner will do.


Or, if BT reads this and can find/upload this one....



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Well, 26 reads and no other nibbles, so I started something. If anyone else is going on this already, speak up so I don't make a substandard product. :P Here's what I've got so far, but SH are you sure you don't need a high res normalmap? The main reason I ask is, what about the pole? Will you be able to get that rounded looking, if I gave you a 12, 8 or even 4 sided cylinder? The one in the pic has 8 sides, which isn't too bad, but it does push the poly count up to 108 (not that that's bad) and unless you can do it with texture, it'll never look as good as a 1000 poly high res pole. Also, a technical question for any modellers who might be reading: is there any reason not to have full tapestry length triangles? Finally, do you want it two sided or one? Right now I think it's only one sided (I'd have to see it in D3 to be sure).


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Here's one you can try:


It has a dummy texture, a pretty decent UVmap and is rather simplistic; didn't do a high poly version at all (this one's less than 150 polys, the vast majority of which are in the pole - this could change). I made the banner two sided just so it's more user friendly. Let me know if it's useless or needs adjustment or whatever else.

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Thanks, I'll give it a try. I don't know about the pole, honestly, so I'll see what happens with it.


Thanks for making it two-sided--I imagine it hanging in front of hidden passages and such, so you'd want it to be two-sided for that.

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Well, 26 reads and no other nibbles, so I started something.

I just came and read it now :)

I like your banner Sneaksie - I think there's nothing anyone could do more, as long as Spring is going to do normal maps on his own. You could just smooth the pole, so it looks rounded. 8 sides is OK, I think. If we want to save some polys we could reduce it to 6 - even with smoothed 6 sides it should look decent cause that's not the main part of banner.

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Ah hell, I should have mentioned that I can only work with .lwo models. I have no way seeing what the uv map looks like on an .ase. <_<

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Thanks SD, I'll see if that works later. What software are you using right now for modeling, btw? Lightwave is available if you'd like it--the more people working with the same software, the better, IMO.

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I'm using Blender 2.42a at this time (pretty happy with it, aside from some bugs). Lightwave looks... scary. And warezed. ;)


I can also export a TGA of the UVmap, but I've figured out that I need to install Python to do so (I backed up to a couple-week old image of my machine after trying a few demos out). Once I get over that hurdle, I'll do so.


On a related note, I first mentioned in another thread - does anyone know if either Blender or Lightwave have a tool such that you click the mouse and rub it over an area, and that area gets a smooth filter applied? Kind've like painting smoothness. This exists in Morrowind's mesh terrain editor, and would be a great thing to have.

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@SH: You probably don't need it if the LWO is working fine for you, but if not, here's an export TGA of the UV map, for use with the ASE. I see now I could've done it better (made some areas bigger - but they're just the edge of the tapestry and the pole endpoints, so they're not terribly important), but so as to not disrupt what you may have already begun working on, I left it alone.

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SH: I'd like to submit a new version, if it won't disrupt any progress you may have made. I could do two things:


1. Submit a new version with just a smoothing issue addressed. Assuming Blender's smooth mode really does resemble D3's automatic smoothing - which it sure seems to - this is a necessary fix to remove smoothing/shading problems. I simply forgot to do it on the previous submission. Shouldn't disrupt any texturing you've done so far.


2. Submit a new version with both smoothing fixed and a better UVmap (I'll fix what I mentioned wanting to fix a few posts back), but this is only if you haven't started, because I don't want to mess up any UV painting you may have done so far.


Which would be best?

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I haven't done anything serious on it yet, so that's fine. I actually made two versions, since your original was quite large--about four times the height of a builder. I figured that might work well for outside castle walls or something, but I also made one about 60% the size for indoors. Takes me two seconds to do that though.

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