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House Guard Modeling Tutorial?


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well we'd just have to import them in blender and then export them again. this way there wouldn't be any watermark of lightwave or something like that in the file.


Don't know if that works. I imported Oddities lightgem mode, but it looked strange. I had the same problem with Oofnish lightgem, and I thought that he might have screwed up, but I doubt that Oddity did this as well, so I might be that the import in Blender is not that perfect.


Well, we have to keep track of who submitted what, anyways, just wanted to mention it. I can't verify if somebody works with a warez version or not and I don't know if they have some watermark in their files. Maybe not.


and BTW a few weeks ago there was a scandal, because someone found somekind of watermark of a crack of a sound-application in a windows-sound file - microsoft works with warez-software  :lol:


:lol: hihi!


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Lol, there is no lightwave watermark, and there is zero chance of getting into trouble even if we were all using warez version of whatever software we have.

It's not like this is a commercial project, and who's going to be looking at our files besides us anyway.


Use deep exploration for converting model formats. THere's a free trial on offer, so you don't have to steal it.


XSI, Maya and max all have free version specifically for game modders to use, Lightwave is little behind the times, but I'm sure it won't be long before they do the same. Lightwave free version is shit ATM, you're only allowed a few hundred vertices in a layer:/

Edited by oDDity

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Lol, there is no lightwave watermark, and there is zero chance of getting into trouble even if we were all using warez version of whatever software we have.


If there is no watermark then that's ok.


It's not like this is a commercial project, and who's going to be looking at our files besides us anyway.


Never underestimate this. I always look in the files when I download some stuff. It often gives additional information. That we are not commercial is not a protection against copyright infringment. And if we are creating a buzz (like it seems we do) then the chances are even btter because we are more exposed than a loner working for himself.


Use deep exploration for converting model formats. THere's a free trial on offer, so you don't have to steal it.


But it is time limited, is it? I remember installting it once.


XSI, Maya and max all have free version specifically for game modders to use, Lightwave is  little behind the times, but I'm sure it won't be long before they do the same. Lightwave free version is shit ATM, you're only allowed a few hundred vertices in a layer:/


LOL. That's why I hate crippleware. Can't do shit with it.


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Anyway, the first part of the charcater tut is up on the FTP now, it's only 13 mb (not bad for a 30 minute AVI), and you'll need the Divx codec to view it.

It's pretty low quility becasue of the heavy compression, it seems it misses a few second every so often as it jumps ahead, but you're not missing anything, it's just a little irritating.


I was going to do a few shorter tuts on modeling simpler objects as well, I doubt many of you will actually attempt a chracter anyway.

Edited by oDDity

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


character models site

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Anyway, the first part of the charcater tut is up on the FTP now, it's only 13 mb (not bad for a 30 minute AVI), and you'll need the Divx codec to view it.

It's pretty low quility becasue of the heavy compression, it seems it misses a few second every so often as it jumps ahead, but you're not missing anything, it's just a little irritating.


I was going to do a few shorter tuts on modeling simpler objects as well, I doubt many of you will actually attempt a chracter anyway.

OHhhhh, I'll be trying a character or two. ;)

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