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Collision Meshes


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AF collision models would increase the processor load a lot for evaluating the physics. If you had 5 trays stacked up, I wouldn't be surprised if the framerate shot down to 1 FPS or so.


I still think this is one of those cases where we have to just make it a rectangular prism, and deal with either the sides clipping slightly if the top is even with the depression, or the objects slightly floating if the top is even with the sides. Or we could put it halfway between. :) The collision physics is only accurate to +/- 1 doom unit or so anyway, so a lot of things will be either slightly floating or slightly clipped.

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If someone wanted to I think it would be worth making it an AF even on the processor side of things. Most of the time it's going to be sitting on a table being completely dormant taking up no processing time, looking nice with food sitting in it, and how many will you want in one place? The only kinds of situations it will be bouncing around is if an explosion happened and everything went flying, or you threw it. Or an AI dropped it. Why would you even want to have 5 stacked on top of each other? :)


But for development's sake, I think your idea of putting it halfway down the depth of it would be a good comprimise, for what it would look like vs the options of making a full AF or it sinking completely through the floor if upside down.


Or maybe down as low as possible - the times you will see it up right with food on it should be much more than the times you see it upside down on the floor.

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Hmmm, I notice that the chairs have an essentially 'concave' shape (the back and the seat make an 'L' shape). What's the difference to the engine between that and a shape like \_/ ?

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They seem to. I've never noticed any problems, though maybe there are console warnings or something.

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I think the chairs work fine. I remember climbing over one in... I think it was test_readables.map... and noting that the collisions worked exactly as expected.


Then again, I don't think it was a moveable chair. Maybe that's why.

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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we'll have to check a moveable one. I haven't been doing much in the editor but checking my stuff. Maybe I'll look into it.


For the record I got a 7 sided cylinder to work fine for a moveable gear. Will probably try an 8 sided soon.

10 was a no go.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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That's a moveable chair that the AI is sitting in in this thread/picture : http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=a...ost&id=1499


The collision model seems to work pretty well. You can also spawn an adm:moveable_diningchair (or whatever it's called) and use "g_showcollisionmodels 1" to look at it. What you see there is whatever D3 is using, so if it's somewhat concave, then it can handle somewhat concave things.

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