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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/23 in Posts

  1. I'd just like to say I think this is a really cool idea, and I hope some enterprising FM author will pick it up and run with it. If there is any part of the Thief formula that really shows its age it is the arrow ammo system. A lot of arrow types are only useful in specific situations and for specific playstyles. Consequently most players never even have an opportunity to use most of their arsenal. And more perversely, even the arrows that would be useful often get hoarded, unspent. Having to restart the mission because you didn't save that one water/fire/moss/rope arrow is the most punishing fail state that the game supports, bar none. Thus arrows are most valuable as insurance against the rare situation where you absolutely need one, so using one in any situation where it is possible to do without represents a major risk. The ability to alchemically transmute spare ammo into more useful variants would do so much to remedy this game design flaw. Bravo.
    1 point
  2. I added a few sentences to the Light Switches section of "Relighting Lights" about this workaround.
    1 point
  3. @stgatilov Is it code related? I didn't know. I did a test: Update to 2.11 beta 7 (or have 2.11 beta 7 already) Delete the "fms" directory. Update to 2.11 beta 7 again. (The empty "saintlucia" directory will be created again.) There's no terrible problem. It's just clutter and a bit confusing for a newcomer.
    1 point
  4. I think it's not worth polluting the code with fixing such non-issues. The reason you got it in the first place is that you updated to some very old version, which had Saint Lucia of different name, then updated back. Another way is to update to TDM 2.00: then fms/newjob will be empty. Also, you can create a directory "mydir" and create inside "tdm_myfile.pk4". Then run installer: it will delete the file, but won't ever delete directories. If you think you own TDM directory, then you can indeed delete it and nothing breaks. If you think TDM owns TDM directory, then just don't touch it: everything works fine! So what's your problem here?
    1 point
  5. I just posted a new bugtracker request, for the TDM 2.12 timeframe: 0006240: Create non-story "speech" English subtitle files for stock AI characters If someone's already working on or planning this effort, I can help. Otherwise, it can be assigned to me (and help appreciated, particularly with srt and locating any available AI vocal scripts missing from the wiki).
    1 point
  6. So I played the first few levels of the Filcher demo. I still think it's an impressive effort for a single developer, but it's just really really rough. Great sound and lighting are what made the first two Thief games and The Dark Mod what they are. The ability to tell where guards by the volume and position of their footsteps is so fundamental you don't really realise what you're missing until you have to do without. With no effective sound portaling, it sounded like all the guards in the level were tapdancing around me all the time and I had no idea where they were. Jumping can be janky too. You know how in TDM when there's a bit of a downwards lip on something you're trying to jump off, sometimes jumping just doesn't work? Like a horizontal metal pipe you haven't surrounded with a block of nodraw_metal. Dial that annoyance up to 11 for Filcher. On the plus side, the level design itself is fine. I like the idea of giving an overall stealth score based on both loot and ghostyness. You get a score out of 50 for the amount of loot you get, so if you get 80% of the loot you get 40 points. Then you get bonus points for not blackjacking anyone, not getting spotted, setting off no alarms, and so forth. It's a neat little system. And I do kind of like the almost art-deco style. A little bit of polishing up would make this a hell of a lot better. It's just not quite there yet. The thing is, you could make the same levels and gameplay in TDM in half the time and it would look and sound twice as good.
    1 point
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