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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/24 in all areas

  1. I just wondered if it's useful to use a code spell checker inside a code editor. Scripting syntax is (afaik) symilar to C++, so maybe that could help. There are plugins for vscode and notepad++ I think. Also found this Notepad++ doomscript highlighter: https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-iii/downloads/doom3-script-highlighter-notepad Not sure I like the syntax higlighting. In lightmode it's worse. Maybe it's supposed to represents a console editor? C++ syntax highlighting:
    2 points
  2. For me it was Hitman. I imagine if this pool was made last year on a Hitman forum most players, including myself, would answer that they save and load very often, and always go for perfect stealth. Which could lead one to arrive mistakenly at the conclusion that there is no value in save restrictions or encouraging non-ghosting gameplay. Then the "Freelancer" gamemode update came out, a mode masterfully designed to make the player have to roll with all punches at the threat of perma-death, and it is beloved by the community and regarded as one of the best stealth experiences currently available. I was suddenly bringing into missions shotguns, grenades, and all sorts of tool I'd NEVER used while playing through all the trilogy, because why would I ever use a shotgun in a Hitman game before? It's clear that the mode was very deliberately designed to make us stop doing the whole "bring only a lockpick and coins to all missions and do nothing but sneak and reload when seen", and instead engage with the whole of the game, and it has clearly worked. Almost everything in Freelancer could already be done manually by the player before the mode existed, play random missions with random equipment and don't load. That means nothing, there is still immense value in the mode and restrictions existing as an extra gamemode, there's a reason people like the mode so much. At around 13 minutes this video illustrates my points:
    1 point
  3. The briefings in the original duology use it to great effect.
    1 point
  4. And thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it
    1 point
  5. The only notable thing about Mooncrash DLC for me is the ugliest characters in the entire history of gamedesign, they look so bad that it's absolutely remarkable that it was totally fine for the devs to put them in the game.
    1 point
  6. "Have you ever had and experience that disproves it?" Yes. Prey: Mooncrash. I hated it in the beginning, but it grew on me and I ended up loving it. It was basically developers saying: "We get it, but trust us, we want you to be able to experience the simulation in its whole glory. Just give it a go." And they were right, that Prey DLC is superb. I learned that stepping out of my bubble to experience something slightly different can be very rewarding and made me appreciate developer's efforts even more. I'd probably savescum my way through it, but in Mooncrash, dealing with consequences of your failures is more fun / challenge, and without quick reloads you get to see how simulation can respond to it, often with unpredictable and hilarious ways. It's sometimes unfair because of that randomness, but oh boy, it's also super interesting and rewarding, when you actually finish your run by the skin of your teeth. Also, I like checkpoint saves in games, it's an art of its own in game design. When I don't have to think about saving at all, because automatic checkpoints handle it for me in seamless and unobtrusive manner, so I can focus on playing – that's the best scenario for me Btw. there's a whole separate topic in psychology of games related to saving systems. LGS / Ion Storm's Randy Smith made a presentation on compulsive saving / loading, "How to help players stop saving all the time" – something like that I can share it with anyone interested.
    1 point
  7. Spinning display case with alarm, owned by the shop next to it. Sounds the nearby alarm and shuts off if glass is broken. I don't plan on having loot inside so you don't have to break it, just one of the many details I wanted to have fun with here.
    1 point
  8. Ah ok, good to know, thanks!
    1 point
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