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Everything posted by Araneidae

  1. I've had some weird behaviour with the green tick. Before I downloaded the rest of the missions, so I only had three or four listed, there was a green tick on a blank line, and then later on the tick against one of my completed missions vanished (think it's back now).
  2. Some nice observations here. Yes. I think I've seen some discussion on the forums about this, but certainly the initial graphical defaults are difficult to reconfigure. Alas, that's par for the course. However, reloading a mission from a save is a lot quicker, so it's not disastrous. Be grateful you don't have to sit through a publisher's video instead! It's a shame, isn't it? This is the one point where the Wine version is actually superior! I've actually not bothered to learn how to melee fight. There's one mission I know of where you need to defend against attack, otherwise if you're fighting, you're doing it wrong! I agree: as a starting mission it's bloody hard, particularly getting to begin with. I love the idea of a hand holding training mission for beginners!
  3. I'd quite like window manager keys (eg, switch application, bound to Meta-Tab, or switch workspace, bound to eg Meta-Left-Arrow, etc) to work from within TDM. This is the one thing missing when compared to Wine: when running under Wine I can switch workspaces even while running TDM, but not when running natively. (I'm using XFCE at the moment.) As for run+jump ... it's taken me forever to get the timing right, but I'm slowing getting better at it.
  4. Well, 16GB RAM, i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz, GeForce GTX 660, xubuntu 13.04. The memory is more than TDM, a 32-bit app can use, it'll be limited to 3GB.
  5. In the bell tower you can climb a rope, it's the door onto the first floor (counting UK style), door needs to be picked ... but I think AluminiumHaste has it right, and it was a one off -- when I restarted and reloaded the rest of the mission played through without any problems.
  6. I'm seeing this problem: when trying to load the mission the TDM console pops up with this message: Map: business glprogs/ambientEnvironment.vfp glprogs/ambientEnvironment.vfp TODO: Sys_SetClipboardData ERROR:file /home/michael/games/darkmod/fms/business/business.pk4/maps/business.proc, line 8887: expected float value, found ')' This is with TDM 2.0 and a freshly downloaded mission. Looking at the offending file I can't see anything interesting, it looks well formed enough, perhaps there really is just a missing number!
  7. Not much to go on, I'm afraid. After picking one of the upstairs doors (first floor in the climbable bell tower, I think), TDM exited to the prompt with the following transcript: WARNING:Cannot find sound snd_lockpick_lock_picked on door arch_door_40 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc signal caught: Aborted si_code -6 Trying to exit gracefully.. --------- Game Map Shutdown ---------- WARNING:Door secret_door is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door sarcophigus_lid_1 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_3 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_4 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_5 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_6 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_8 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_9 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_11 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_2 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_12 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_13 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_14 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door FootlockerLid_15 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door secret_crypt_door is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door atdm_mover_door_5 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door atdm_mover_door_8 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door atdm_mover_door_11 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door atdm_mover_door_6 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door atdm_mover_door_9 is not within a valid AAS area WARNING:Door arch_door_46 is not within a valid AAS area ModelGenerator memory: 93 LOD entries with 1363 users using 47888 bytes, memory saved: 837355 bytes. WARNING:idClipModel::FreeTraceModel: tried to free uncached trace model (index=0) --------- Game Map Shutdown done ----- Shutting down sound hardware ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------ close pcm dlclose -------------------------------------- idRenderSystem::Shutdown() I18NLocal: Shutdown. ------------ Game Shutdown ----------- ModelGenerator memory: No LOD entries. Shutdown event system -------------------------------------- double fault Segmentation fault, bailing out shutdown terminal support About to exit with code 11 This is version 2.0 with up to date mission files. After a restart the door opened just fine, and it looks like the "not within a valid AAS area" messages are part of normal shutdown, so sorry, guess there's really nothing to go on here.
  8. Do you not consider the extravagant reaction of the game engine a bug? Otherwise the system is too brittle.
  9. This sounds awfully like the problem that's popped up yesterday or the day before in Aleberic's curse, see http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/12850-fan-mission-alberics-curse-by-b1k3rdude-20062011/page__view__findpost__p__322765 In this case as soon as the offending book is picked up (or maybe when it's used, can't remember) the player's abilities are restricted to movement only, no actions work, can't frob, can't change inventory, can't change weapon. Also, this problem is persistent when the game is saved and reloaded (alas!) Should this be raised as an engine bug?
  10. Oops, yes, I've just hit precisely this bug, and yes, it was my only game save, so I have to start again. Rather frustrating, as I'd managed to ghost both crypts (damn those spiders!). I'm guessing this is actually a TDM 2.0 bug. Great shame, I'm loving the reboot -- played the mission through shortly before 1.08 came out, and the introduction was completely different. I've got one other bug, with the ghosting objective: there's an objective to not be seen more than once, which seems to fail rather quickly (even outside beside the campfire, with nothing about -- maybe the "hardcore AI" is playing up, or maybe a horse spotted me, or a haunt through the hole?) ... but when it fails, it fails with "success"! I mean, I get the objective gained sound and the objective is ticked.
  11. Sure. Running 2.0 native on Xubuntu 13.04 with GeForce GTX 660 graphics with default Ubuntu drivers (proprietary nVidia, version 310.44 as reported by nvidia-settings, X Server version 11.0). Ample RAM (64MB) and CPU (i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz) resources. However, I've also seen the problem with truncated readables on Wine running 1.08 Windows version, otherwise same system and configuration, I can check the specific example if that'll be helpful.
  12. I've noticed that sometimes the last line of a readable is missing (at least, I have to infer this from other information, because the text just stops short), and I remember having particular problems with the "Heart of Lone Salvation", because I seem to remember that some of the readables there are particularly important. Here's I think another example of the same problem, from the description of "A night to remember", this is from the in-game mission downloading screen before downloading the mission: Note that the last line of text reads And like always, she promises that this one I presume the text is truncated, it stops short at the end of the page, and I can't find any key or button presses to view the next page. In this case it looks like dodgy line breaks in the rest of the text have forced this. I'll keep my eyes open for other examples. My screen size is 1920x1200, 16:10 aspect ratio.
  13. I've had this problem on Ubuntu (XUbuntu 13.04). Unfortunately the advice to use +set driver_s oss has an unfortunate side effect: it permanently sets oss as the driver (which won't work on Ubuntu -- backwards compatibility is clearly not the name of the game). The following works for me: Edit darkmod/Darkmod.cfg and ensure the s_driver line reads seta s_driver "best" -- this seems to restore default behaviour, allowing the next line to work: Launch the game with the command darkmod/thedarkmod.x86 +set s_alsa_pcm sysdefault:CARD=PCH . The last value is found by running aplay -L and throwing a dice (for me, this is the first result after default). Even with the above I sometimes don't get sound, but I think this only happens when some other application is trying to use audio. For example, if I play a youtube video and then try to run TDM I get no sound if I don't kill some browser windows first. Alas, Linux sound is a mess.
  14. Sound? Ooh, that does ring a bell. Yes, quite probably. Don't remember it settling down, come to think of it, think instead I tended to lose sound altogether. Was about six months ago I last tried, so don't really remember.
  15. That was great! The very antithesis of stealth, and I particularly liked the way he ends the mission with exactly one bar of health left.
  16. Oh crap. And that explains what happened the last time I tried to download this. Grrr!
  17. Yes, but certainly the last time I tried the whole experience was better under Wine. Afraid I don't remember what didn't work properly, I didn't take notes, but I do remember it was surprisingly annoying! Kind of odd, one reason I'd like to beta test the standalone version as a native Linux app before it goes live...
  18. Something very strange about the automatic update for this mission. If, in game, I go to "Downloadable Missions", this mission always appears as "Penny Dreadful: The Grail of Regrets" and doesn't go away even after a successful download. It appears in my list of installed games as "PD 1: The Grail of Regrets". It looks like the second title comes from the file penny__9_/darkmod.txt. In my missions directory, "Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Doom 3/darkmod/fms", there is directory named penny__9_, but searching missions.tdminfo for "penny" throws up three entries, one named "penny" (with no content), one named "penny__9_" (the one I've played), and one named "penny " with "downloaded_version" set to "1". Interestingly, while the failed(?) update was downloading it there was a file named, I think, _penny .pk4 in the fms directory. I'm running TDM 1.08 under Wine. Has anyone else encountered this strange issue?
  19. Is it too late to beta-test standalone 2.0 on Linux? I currently play 1.08 under Wine.
  20. Another odd bit of behaviour is at the first entrance to the inner courtyard. There's quite a bit of traffic there, and I did keep seeing guards colliding with each other and very slowly pirouetting around each other. I imagine that's a core engine issue...
  21. Regarding the first staircase, I went back and tried again, and hadn't realised that I need to dig into the optional goals because I was a few hundred short on loot (and I like to finish these things properly if I can). I do like to ghost, it's really the only way I enjoy the game now, so I was roundly cursing your There's definitely one room where I can't see a way to properly ghost the loot that's there. My stealth report for this mission was embarrassing. By the way, I encountered a strange bug. One of the guards is quite a nasty thug and but when I tried to later in the game I ended up picking up the guard instead and briefly carrying him around! Um. Never seen that before. I was able to earlier in the game, but had to reload that life. I've seen a handful of references to TDM 2.0, but can't see it on the main website. Are people building this from source, or is there a test download for this version?
  22. Very interesting mission, very hard to ghost -- didn't succeed in the end. An excellent mission.
  23. Ah, for some reason I was having trouble frobbing it. Now I'm just under 300 loot short, and although my ghost target is still good there seem to be an awful lot of excited people about now, so I suspect I should have failed the ghost target by now.
  24. Lovely mission, possibly the best looking I've seen, and very nicely structured. I love the multiple paths into location, the ghosting friendly aspect, and the map feels *huge*. Can I request a little hint, please? Maybe I need to go off wandering some more? was entertaining to get through. In the end I Amusing after all that effort to find myself back where I'd started!
  25. Lovely mission, but I also spent ages floundering around trying to get out after finding the . To those in the same position (and, yes, the answer is embarrassingly obvious), here's how to find the At this point I got stuck for a bit until realising: I guess getting out is about half the mission?
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