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I4cTaffer last won the day on July 8 2012

I4cTaffer had the most liked content!


10 Neutral

About I4cTaffer

  • Birthday 02/18/1983

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Family, Mapping

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  1. I have recently played this game myself. Very nicly done. I believe i heard that they will have an editior for fan created dungeons which will make the game much more replayable.
  2. Not sure if this is the correct topic to post it to but I was wondering if anyone has ran into this problem and may be able to help me. I believe I have the mission packed correctly so it is more than likely something I’m missing in DR. After TDM installs the mission and I go to play it the mission briefing screen is blank. Then after I hit the objectives button the game just sits there with a black screen. Does anyone know what I may be missing? EDIT - OK i installed a different mission that i know works and have the same problem. It must be TDM. I will continue to tinker with it 2nd EDIT - Nope its just my mission.
  3. I have visportals at every opening. i am not familiar with encapsulation.
  4. Ok cool. I feared i may have placed to many but something else may be the culprit to my woes.
  5. Is it possible to place so many decals that it would cause FPS to be lower?
  6. LOL hahahah. oops lol. TMI
  7. I hate poison ivy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SiyahParsomen


      How can I hate poison ivy? I lost my virginity on that movie. Oh sweet Drew :=)

    3. SeriousToni


      Haha that's brutal! :D

    4. I4cTaffer
  8. Another good tip is too press esc after anything your done working with. I've moved walls ever so slightly at 0.125 grid-line not knowing it and spent 30 min trying to find the hole.
  9. Thats a good idea Siyah and thank you PPoe and Melan. I’m trying my best not to blurt out the plot. New mappers excitement i guess.
  10. Thank you guys for the warm welcome and all the helpfulness. Ive been a fan for some time and felt it was time to give back. Thank you. O an here is a revamp of the red room.
  11. Here is a little bit of what im working on. Don't have a name for it yet and it still a little shoddy compaired to what i've seen on this threadbut it's comming along. Sorry if too dark.
  12. Aww drats. I'm about 80% done with my mission. Then i will put it out for testing.
  13. Is this contest still going to happen or did i miss it?
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