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Everything posted by Moonbo

  1. Okay, so hopefully someone here can shed some light on. I have some AI's in one part of my level that are opening and closing doors. This section is separated by the void by several hundred doom units from another section. In this other section I can hear the sound of one of the doors opening and closing from the first section...no idea what to do about it or why it's happening.
  2. Hey Lux, In instances where I've needed to build a "sloping" patch, what I would normally do is: 1) make a large simple mesh patch with lots of verticies (at least 9 x 9). 2) Paste the texture you want on that patch while it's flat, 3) then go into vertex mode (default 'V') and select all the verticies on the patch by using a drag/select box 4) move the ortho view so that you're looking at the patch from the side and then unselect the first row of vertices 5) slide the rest of the patch down 8 or 16 units (or however steep you want the incline to be) 6) unselect another row of vertices and drop the rest of the patch down again Keep doing #6 until you're out of rows. This gets you a nice, even incline with only one patch and it should be textured properly. For Dirt/rocks, I would use the "bulge patch" command to add some randomness to the patch in between #2 and #3 above, and then drop it down. Hope that makes sense and is what you're looking for:-P.
  3. Another thing you can do (outside of breaking up the brush, adding more visportals, etc) is to gain more control over the radius of the light and see if it's intersecting with another light. One of the downsides to the existing TDM torch entities is that you can't see the radius of the attached light in DR so there's no way to know for sure if you've got overlapping lights. What I normally end up doing is: 1) go into the torch entity and look for the spawnarg "def_attach". For a torch it will normally be set to "light_torchflame_small", so replace it with "-". 2) Create a light_torchflame_small and bind it to the torch entity with the bind spawnarg, and then drag it so that the center of the light is where the torch would be. This effectively gets you the same torch, at the cost of an extra entity, but you now get to see exactly what the radius of your torch light is, and you can modify it accordingly so as to eliminate overlap.
  4. @Sotha & Orbs, okay I'll see what I can do about adding decals and some busted walls here and there (thanks for taking the time for the detailed write up Sotha, I really appreciate it :-)). Any idea for models that could complement the scene? @SirTaff - I was using spoiler tags because that part of the mission is a bit spoilery, but it does help people w/ slower internet connections load up the page too. @Biker - I have actually *not* mapped before, outside of putzing around a little in UDK , so that's a real big complement! Thanks! I have played a lot of TDM and Thief FMs, and have been part of the modding scene (but only doing writing really), so maybe some of it rubbed off :-P.
  5. So I'm almost done with the next section of the map, really only need to optimize and do another detail pass and then it's on to the last major area planned for the fm. I'm running up against a brick wall with this section though when it comes to adding more detail...most of the models that come with Dark Mod are meant (naturally) for an urban environment, and not really for ancient ruins so I can't find anything that fits. Maybe it's good enough as-is but if you guys have any suggestions or recommendations I'd love to hear them!
  6. Thanks Sotha, I'll give it a shot. Btw, I enjoyed LQD - I had a funny little bug where a shadow chased me into that room w/ the crevice in it and I jumped across. Then the shadow threw a rock at me. I guess the projectile behavior for when the player is out of reach hadn't been turned off :-D.
  7. Ah, yeah, I want to make a particular AI's corpse non-frobable after they die...I'm using the revenant ghost and it doesn't really make sense for you to be able to move around their corpses.
  8. Two questions: 1) Is it possible using spawnargs to make the flame particle on a torch entity not be centered at the middle of the light? I know that you can use the light center spawnarg to change the light origin, so is there something like for the flame particle. 2) How do you make an AI corpse unfrobbable? I see a spawnarg to make it non-shoulderable, but setting frobable to 0 doesn't do anything for the corpse ragdoll.
  9. Having a good time so far, but I'm stuck. How do you: and
  10. @sirTaffsalot, yeah you're right, it's just going to be a real pain for me to do that now though. The bridge pieces are massive func_statics that have been rotated, and to cut/extrude pieces out of a rotated brush is a nightmare...if you can think of a simple way though let me know :-). @Bikerdude/Springheel, well the whole triggering func_portals thing is only because my bad map planning made it so that too many visportals were open at certain spots in that part of the map. So it's unique but kind of a cludgy workaround :-P. I'm more proud of the fact that everything in the map is done without scripts (outside of a script to remove an inventory item, since the func_itemremove is busted), but that's only because I can't code worth a damn. @Capela, I really like the combination of that flaking plaster texture and the dark wood. Makes everything look really "slummy". The global lighting (is that a parallel light?) also makes for a great mood.
  11. Maybe he's talking about one of Shadowhide's missions?
  12. @Kvorning, thanks, I actually forget now where I got the initial inspiration, I was flipping through the internet and I saw a picture of a ruined stone bridge and the idea stuck. @Melan, hopefully soon! My aim is to get it into beta testing by the end of next month.
  13. Really exciting stuff being posted on this thread recently. I'm trying something a little bit different for the next part of my map...let me know if you guys think it works or if it just looks odd:
  14. Haha thanks simplen00b, I guess all those nights editing finally gets to pay off :-P.
  15. I could look over the readables, as I'm a writer I might be able to provide some feedback in that area :-).
  16. Quick question about patches - how do you make a cylinder with more vertices along the top. I'm trying to recreate the arches found in Alberic's curse where Bikerdude is using gooved pillars. It looks like he's using cylinder patches with twice the number of vertices that you would get by just creating a standard cylinder patch, but I have no idea how to recreate it (outside of making a simple mesh patch and then folding it into a cylinder).
  17. Hey Obs, yeah there are moonrays on each window, but they're slightly transparent (w/ shaderparm7 set to .9). I think it's more obvious in game, but I guess I can just remove that setting if it's not :-P. Please PM me what you've got, I'm always looking for ways to make the level more atmospheric :-).
  18. Finished up the crypt section of my map, so thanks again for everyone who helped out on the newbie thread and who gave crits on the first batch of pics (I decided not to brace the ceilings, but I did make the floors uneven). Since I already uploaded a bunch of pics, not much new to show this time:
  19. Figured out what was wrong - had to say "entitydef" instead of "entity" at the start of the def file :-).
  20. Hey Springheel, Yes, that's what I did, but it's late so maybe I made a mistake. I'll try again in the morning.
  21. Thanks Springheel, When I try it out, I get the following error: Game Error: Joint "Head" Not Found for Attachment Position "VelvetCap_1" on Entity.
  22. I'm running into a problem which I'm sure has a simple solution. I'm trying to get a helmet on a revenant AI: I'm using the saxon helmet prop and using BindToJoint with the "head' joint. The problem is that the movement of the revenant's head is somewhat independent of the head joint and so in some of the idle animations his skull clips through the helmet quite noticeably. Is there another joint I should be using to avoid this?
  23. Bay Window: a window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building and forming a bay in a room Bow Window: a curved bay window.
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