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Everything posted by Tels

  1. I've pitched in 150 - and gave kickstarter all my personal info, from where it will be probably stolencopied in the next few months. But heh, it's an LGS successor, that's worth it for me
  2. Sorry guys, I'm struggling with a few health issues right now and don't have much time for the forums My PC uses: dual core AMD 64 X2 5000 (2. Ghz?)4 GB RAM (no much of an issue under Linux, as it uses it quite well)motherboard which only supports up to 500 GB harddisksa 300 GB harddiska broken DVD drivea medium tower case with a new (1 year) PSU (don't know the specs offhand)Geforce GT 9800 (yes, that old Due to the very old motherboard (no HDD > 500 gbyte, SSD support very unlikely as these didn't exist backt hen, no USB 3.0 at all) I'd say I need a new motherboard. That also makes a new CPU and CPU cooler necessary. In addition this probably means new RAM as well. The DVD drive has issues with the try not wanting to come out unless a disk is already in. So a new one would be needed. So except the case and maybe the power supply, there isn't much I could salavage, I guess.
  3. Here is an example configuration: http://www.atelco.de/pcconfigurator/meinpc/296603 Don't know if the power supply is even going to work (its external and has only 90 Watt, so unlikely), and it's still over 700 € for a "not so fast for gaming" PC. Oh well...
  4. Yeah, the price difference is small, but the performance difference is very small, too. Especailly if you upgrade from such an ancient system where granite slabs represent the graphics memory like mine I'm more concerned with the power consumption and noise levels. My usage is 90% websurfing, and 10% games, mostly older titles, with only the occasional modern 3D thrown in. It would be good to play a few more of these, of course. So: The GTX 750 is about 130 €, can be had as silent version, does not require an extra 6-pin power connection and never draws more than 80 Watt - haven't found out what it draws in idle, hopefully not too much. https://www.alternate.de/ZOTAC/GeForce-GTX-750-ZONE-Edition-Grafikkarte/html/product/1150897 The GTX 960 is about 230 €, requries an extra power connector, haven't found a silent version and draws up to 120 Watt. It requires only 10 Watt in idle, which is good. The GTX 970 is about 380 €, needs even more power (up to 145 Watt) and usually uses 3 slots. The more power the GPU needs, the bigger and better-aired the case needs to be. But I'm actually trying to get away from these gigantic, but mostly-empty-air desktop towers and try to fit it into a smaller one like this: https://www.alternate.de/Chieftec/FI-01W-U3-Geh%C3%A4use/html/product/1119815?tk=7&lk=8353/A or https://www.alternate.de/Lian-Li/PC-Q11B-Geh%C3%A4use/html/product/410150?tk=7&lk=8353 Acttually, I'm not to sure if it should be µATX, miniATX or ATX or whatever, I completely out of touch with the hardware side now Anyway, I just don't have 700..1000 € lying around for a new PC, so this is all window shopping for me
  5. Er, huh? If they change the game to be proper for the current world, it wouldn't be a realistic dark age game. It would be a fantasy game, and if you re-read the post you replied to, that is exactly what they DONT want to build. If you want to have a game with escapism, which treats everyone equal, play some Star Trek MMORPG It's like complaining that poor, sick people are not treated well in the TDM universe - of course not, that is part of the universe!
  6. Exactly. Their entire "I see you are running doom3.exe, I have replaced half of the shaders with a different, faster version" was flawed from the begin. And it became fraud when "I see you are running PopularBenchmark.exe, I have replaced 2/3 of the shaders with faster versions that produce only 99% equal results" happened. It also caused troubles on Windows for TDM, because our executable was back then still called "doom3.exe", but our shaders where completely different. The driver shouldn't muck with what the developer wants to run, if this is indeed not optimal for the hardware, then talk to the developer, not muck with the code!
  7. Disabling savegame compression will use a lot more memory and disk IO, so I doubt it will help. The issue here smells like corrupt memory. Jawless, could you run a memory test like memtextx86? http://www.memtest86.com/
  8. I've setup my browser to delete all cookies on close, that should fix it. (If you need some sites cookies "forever" you can make exceptions in FF).
  9. Somebody please tell them it's 21 decade and we need a Linux version Edit: They promised one if they reach 750,000 $, so I took the plunge and pledge for this project. My first! Woohoo! End of edit. It is cool to see the guys associated with Looking glas, tho. I still got a shrinkwrapped Underworld I on the shelf here
  10. Speaking of NVIDIA: Under Linux it still works miles better than AMD, and I'm an NVIDIA user since a long time. And its a shame that AMD almost always bundles their GPUs with their CPUs, because that means I'm sort of forced to look at Intel CPUs. Anyway, I'm currently looking at a GTX 960, or a GTX 750, which can be even had as silent version. Both would be a tremendous upgrade to my GT 9800 Unfortunalely, both would require a complete new PC, too ...
  11. NVIDIA not only was some kind of "fuzzy" with the memory specifications, but also with the number of rasterizes and L2 cache: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Nvidia-Grafikkarten-GeForce-GTX-970-hat-auch-weniger-Rasterendstufen-und-L2-Cache-als-behauptet-2529302.html (Sorry, in German, Heise discontinuied their English part). And there is also the entire G-Sync thing, which, according what I read on the internet, is just a hardware module in the monitor telling the GPU "Yes, please enable G-Sync" and otherwise just implements a free spec. E.g. it would work w/o that HW module in the monitor, anyway. So, you know, the consumer can pay for stuff that would work for free anyay, er I mean upgrade his paying experience to utilize powerful DRM technologies to invetize monetary possibilities for eh whateher
  12. I'm not sure how that works. The engine only supports 256 characters, and Japanese would be a multi-byte font? Plus, I'm not even sure we do have fonts for Japanese. Someone might have to look into how D3 handled that. Translating the strings is actually easy, but they would not be used in the engine.
  13. They have many more super funny videos like this one:
  14. Oops. http://swift-mazes.com/pub/gen_lang.zipthis one should work, sorry.
  15. The engine decies in which area each FS is - if the FS crosses into two areas, the engine will have difficulties culling it. And by "interfering" I also meant that a visportal will not cause a FS faces to be split at the portal - faces will stay whole. (can make a difference in specific cases). Plus I dimly remember a bug that screwed AI pathfinding when a FS intersects a portal (I think Fidcal wrote about it). You are right, all of these might not matter in a lot of cases, but it can happen. So mappers should be at least aware of what they are doing.
  16. I wasn't actually arguing against or for converting WS to FS, sorry if that did come out wrong. What I was talking specifically about the case of "one wall is divided into multiple triangles by a visportal intersecting it" vs. "the same wall is a func_static that is not divided" and in both cases the entire wall is on the screen, AND it is hit by two more more lights on different ends (like say two torches on colums at either end, or one light on the wall and one in the player hand). Specific optimizations like "you look the other way and the wall is not rendered" nonwithstanding, in THAT case (you see the entire wall, X lights are hitting it), either only parts of the wall are rendered once or a few times, vs.r the entire wall is rendered multiple times. That can definitely make a difference in fillrate, esp. on older hardware. This is of course not a black-white question, but as a mapper you should optimize your level so that the triangles are not overly huge (huge fillrate penalty if same triangle is hit by multiple lights), NOR should they be overly small (performance penalty on processing too many small triangles). So the general advice is: Make sure the triangles are distributed evenly in a scene, (use r_showtris 1) and test your level on older hardware. And do this as the last step of mapping. Deviations from that rule are of course ok. The general "mappers should not worry about it" I cannot underwrite - unless they don't care about performance at all. In all other cases, mappers should pay attention - but only later, and not in the first stages of level build. And of course not worry too much - you are right that in a lot of cases the performance will not change because the hardware has become quite powerful nowadays, and a few thousand triangles more or less, or a few mbyte pixels shaded more or less make almost no difference.
  17. What's the size of a "tile" you are using? I used 192x192x192, but it sometimes seemed to big or to small, depending on what was wanted (dungeon vs. manor).
  18. Here is a copy of the script: http://swift-mazes.com/pub/gen_lang.pl.zip
  19. If a large triangle (like a wall side) is hit with two lights, the entire triangle is rendered twice, for each light. If two smaller triangles representing the same wall are hit by one light each, the wall is rendered only once. This is a fill-rate issue - rendering large batches of pixels twice can incure a hefty performance penalty, esp. if shaders are involved, like post-processing, or anti-aliasing. So if you turn a worldspawn wall into an FS, the wall might suddenly not anymore be split up (WS is split up at other WS brushes, FS are not). You save on triangles (slightly), but loose big on fillrate. It depends on the hardware and the situation, of course. There is also the issue that a func-static crossing a portal might have ill side-effects, for instance the engine needs to determine in which area the FS is, but if its crossing the boundary, this can lead to errors that cost performance. Not sure how relevant that is, however.
  20. As rich said, they are just ZIP archives. You can also just put the translated texts into the directory structure, the game will always load these files first before looking into PK4s. If you do package a PK4, make sure its name starts with a z, they are loaded in order of reverse alphabetical, so "zzz.pk" is loaded before "tdm:_foo.pk4", which is loaded before "aalglatt.pk4" If you have more questions, please ask!
  21. The first link takes me to a page with "EVGA announces new SuperNova 1600 T2 PSU" which is a marketing fluff piece for a 360€ power unit. It costs more than mosts PCs... Apart from the "we try to load additional fonts and fail, displaying chinese characters instead" for symbols, which is the latest web-designer-plage), the second link says: "BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only. Find out why. If you are in the UK and see this message please read this advice." The internet has already been broken by greedy and incompetent people.
  22. Yes, the overflow very likely happens because thegame grinds to a halt - in this case it no longer can handle events, so they pile up. I don't think the overflow is critical and it can't really be avoided, even by raising the buffer. However, the memory leak might be present, that needs further checkind (depending on wether the queue gets only emptied at game shutdown, or sometimes in the meantime). In addition, the game freeze should be fixed. Maybe the problem is already fixed in 2.03, I think that warrants checking
  23. There are also new script events, which let you discover all currently existing entitites with certain spawnargs or classes via script. Plus trigger_touch can now be set to not be checked every frame (making them faster and better scaling). New languages have also been added, but that is not something important for mapping
  24. Btw, my guess is that the overflow apepars if you hold down a key (constant source of keyboard events) or move the mouse, and the game freezes for some time. In that case it cannot handle events (its busy) and the buffer overflows.
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