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Everything posted by Epifire

  1. I'd tried getting a math function setup based off that same page actually. Don't think I had the right syntax though. EDIT: Oh now that I think about it, there is something that's on topic I had been meaning to ask. I have one thing left for the tram and it's a mtr bound effect. Problem I'd been having is I don't can't seem to be able to have a scroll function working on both the U and V axis. I actually just can't get horizontal scrolling to work at all and it's been a bit frustrating. I was told scroll and translate specified the two different axis of movement but no such luck... tram_arcbolt_001 { noshadows nonsolid twosided { blend diffusemap map models/darkmod/props/textures/arcBolt_card alphatest 0.5 scroll 1 * 0, (time * 4) translate 0 * 1, (time * 1) VertexColor } { blend add map models/darkmod/props/textures/arcBolt_card rgb 1 scroll 1 * 0, (time * 4) translate 0 * 1, (time * 1) VertexColor } { blend diffusemap map models/darkmod/props/textures/_transparent alphatest 0.5 inverseVertexColor } } I tried swapping out the 1 * 0 values after the translate and scroll commands but that didn't seem to have any change when tested. Also, this specific material fades the arc bolt out to transparency (via vertex blends). Mentioning that now to avoid confusion about the VertexColor lines.
  2. Voted! Hope she can get a new roof!
  3. Well this sucks... I've used Photobucket for years and now you have to pay to allow other sites to view img links. All I gotta say is F%ck these guys, anybody else have a recommended permanent image hosting service?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Google photos suck at sharing, posting image in the forum is a right PITA. Like Sotha I use imgr.

    3. Melan


      Tumblr is pretty good for this.

    4. kano


      It always makes me laugh when a company gets so big and then decides that the way the Internet works, (which got them where they are) is no longer convenient for them. They then try to break standard functionality, in the hopes of driving up profits or gaining subscriptions, but in reality they just push people, even existing happy users, away.

  4. So far I actually have it all working now. The difference being that the decel sound has to be fed a manually added delay (minus six seconds of whatever the actual move time is). If I ever get around to compacting this more I'd like to get a script that finds the move time and does the subtraction automatically. Thus I'd be able to remove some DR entities and clean that end of things up a bit more.
  5. I recently was brought over to the project method. But no you actually can keep all the files loose (while still in the same hierarchy). You shouldn't have to create a PK4 from it, at least I know I don't on my current mission. The upside is you know where you're going to find new assets (easier) since it's all contained under a single folder. I tend to like to share projects around a lot to get things tested, so I'm trying to look at a method for quickly batch copying edited files to a local repository. Or at the very least a local version control app that I can tag files once in and then run the app to collect any recently changed versions. I recently had overwritten the wrong mtr file by accident and am still kicking myself over the mistake. Not meaning to derail your topic any, but the batch version control felt relevant.
  6. "Sir I'm here to inform you your coach has arrived" Almost done, just some electrical works to finish up and maybe some script polishing to make more than one tram usable on a single map.
  7. Yeah believe me XSI has the support but the smoothing is completely broken in my own tests. You still have to run another app (Lightwave or Blender) to finalize the export and correct the smoothing data. I currently use XSI + Lightwave to handle my modeling at current but I didn't know Modo had such a wide file type support. Softimage stopped getting decent file support around the 2011 era when the company decided to stop focusing on it. There are plenty of Python script addons out there, but the databases storing them are starting to get archived since it's just so old now. I still use it but the sad sad truth is after nearly a decade of using it I probs gotta pickup Maya or 3DSMax.
  8. Ohhh man I always wondered where this thread went when I came back years later. Uhhh, I don't think I ever found much luck in Softimage exporters as it was discontinued by Autodesk about a year ago or so. Now it's fallen so far out of the user base it's hard to even get proper google info search going for it. I basically just went to Blender for final exportation as it had mostly working LWO support. Which at this rate is just the superior file type for id4 anyway since it's very compact and is the native file type.
  9. Thankyou! I'm very happy to see this getting done as I was stuck trying to get the gameplay end of it in place for the past month. Once I have a whole working scene with this in it I wanted to record a video of the whole thing in action. To be sure I'll definitely circle back with the finished model at the very least.
  10. That's the magnetic driver plates that move the tram on the bottom. I plan on making a non-riding version of it and since I'm also constructing suspended bridge style railways it's very possible.
  11. Well the time has come. As some of you know I've been working on making a fully functional tram vehicle for TDM. I finally completed my work on the highpoly and wanted to share some renders on the design before I head to retopo and baking/texturing. As of the time of writing this the tram gameplay itself is fully functional (with sounds and two way motion). Now I just have to finish the tram itself as well as a railway track set to use for it's path.
  12. Ahh yes glad our server had a repost again. I want to encourage other members of Discord (even for direct message and PMs) as it features a speedy file transfer option adaquate for handling small files, textures, maps, etc. The default is an 8mb cap but it can go to 50 if you're one of those folks who foots a small bill to support Discord. NOTE: You're never asked to pay anything in Discord, the only thing it grants is extra privileges if you feel inclined to do so. I still say we should have a maps and art thread to avoid immediate announcement/content burial. I know people like to talk maps and models a lot and it's kinda nice to have a select corner for the eye candy. Beyond that I think the other two we have is fine. Maybe a poll to see what people think?
  13. What if you did something a bit crazy and had a particle system always running (when the light source is active) but modulate the light material and the ones used in the particle based off a sound file? You could then tie both into a single sound file playing. I guess the problem with that might be particles already spawned would light up outta nowhere. Unless there's a way to enable a particle cull on spawn based out of a transparency check. The theory behind that is if the particle is invisible > remove. So it would be killing the particles off until the opacity kicked back in. Talkin like some screwy UE4 kid here though, cause I'd imagine something like that would be pretty costly. So the limitations would be directional particles, like smoke or sparks with a long trail would look strange. Particles that could benefit from this would have a contained bounding and center (such as electricity or beams) without the noticeable spawn snapping. Best I could come up with, hope it helps.
  14. OH, derp. Yeah that makes a lot more sense than what I was initially thinking. So it accepts the script but I'm getting the feeling this mover doesn't behave like normal movers. I say that because both in the spawnargs as well as these direct script functions, it hasn't actually played the sounds when the tram accelerates, moves, etc. It's strange because I assign timing values for all those modes of movement but the sounds don't seem to play in those occurrences. This does make me wonder if it's a sound shader problem, like not having it play globally or something. If it was something like localization that would make perfect sense as to why I can't hear it. I'll have to have a look at that, or just see how I can trigger these sounds manually based on mover events. Yeah I just tried setting global on the sounds but still no luck, I just don't think the mover is triggering them for whatever reason. EDIT: Well I did a little bit of finagling in the script and just manually kicked the loop sound in. So if for some reason we can't figure out a way of making the base functions for accel, decel and move sounds work; then I can do this other weird means of getting the sounds in. Only thing that's really off is the, "tram_stop" decel sound because I don't have a value that I can use to kick that in. However I don't know the syntax for it but I made the assumption it could be kicked in via a speed check. I'd have something that would check mover speed and it would be delayed in the script to check after the initial acceleration time is over. Again I don't know the syntax for it but I'd have the stop sound trigger if the speed dips below the max run speed. Great part about this method is the max run speed can change depending on what the mapper uses but it wont change what the speed check does as it only uses a value less then whatever it's currently running at. A decent theory at the very least.
  15. Well if I leave out the $, the game kicks me back to the menu saying it's an unknown value (tram_start). Though they're the same names listed to call up the sounds from the soundshader file, and work if I just pull those up on a speaker in DR. Is there a symbol, specific to calling up soundshaders references? From what I'm seeing it's looking through the script and since I'm defining a shader reference (not a reference to another portion of the script) it chucks it.
  16. Thanks Obs! If I have the courage later I might try and attempt a heartier camera setup, but for now I'm just getting down to polishing the main controls. So for today I've made a collection of sounds to handle the tram's actions. Naturally start > move loop > stop. For some reason though the spawnargs for these functions don't seem to work on the func_mover_amodel. So I was resorting to adding them via script but I can't seem to get the right syntax. I did test the sounds via speaker btw, and they work fine in a normal (unscripted) instance. void spline_path_forward() { $tram_dismount_1.activate($player1); //kicks the player away from the tram to avoid collision smashing $mover_object.startSpline($spline_forward); //starts mover moving along spline $mover_object.accelSound($tram_start); //this sound handles when the tram starts moving $mover_object.moveSound($tram_loop); //this sound loops as the mover is in transition $mover_object.decelSound($tram_stop); //this sound plays when the tram is reaching it's end point sys.waitFor($mover_object); //wait for func_mover to finish moving along spline before doing anything else $tram_dismount_1.activate($player1); //kicks the player away from the tram to avoid collision smashing $tram_camera_1.activate($player1); //switch view } I had checked the functions list to get these and I assumed the sound name would be in the latter portion. I hadn't been able to find any references with sounds ran via script control, but it feels rather stupid that this isn't working right now. I tried removing $ and just having something like (tram_stop) or (tram_stop.ogg) but no luck as of yet.
  17. Yeah as far as I'm aware of, you can just merge a whole model prior to exporting. As long as your material groups are setup right it'll pick them out automatically and apply their various attributes defined in the mtr. That goes for special collision materials as well as the shadow optimizations.
  18. Wouldn't happen to have an example of the core script running that concept would ya? Obviously none of that could just be plopped in and used 1:1 but it would certainly be a step in the right direction. I know you'd said the player sword uses something for mouse tracking but I actually hadn't found where that was stored in the game archives.
  19. What happened man? Things seemed to have been going pretty good before?
  20. Is there a way to encrypt pk4s? Because it would be a really great option if they could be.

    1. Show previous comments  39 more
    2. Springheel


      Holy crap, 39 comments? That's got to be a record.

      Nobody wants to make this a thread?


    3. freyk
    4. Epifire


      Never said I'd get in the way of good time!

  21. Both forward and backward are called up via a button. I tried adding this new wait line to the beginning but nothing so far. Would you be interested in fidgeting around with it yourself if I sent the testmap and script via PM? I feel like it's something dreadfully simple that I'm not yet seeing. I just want to resolve it at this point, because I've burned a lot of time over the past week without any improvement on the camera situation. EDIT: Aight finally got it to work, though I had to break it up into four scripts that separate the start and ends through relays to handle forward and backward tracks. A couple more things to pack in DR but it works really good. Mouse look would be a next best option to look into as well as getting default button enable/disable set to prevent starting from the wrong end of the railway.
  22. I may try and look into that. I just can't get the first initial $tram_camera_1.activate($player1); to activate. What am I doing wrong? Cause it'll kick in the last activation line after sys.wait but it ignors the first entry completely. So basically the camera will just always trigger when the tram comes to a stop now. I mean I feel like it's something brain numbingly simple at this point that I fail to see, because it almost works %100.
  23. Specifically this one was the one that caught my curiosity. Since (from my knowledge) allows some form of user input and control... Right now I just want to get a working camera (even if it's just a static camera bound to the mover). Though if it had some form of mouse look that would be fantastic! Cause right now it's just a static camera view and I want it to feel more life like if I have the option.
  24. UVs on models are usually scaled and aligned 1.1 on top of the original source texture. Editing the image (especially via cropping or scaling) will introduce alignment problems, especially if the model has been baked from precise measurements. Even if there's something to bring up or correct, it's prudent to contact the author about it personally to get the okay to change something directly. In that same aspect, they can usually provide the best means of fixing something when the author most likely has source files and backups. In an instance with precise baked coordinates on my own models, this would've completely broken the edge normals were the same unauthorized edits performed.
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