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Everything posted by Arcturus

  1. You can forget about my tutorial. Real tiling sculpting has been added to Blender. It should be included in the newest daily builds. It will be in the next stable release (2.76). One can enable it in T panel under symmetry / lock. Not only that, but one guy just finished an addon that let's you spawn lots of objects seamlessly using physics. I haven't tried it, but it looks nice.
  2. Many levels in Thief games didn't make much sense either. They were designed to be fun rather then realistic.
  3. It felt much more natural then Human Revolution with it's conveniently placed waist-hight covers. And it didn't feel like the game was holding player's hand. There are no cinematic take-downs or similar nonsense. Mele combat was in real time and stealth was shadow based. The amount of detail in this game still blows my mind. Years later I still discover new things about it: Or the fact that bots can get out of ammo: https://youtu.be/lXu23oD40gU?t=2m42s is still my favourite moment in any game, when on my first play through I decided to mess with the game and to my surprise discovered that developers foreseen it.
  4. That's the scale I originally intended:
  5. This video from Numberfile inspired me to do a short simulation: Meissner bodies or Meissner tetrahedra are solids of constant width.
  6. I can do it. Apparently it's called an "ottoman". I'm thinking about making it openable.
  7. There's a new useful addon called 'tissue'. It allows you to replace faces of one mesh with whole other mesh:
  8. Churchill? Looks much better. Ears are too small. Nose looks like a 1950s rocket Background photo can be used as a reference, that's why I mentioned it. BTW, did you try this matcap? I think it's more pleasant than the default shader. Also ambient occlusion can add a bit of depth:
  9. Change view lens to 80. 35 is too low, it will deceive you. You can use free makehuman to quickly make a model as a reference or as your base mesh. You can also use photos as a background in Blender.
  10. I mean viewport camera. Post some more views.
  11. The sad truth about 3d modelling is that your first works will suck. Look at my sad beginnings. It's important to set up camera properly. Default lens value at 35 distorts view. I would set it much higher. Are you using dyntopo? The face looks flat. It probably should be more round.
  12. In object mode you can make transformations independently to edit mode. This is very useful option, but before sculpting you have to make sure that all these values are the same: You can either clear scaling (ctrl+s) or apply it (ctrl+a). As for high poly to low poly. You can use decimate modifier, but the result will be messy. I actually did couple of models for TDM some time ago this way, but now I know that it's better to spend some more time and retopologize. Especially for animation clean topology is recommended. Some programs like Zbrush have automatic retopo (decent, but not perfect). In Blender there are many tools that can help. Surface snapping, Shrinkwrap modifier, tools created specifically for retopo: retopo MT, Mira tools, Retopoflow. Be sure to enable F2 addon, it's extremely useful.
  13. It doesn't have to be Blender and not the whole mission has to be made in a 3d editor. Springheel uses Maya to make architectural pieces.
  14. Ok, here's my opinion. It's well above Darkmod's average. It would have been even better if right angles were broken, but for that you would need 3d editor (it looks like you're making all of it in radiant). Light is too red/pink in my opinion. I'm worried about performance. Those carved brackets need simplified shadow mesh. Over all I think it's great.
  15. Busts are for sale and it's going to stay that way for now. Making game models out of them wouldn't take as much time, but it's still couple of hours of work. You need to make several LOD copies, bake textures, write materials, test models in game, etc.
  16. EDIT: It's obsolete. Blender has now proper tiled sculpting. I made a short tutorial recently. Blender doesn't have a 'wrap mode' like Zbrush, here's a one possible workaround: Keep in mind that I didn't put any effort into sculpting, I just wanted to show the method.
  17. Thank you. Start with little resolution and when you have basic shape right then add details. Get a tablet, if you don't have one. Learn anatomy, study nature and works of others. Here's a video about anatomy of the head made by an old Darkmod contributor: Thanks. I'm sorry, but no.
  18. Another Bernini - "Blessed soul": Model is for sale on CGtrader and Turbosquid.
  19. Such a drama about a video game. Even if it looked better on previous videos, you got new videos and reviews so you can see how the final game looks like. And nobody forces anyone to buy it.
  20. I understand that some people have bought 1000$ cards and now feel mad that the game will not utilize their full power. To me the game looks amazing and I'll be happy if I'll be able to run it on low with decent frame rate.
  21. If this isn't state of art then I don't know what is: https://youtu.be/_XXOofl2cXE?t=31m42s
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