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Everything posted by Sotha

  1. This is a great idea! I want to participate! But I'm pretty sure I don't have time. Don't count me in with any expectations, but I'll do my best to get something done if I can magically conjure time from somewhere. If I make something, I'll make something ultra-simple.
  2. Yes, I think I noticed it, too, but my memory is very unclear as it was half a year ago or so. I think it was linked to one of these checkboxes: *Actors must be within talk distance *Actors always face each other while talking Or was it "wait to finish" checkbox? It has to be one of those, IIRC.
  3. Do note that difficulty selection affects starting gear, and AI can still be KOd in moderation even in the hardest difficulty, but sure: the hardest difficulty is supposed to be H A R D.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1ERDYjsHBg This has been shared here before, and it had been sitting in my "watch later" for a long time. Now I finally had time to watch it. The entire series is great. Check it out. Lots of useful info on the TDM time line real life equivalent. It is so good that I wanted to share it again to make sure no mapper misses it.
  5. Thanks for the offer. Calls for betatesters are usually given here on the forums. If you have a knack in voice acting and wish to help, it would be good to maybe post about it in the "I want to help" section with a sample of your voice acting. That way mappers.can check if the available voice actor fits the8r character Regarding the stealth score question, I never design my missions to be ghostable: there is no intentional path of darkness that takes the player safely through the mission. I always try to promote tool use and make circumstances were progress is possible but very risky without tool use, and relatively safe if tool is used. This may be the reason why my missions are often perceived difficult: players are expecting to complete it on the hardest difficulty without KOing any AI and or using tools just they way they did in original thief games. But my expectation, as a mapper, is that they do what they must to complete the mission. It is avoiding actions where risk is high, and it may be completely possible that they must take out a guard, extinguish lights, make distractions, etc to make safe progress.
  6. Hey, these new wallpaper textures make really nice curtains!
  7. It certainly does! Thanks for sharing. You seem to have an impeccable eye for stuff. For example the way you took the loot from the card players. I never thought it might be possible without alerting them. Very nice. Have you ever considered making an own FM? That would certainly be something new, given to your expertise as a player.
  8. Eep! It is that strict teacher who always knew you didn't do your homework! Glasses really make people look smart. =)
  9. Cool! AH, how old is he? My 5-year old daughter was once watching me map. After that, she has occasionally liked to map with me, but mainly she is interested in putting "princesses" into the map and watch what they do. Gassing/KOing was hilarious because the characters "fall in a funny way."
  10. A worthy project, I'm sure. Distribution should be thought about well in advance. After you've seen all the trouble to make the translation, how can we make sure it is not forgotten: how do we make it available, so that people can find it. I mean, if someone needs a translation for the tutorial, they might have difficulties in navigating the english-only webpages to find the translated tutorial, right? Also, would it be good if the translator, instead of just translating, would first complete the tutorial and make a mission of their own from start to finish. With this gained proficiency they could indentify the obsolete parts and improve it overall. Airship Ballet was once doing a new tutorial in english, but I don't know what happened to the project.
  11. I think I changed the line volumes in the soundshader declaration.
  12. You use atdm::voice. I cant remeber the setup, but you can check LQD .map. the voice setup is in the chasm in the starting area. IIRC, you have have a single voice speaker entity, which you target with entities that define the lines that the speaker entity should emit.
  13. I have no requests. The most critical bug for me was the sit up/down cycle bug, which was fixed in SVN by grayman. Can't wait to get that fix!
  14. Sotha

    The Long Dark

    Yeah, the skill system gets redundant very quickly. It penalizes the start when everything is scarce and difficult even without the higher risk of failure. Then later you have automatic 100% success rate in everything, coupled with near-infinite resources (tens of units of tinder, piles of cloth, 10 sewing kits). The difficulty curve drops really fast as you survive. Who the heck ever needs accelerant? I always have flat 100% in lighting fires. Destined, my bad: I didn't mean "bare handed" as without weapons, but meant more like "in struggle with a knife." Didn't mean to lie, was just tired when writing. Anyhow, once you have all the crafted clothing you can knife wrestle with the wolves without much danger. I think the clothing weight is a factor in how much damage you receive. With the craftables I get only clothing damage from the wolves, which is simple to repair if you hoard pelts. I also have a tendency to land one hit with my bow on the animal as it charges, so it often is already wounded when the struggle begins. But of course, I do not always hit. I thinn it is really good there is no automap. Much of the challenge comes from learning the territory and the risk of getting lost is important part of the game. In the end, the maps are quite small and with lots of landmarks. Navigating is really easy... unless you end in a fog. But fogs make the game more interesting.
  15. Those raspy/hoarse/rough voices are one of the biggest things I liked in the old thief games. They were so fitting for the characters. How much whiskey and cigarettes they needed to consume to get those voices is beyond me. Since the thief games, I've never heard such delicious voices in games. Shame.
  16. Sotha

    The Long Dark

    I moved recently from Pleasant Valley to Coastal Highway. What a boring place! You can almost see everything at a glance, house clusters 500m apart. Looks like it is utterly impossible to get lost, unless one wanders on the ice during a fog and loses bearings. And the amount of loot is insane: I've got several piles of canned food. On day 2 here I killed 3 wolves: one with bow, two with my bare hands so I have ton of meat, too. I've spread out my items in several places because I have so much stuff I'm lazy to gather them all to same location. Moving to a new place would require me carrying stuff back and forth several times I do not lack anything. I have stuff to make arrows. I have maple for 8 bows and two rifles with 30+ bullets. The game is quickly starting to lose the challenge and with it goes my appetite. I should really consider restarting with the highest difficulty. I've survived 75 days or so. Life is too easy. So easy it is becoming a chore. Oh, and I found Desolation Point. I will explore the highway and move there next. If I do not lose my interest, that is. I hope future patches will bring something more. The story mode is highly anticipated (hopefully it happens in new, different regions...)
  17. Nice video! When I made the map, I never even considered the possibility that it could be completed without using tools (dousing candles, using light switches or water arrows.) I stand corrected. Thanks for sharing!
  18. Sure. Maybe put it behind spoiler tags just to be sure not to spoil anyones fun.
  19. Really nice! I have great respect to those who are able to generate music. I have zero skill in that, so for me it is always a mystery how stuff like that can be done.
  20. Thankd for playing! I'm glad the campaign brought joy for you!
  21. Requirements: *New skeleton *New model *New head *New vocal set Benefits: Civilian AI that is almost always sleeping during the night, and flees to the guard post. It is a lot of work for something we already have. But if someone want's to do it, go ahead. But then again, we wouldn't even be the first one: I actually played NMRH. The kid zombie is only another variety of opponent, which is more difficult to hit, has less hp and moves faster. Not much of a problem for me to dispatch them, but I can see the controversy. In TDM, they would be live children instead of bloodthirsty zombies, so hurting them would certainly be a taboo. But this was already discussed in the past.
  22. I am sorry if I sound cranky, but I do not see it much helpful to serial posting wall of text threads requesting new features and expecting others to implement them. It looks like you want to help TDM. If so, why not do something concrete instead of posting random ideas. Make a FM for the community to enjoy. Choose one of your favourite idea, learn how to implement it and then implement it. Those are things that really help. It is okay to occasionally present new, well though ideas and improvements, but after seeing several threads with wall of texts with features that have mostly been discussed, it just gets old and wastes other people's time. I apologize again for being blunt. But if you really want to help, please do something concrete.
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