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Everything posted by teh_saccade

  1. We're all slaves. Some are slavs. Been reading through some old books as I sort out the old stuff - found one called "Slavery in Early Christianity" by Jennifer A Glancey - mrs used to study philosophy. Might be an epub of it you'd be interested in, Anderson, if you're into that stuff. I'd send it to you, but I took it to the charity shop only this week... sorry pal - just don't like having all the reminders lying around.
  2. oh... i'm going on a wild-camping trek along the coast for a few months that will take from late april-august... Idk if it would be completed in time, but it is a story in the thief world that I have wanted to tell for a year more using TDM, 'cept they don't have the skins for pagans and what-not. Make do, I reckon. // Apologies... I ought to have edited this into my last post, I know...
  3. I'm up for this - I've a story written for something already and it would be a nice break from the detailed tudor architecture to do some landscaping and meshwork instead of pissing around with brushes and zfighting and entity limits.
  4. Hi, Currently I am either rescaling the grates and adding damage - it looks ok but can be problems with no-draw walls and sticking out and... just looks a bit naff. This or painstakingly creating each one from a series of pyramid, bound together - looks better but cannot be scaled. Is there a decal or something that can be used that I have not seen? Thanks.
  5. lol was trying to be helpful and share experience as "you" didn't show any indication of knowing owt. Perhaps it would've been useful having a conversation with someone at valve before clicking buttons and then getting angry that you just spent £70 on a profile badge and a headache. This is the general route of things - asking someone when you don't know / can't find out (as in, hey, my game's free like it says in docs, but it's also a mod, but it's also free tech, so what hoops must I jump"? Will stop adding to thread of useless drivel that is surmised in the words, "Steam CC license uncommon we know lol". // one thing I *can* add that you don't know is that having a "steamworks developer badge" on your personal profile does not get you more chicks. // fuck steam - it's a massive toilet bowl of unflushed shovelware - go with abandonware pirates, GOG.
  6. What do you want to know..? Here's the steamworks partner FAQ landing: https://partner.steamgames.com/documentation/welcome Unfortunately, it requires that you pony up the fee to get access to that info. //this is where making friends with someone who has access is useful... Thankfully, for you guys (and lamentably for the shovelware gamemakerstudioclones) the cost was marginal compared to what Steam Direct might be charging for the same service in the future. Consider that greenlight (and NUbisoft) is a blight upon the gaming industry and ought to be burned alive. Hopefully, it will be removed later this year: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-02-10-valve-is-removing-steam-greenlight-this-spring
  7. https://www.kali.org/ occasionally use it to run virtual machines for win/osx test purpose. confuses people.
  8. quietly mentions that he spent several years making music videos for a living and ran a twitch and youtube channel devoted to gaming and adobe tutorials.
  9. I realise that I have given away too much information in this post; edited.
  10. It might be possible to create bespoke "3d" backgrounds for mission screens to be displayed on the main menu, after loading, by using a combination of photoshop and maya - similar to the intial stages of lenticular 3d image creation. // eh, it could be a few hours work though... esp. if the scene is complex. Perhaps a short clip of the level with some small motion of the "best 3" to cycle might be easier for anyone to provide.
  11. Gotta say - that does look nice, mate - thought about a slideshow or some transition / moving objects in the image? eg, leaves, sign blowing in wind, lights flickering, etc.. - add a little life to the still life.
  12. http://steamed.kotaku.com/inside-the-murky-process-of-getting-games-on-steam-1764091520 http://steamed.kotaku.com/the-future-of-steam-greenlight-1690655700 // also reddit
  13. I realise I have given away too much information in this post; edited.
  14. A bit late to the thread and likely no-one running the os will ever be using it for games - but - need a test on a Kali (2016) gnome 3.20.2 system..? I've never run a single game on that machine ever, so...
  15. Please do not place DR in the package... I'll have PTSD nightmares about being trapped in small rooms with thousands of haunts and zombies while being forced to read 20 page .xd files with every "i" spelled with a "y" for Oldye Worylde Charmye. Most (decent) designers are used to UE or CE or something - some good things came out of the modding scene back when it was more like DromEd and DR (eg, tripwire) - but allowing such "creative" power to people who's attention span is that of instagram... I've just regained my sanity, mate...
  16. Valve take their 30% of flesh... +1 for the idea about steam primarily distrib. the updater, leading to download of game files (avoiding hosting issue) but allow launch through library, self-check, launch splash, game. You guys change everything at least once or twice before I can realise a damn level that it makes sense that the game checks for updates before an auto-launch. Freyk's installer does a good job with that, so long as it is a later version than the one it is trying to update... I'm sure it wouldn't be much extra hassle to launch straight after a check - many games have loading splash (skyrim, total war, every fkn nuplay game, etc) that hold players at a screen with an extra "YES LAUNCH THE GAME ALREADY" button to push. // Such a screen might even be used for news and information, notifications about upcoming or noteworthy missions to select for those of us who haven't been hooked on TDM for years and religiously follow the mission list for checkmarks... // perhaps even the mission installation could occour during this launch splash (like mod order loading for FO or warband) to avoid the "must restart to install zip file"..? Some real streamlining possibilities that might not be so difficult to achieve.
  17. IF it ain't fixed, don't break it. Or is it... if it ain't broke don't fix it..? Perhaps if someone was to reskin the game for cyberpunk or... *shudders* continued that furry trend from last year... Otherwise - wearing graphic design hat, here - only thing I would suggest is some new splash/backdrop images that are more "HD" and in-line with the game's current version (eg, updated textures and models, etc...). Personally, I prefer TDM menu to that of games such as Hitman: Contracts, Thief 2 (WSp), DX, other games of the ilk - it's simple. Please remember I have some experience in UI design and will always opt for ease-of-use/nav over flash graphic transitions and stretched text and sub-nested menus with options hidden in tabs in menus before anything else (except bad kerning... dodgy kerned lettering drives me fkn crazy...). Additionally, the gamma/brightness option - for me at least - must be changed each level as some are very, very dark and some are far too bright and/or saturated or contain sections where the ambient light must've been typo'd as it shifts incredibly green and dark (icr that mission name). There's even been a few cases of running DCCW and retuning monitor in TDM. // Pretty sure it is:
  18. Something's definitely screwey... even made a new partition just for this, no trace of the old versions left. Is there anywhere I can download a previous version of DR? Mine seems to have gone walkies... This new one crashes often and has a lot of red writing appearing when performing simple tasks. Maybe it's necessary for 2.05 TDM, though?
  19. omfg... I forgot to apply the shader to the brushes and meshes using surface inspector. Yet it is not playing footsteps on wood surface... [shaders] Unable to load texture: _default [shaders] ShaderLibrary: definition not found: Think I'd better go back to Fidcal's A-Z...
  20. Hi, I've managed to install the latest versions of both TDM and DR from the downloaders from the main page. However, since doing this there have been nothing but problems in DR (TDM seems to work fine). When attempting to start work on a new level - something simple as the first brush to start sketching out a building layout, there are many errors thrown the respond in DR hanging and force-killing the process, eg: [shaders] materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr: shader transformer_gauge already defined. [shaders] materials/tdm_epifire_furniture.mtr: shader leather_chair_001 already defined. [shaders] materials/tdm_stone_natural.mtr: shader textures/darkmod/stone/natural/rough_greyblue01 already defined. [SoundManager]: SoundShader with name tdm_ai_commander_there_you_are already exists. [shaders] Unable to load texture: _default All modules appear successfully loaded and This happens no matter what texture I use, although some fail harder than others. Not a single one appears in the textures box none appear in the camera view except to say, "shader not found". The result is that, after the brush is placed and the tdm folder texture is applied to one or more faces (before hollowing), that DR either displays it as "nodraw" or outright crashes. This is a fresh install of both TDM and DR after hiatus and I'm pretty sure I've not entirely forgotten how to use the kit... I've even nuked the prefs. file in roaming. After spending 5-6 hours on trying to figure this out yesterday and another 4 today - I can't sort it... Is there something very different about this version that I'm missing, or is there an older version with which I am used to using that is available to download for building, etc..? What is odd is that the few older maps I have kept on an archive drive load up find and work well, except the lighting is missing entirely from all sections... Any advice as to what I'm missing out or doing wrong here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Mate - with an account as a steamworks developer - a lot of the people who "friend" you in the moments after something is greenlit (especially after community announcements or guides) or they realise that you work(ed) for a studio or something (begging for keys) - it's not worth the time. The best ones send emails, because they did their homework and found your mail address / etc... It's certainly nice to get an ego boost and a "hey mum! and you said I'd never make friends!!!", but in the long run - unless they're a curator in a relevant "field/genre", track-proven QA or someone associated with a magazine [online/offline - in which case they tend to go the email or official forum route] - instant bin, mr. dude. My humble opinon is to restrict the steam page and open the comments with a headline so people can ask questions there... Groups work well for user interaction, I have found - they even involve chatrooms and can have link to discord/teamspeak servers for the real fans:) Just my two pence.
  22. maybe on steam this will be a possiblity - it's more of a hassle to not update steam games than it is to keep them the same version
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