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Everything posted by SiyahParsomen

  1. which game is this? I wouldn't say it was darkmod if I didn't recognize gas light. I'm impressed!
  2. I got the file... ...benefits of being active member.
  3. yay! Our zombie is shaping! I'm already excited
  4. Don't make Nosslak spend his limited time to this. Tutorials are already avaible. If you want to learn modelling for doom3 with 3ds max, then follow trepaning over youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/trepaning/videos If anyone who wants to go with Blender (freeware), then katsbits will be your guide: http://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/
  5. turbosquid.com comes to my mind but they are too expensive. I would rather start learning modelling and use them as a referance lol.
  6. another good resource: http://texturelib.com/
  7. AFAIR there was a custom light shader tutorial in wiki but couldn't find now or my mind playing tricks on me..
  8. Yummy screens! Now I won't feel hunger to wip screens for a while thanks to Grayman.
  9. thanks for the tutorials Renzatic. It's time to install ps for me.
  10. Don't get me wrong but you surprised me by reaching to beta test stage. I tough you will disappear after some time since you post rarely. Congrats in advance!
  11. another option you can contribute by purchasing model,texture and donating it to mod if you really want.
  12. forget ttlg community, they are closed to innovation. We are 99% sure of it now. Darkmod community can grown with next generation fans by Thief4. I don't get who leaved or not but even Springheel leaves the team, it won't differ because everyone is going to leave darkmod one day. Besides, the team already succeeded on completing the mod about 95%. Rest and momentum is duty of newcomers.
  13. That's some serious progress Xarg. I believe you can make it on time.
  14. You get better on visuals step by step. Interestingly, this place reminds me dinner room of A Night to Remember. I'm not sure which glass texture you are reffering. Did you check all glass textures that are under glass folder?
  15. Hi Tels, I tested your add-on for the first time and I'm impressed. New effects are sweet, especially fire arrow. Apart from the air warp, it casts some lighting on exploding. I guess you forgot to mention that. btw. I found a bug on fire arrow. It doesn't show effects if you hit on ground, w/o your add-on it works fine.
  16. hey welcome back Capela. I still remember your last wip shots(impressive textures) and waiting the day when it see daylight.
  17. Agreed. I usually prefer to use them on some distance where AI can't hear it.
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