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Everything posted by chakkman

  1. Not an issue with the engine though, just the amount of detail the devs decided to pack into the game. If you take a look at their former games, they look much worse even.
  2. Now that's the kind of games i would want to see from the big studios, fresh innovative and original stuff. Instead they make brainless action entertainment for the masses. Looks very nice. Although i can't judge how well this kind of gameplay works. I would imagine it's hard in the beginning to figure out what the game lets you do and what not. But, as it seems like it's made for multiple approaches, i guess that's part of the game.
  3. Wow, that's great! Please, keep working on it.
  4. Nice. I assume it's just the level though, no working light system etc.?
  5. Not bad. Even though that fist in the middle rather resembles some kind of socialist worker activist group.
  6. That must've been shortly after Thief Deadly Shadows.
  7. Those gears lend themselves pretty well to the use in a logo.
  8. Quite nice, but... the blood effect is absolutely horrible. And, it will essentially make Thief 2 a new game with all the changes to the objects, and vegetation. That's always the issue i have with such mods. Plus, it won't change the amount of polygon for most of the architecture, so, it won't look very consistent. I think the enhancements of the TafferPatcher patch will do for me.
  9. Wished i would get such FPS improvements here.
  10. I am a computer user. Not a computer administrator. I want my system to work, preferrably flawlessly. That's why i stay away from Linux. (I messed with it nearly 10 years, only with the bigger distros, like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Open Suse or Fedora. None of them are nearly as stable and bug free as Windows or Mac OS are) Add to that the lack of vendor support, and Open Source drivers, which don't nearly have the same performance as factory drivers, or the lack of decent software alternatives to Office, photo editing, video editing, or, basically, any professional software, and, it becomes pretty apparent why it is no valid alternative. At least not if you're not religiously and ideologically motivated, and wear penguin glasses.
  11. IIRC, Square Enix know of the existence of The Dark Mod, and were fine with it, right?
  12. You can easily turn that around though, and doubt the censorship of "hate" messages on the net as well, which almost every time equals to right-wing messages, which are getting censored, mostly just for the content of the message. I think it mostly bows down to your definition of freedom of speech. Many Lefties who act and feel so democratic, and gloat over their "freedom" claim are actually very anti democratic, and reluctant to other's opinions. Anyway, forums are privately run sites, and the rules are others. Many forums even ban political discussions entirely (which i consder a good thing... there never has been a worthy political discussion on the net. The threshold to act like you would never do in real life is simply too low). I think this forum in general benefits from the matureness of its members. I really have never seen anything close to the tumult i have witnessed on other boards. Kudos.
  13. You know, different topic, but, i'm still waiting for other modders to pick up on the idea of The Dark Mod. I'd really love to have something like this for Deus Ex. I know there's some people here working on that, but, it really seems those projects are seriously lacking manpower. Unfortunately, i'm completely useless, because i neither know how to code, nor to make models, assets, or to map. So, my only hope is that a group of people comes together to make something like that. I think the Deus Ex world perfectly lends itself to something like The Dark Mod is for Thief.
  14. They're very much in line with the original games, unlike in Enderal.
  15. Also, Enderal uses entirely other assets and models than Skyrim does. Basically, it's another game. With the Skyrim engine. They hardly would allow a remake of it, using the same engine... if that would make sense anyway.
  16. Thanks. It looks great really, nice detail.
  17. Sorry for offtopic, but... from which mission is this picture in the 2.07 version announcement?
  18. Orly? Frankly,i don't need to ask to be banned to stop posting, or realize when i'm annoying or straight insulting other people. If you have so little self control, then i have no idea how you get along with anyone, or anything in life. The way i got to know Bikerdude in this forum, never met him in real life, he also seemed like a person who at least knows how far he can go when he's posting here. So, my guess would be rather on the "drama queen" thing. Anyway, as he's not able to reply here, i will leave it at that.
  19. You know, no disrespect towards Bikerdude, but, i can only explain to pray for someone to ban me that it involves a lot of drama queen attitude. Otherwise you could just stop posting, or stop attending to the community. Really, try to imagine the psychology behind it... that's either maximum OCD, or compulsive self-display.
  20. How is performance on Macs? I figure that due to the nature of compatibility layers like WINE, it should be worse.
  21. I think all of this will become obsolete once it is ported to VR. Personally, i really like this view. I had no issues with it in Chronicles of Riddick and other games. Actually, for me, it adds to immersion. Now, if the guy would port that to a more modern engine...
  22. You're asking the wrong questions. None of the Lefties, which is where these ideas originate from, have ever thought about that. Money ist just... there. The state has it. Because it's being printed. Or so. Not generated by the tax payers. That said, i wouldn't mind universal basic income at all. Can't be arsed to work anyway.
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