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Everything posted by duzenko

  1. Would it make any sense if I suggested building from the source code on your side and running in debugger? I am generally clueless about Linux and all our Linux devs are on sabbaticals currently. Also, you might want to try r_ignoreGLErrors 0.
  2. Does it give any crash details, like memory address or something? Maybe a log file somewhere?
  3. Many thanks That's the same problem - no support for gpu_shader4 extension for opengl 2.1 profile by driver Right, soft shadows require GLSL. That's the intended workaround for 2.07 Good to know. Assume the fix is ready to roll out. Right. The fix is to disable the parts that rely on gpu_shader4 which is SS. Umm not sure how we debug CTDs on Linux. @stagtilov?
  4. http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=4877 You'll need to provide the repro case
  5. Mkay, so who can build trunk svn for Linux? I get the output executable sized at 180MB after running scons BUILD="release" TARGET_ARCH="x64" -j6 .. EDIT. It seems to be putting another executable into the source folder Actually you're the first one to volunteer for Linux testing side of this Try this one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EhLJBZva209V1CZWHTt_aXSSCnXUusBZ/view?usp=sharing
  6. How many admin votes does it take to lift the ban (theoretically)? Is it possible for an individual user to be restricted to some forums but remain blocked at others?
  7. AFAIK shadows aren't the main problem with the open spaces - it's the LOD system? Well it could have been 60 back then with some optimization effort.
  8. Who are the members of the user ban board? Is there a formal vote? What is the procedure? Who presses the red button?
  9. I just want to add that banning the account also means preventing user from any kind of technical support and feedback on playing new missions That again does not make any sense and does not have anything to do with his sins as the mod maintainer
  10. Because they're too busy writing that new super cool feature the marketing department just came up with
  11. Bump http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=4902 still needs discussion & decision
  12. Which material is that? What about other maps?
  13. I suppose the MESA only plays that trick on GPU's supporting the shader5 extension which is not the case with FX 2700M.
  14. Do you get lights with stencil shadows in 2.07? If yes, then there is nothing to test for you
  15. Forever First someone needs to sign up for testing
  16. Thank you team for testing efforts Still need to test MESA driver compatibility
  17. Attribute 2 it is https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/tutorials/ClockworkCoders/attributes.php
  18. Waiting for confirmation of the other bugfix - no lights with Linux MESA driver. Quite a history. Good to know I'm not the only one breaking stuff around Remember when AMD broke Rage support in drivers right after the game release? Dejavu. Makes you wonder if they do it on purpose.
  19. IT GOT BROKEN! Try now https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OoHSmkeSeNZWdyZFliQkNsVTA/view?usp=sharing
  20. Good Try now https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OoHSmkeSeNZWdyZFliQkNsVTA/view?usp=sharing
  21. Sorry 1. Forget portals for now. Focus on lights only 2. Run the executable from the attached archive, not the darkmod.exe 3. Report which one of the lighting issues you have on your end - no lights or bad lights Thanks
  22. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OoHSmkeSeNZWdyZFliQkNsVTA/view?usp=sharing
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