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Everything posted by duzenko

  1. I don't have that here in VS2013, so can't answer.
  2. Do you have access to http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=4537? If not, here's what's there: 0004537: Single executable Combine the engine and game into a single executable rather than have a separate game dll. Steps that I did on Windows: - move all game source files to engine folder Game (in project structure, not in file system) - replace precompiled_game.h with precompiled_engine.h - that is already done for all platforms n svn. - remove the _doom_dll_ compiler define in project options - did a few include fixes - already done and is in svn. That should be all, fingers crossed.
  3. While you're at it could you do the tracker #4537 on Linux?
  4. qglBlendEquation sounds like one of the recent Nbohr's commits towards the soft shadow implementation.
  5. Link to source code svn is here: http://www.thedarkmod.com/downloads/ It's public.
  6. Does it work in the second last commit? ... I think I fixed it now - please test.
  7. Committed a fix to svn. Window colors are ok for me on a nvidia now. Please test on yours. It looks like vertex colors for the window model are non-default. Why AMD and Intel ignore them is a mystery (that I don't want to think about).
  8. I can confirm the bug on nVidia hardware. Will investigate further.
  9. Do you have any errors in console when .glprocs are loaded?
  10. I hope to be able to test on an nVidia this weekend
  11. I tried on work AMD and home intel - both look ok to me
  12. I think the problem is the material textures/darkmod/window/pebbly_glass_noframe01_lit. It's used on the window and is lit by design. ... Or is the unlit windows on the other wall? Here's how it looks to me, with your .cfg: @nbohr1more, does it happen for you too? @grayman, what is your system config?
  13. What is the material for that window? It can't be just textures/darkmod/glass/clear_warp, there must be something else
  14. Maybe bumpyEnvironment.vfp needs the same fix. I will look. Or maybe it's simple vs. enhanced ambient.
  15. I can't repeat any of this. Can I ask for darkmod.cfg and savegame?
  16. Where are these screenshots from? Here's how it looks for me in TD2
  17. Can we just copy paste glsl from https://github.com/raynorpat/Doom3/tree/master/base/renderprogs?
  18. Here's an example of my depth shader, for reference. You might want to start with it and build on it. //layout (location=1) uniform vec4 clipPlane; uniform vec4 clipPlane; //layout (location=8) in vec2 tc0; in vec2 tc0; varying float clipPlaneDist; void main() { gl_TexCoord[0] = vec4(tc0, 0, 0); gl_FrontColor = gl_Color; clipPlaneDist = dot(gl_Vertex, clipPlane); gl_Position = ftransform(); } uniform sampler2D tex0; //layout (location=2) uniform float alphaTest; uniform float alphaTest; varying float clipPlaneDist; void main() { if (clipPlaneDist < 0.0) discard; vec4 tex = texture2D(tex0, gl_TexCoord[0].st); if (tex.a <= alphaTest) discard; gl_FragColor = tex*gl_Color; }
  19. I have not done any material shader but for now let's assume it's going to be the same as existing darkmod ARB shaders. Are you looking to create a new shader or convert an existing one? I think attrib[8] could be TexCoord1, etc. Env[16] - Env16, etc. There has been no requests yet but it's already technically possible. Just let's agree to call a glsl shader by file name with no extension, i.e. program fresnelThis way the engine knows it's a glsl program located in two files: fresnel.vp and fresnel.fp. Compare to fresnel.vfp that contains both shaders in ARB assembly.
  20. What THE HELL do they mean by "exploits stolen from NSA"?
  21. One thing I always wondered is - can we use OpenCL to get rid of near clipping plane in projection matrix similar to how the far plane became obsolete a decade ago. The GPU only works in 4-coordinate space, and does a non-optional hardware w-division. If only there was a way to work around that.
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