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Status Updates posted by Dragofer

  1. Testing my latest ship, when a sailor in pursuit of me stumbles down the gangplank and is knocked out. Bug or feature?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sotha


      Did you hear the studio audience applaud? If so, a feature.

    3. demagogue


      Lol, that's a great feature if it's consistent.

    4. stumpy


      Random feature.


      I've got ghosts that talk in mine, which is now counted as they don't know they are dead.

  2. Nothing like the crackle of a fireplace, a grandfather clock ticking somewhere in the room and the sounds of the night coming through the window for getting some ambience going.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldwell


      I love that feeling too, sometimes the lack of ambient music makes great for the overall ambiance. Sort of like in T2 where in the city it was just wind blowing and some electric sounds scattered here and there :)

    3. Dragofer


      Yes, just that. Sometimes the sounds take on a life of their own.

    4. Dragofer


      @bikerdude, what I was actually thinking of in that moment was another map. But yes, Down by the Riverside also fits that mould.

  3. That moment when your thief starts climbing around like a sailor in the rigging of your 1:50 scale model ship.

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Dragofer


      Complex models like that need a collision mesh, especially if it's all compressed into a few units. That happens to have a good effect on performance and opens up the possibility of it becoming a moveable which can float on water.

  4. I've been writing plenty of readables and setting up some objectives, conversations and scripting events lately. This really is mission making in its element, and quite fun.

  5. Looks like 3 omni speakers can drop fps from 26 to 4 with stuttering - if the scene is full of huge outdoor visportals.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dragofer


      @Xarg, I'm pleased if any mission runs 9 fps or higher on this laptop, which has begun to feel like a smooth framerate for me. Rats Triumphant/Penny Dreadful 2 run at 3-4 fps outdoors, but they're worth it :P (maybe they also have expensive audio pathfinding?)

    3. nbohr1more


      Rat's is expensive because on large shadow casting light covers the whole map for sky light as I recall. PD2 just has super large vertical views... Though that also contributes to path finding because AI path in 3D even if they cannot walk up walls (etc). I'm not sure if there is a monsterclip ceiling to prevent that on the streets?

    4. Melan


      Rats Triumphant is expensive mainly because of the huge street that doesn't break line of sight. (And which is an unintended consequence of the mission growing well beyond its intended scale)

  6. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be sitting at nighttime in the captain's cabin of your galleon, anchored in the sheltered bay of an unexplored island, listening to the sounds of the night by the dim light of a candle...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dragofer


      That's the great thing - we can recreate the lives and worlds of those people. I think that's the appeal of The Dark Mod.

    3. demagogue


      I imagine stomach pains, tooth pains, back pains, muscle and hand pains, nausea, hunger, worry, fear, frustration... But, just in that moment, also a certain peace and anticipation about the promise of the unknown nonetheless.

    4. demagogue


      Traveling through the developing world a lot recently has made me appreciate that through most of history before modern conveniences, and in much of the world outside the US/EU still, the world was a dangerous place where there weren't any safety nets. Life without modern society is precarious, but it feels so much more alive!

  7. Does anyone else have this long multi-page list of bugs that magically refills itself everytime all the old bugs get fixed?

    1. 161803398874989


      There's an old developer song that goes like this:


      99 little bugs in the code

      99 little bugs in the code

      Take one down, patch it around


      127 little bugs in the code

    2. Bikerdude
    3. Dragofer


      Heh, an age-old problem. At least it's slowly going the other direction for me, measured in pages of bugs

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