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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. Oh...my...god... Just got home from Tallinn. I have used my cellphone to follow some of the discussion on the forum, but it's tedious and as you get out on the sea you connect to other mobile nets and your phone bill will reach higher levels than Glimmerheight! So I had to wait til now to read. And MAN am I astonished of all the positive reactions! Where to start...? Here I will explain my weird thinking/planning process through the building of this mission, along with the authors explanation of the strange story. Did I have any other prior experience in mapping besides your tries in T3ED? As I say in my profile: Another thing I would like to mention. I have shyed away from ALL of the other contensting missions as I didn't want to "feel inspired" by someone elses mission. I just wanted to do stick with my own thoughts and make it wholly "on my own". I do not mean that anyone use to steal ideas, but I believe you get my point So I'll have a lot of missions to complete I guess I think that the posted mission is what counts in the competition and my hand is getting sore from all mapping and I'll think I'll leave it for some time, before removing any bugs...Maybe after the weekend when I start working again.
  2. Thanks I believe I have a username there since last summer when I struggled with that miserable editor T3ED WITHOUT ropearrows OR swimmable water Tread created at Through The Looking Glass! Oh, I'm off on a cruise today for a couple of days. I'm only capable of receiving the "You have a new message" and stuff on my cellphone. And there is REALLY cumbersome to use the forum on the cell phone. So I'll have to try to relax on the cruise when everybody tries out the map...You just want to be there to feel the fray
  3. Three weeks since Fredham set me up on that bankjob. He said it would be an easy job, said he had an inside contact. Little did I know that they would betray me and make me take the fall. I can not say I am innocent, I tried to get into a sealed off place full of gold and here I am, locked in a small cell in a gold mine. The punishment fits the crime I guess... The story takes its beginning when the lord of earth desided to drive his fist down on this place. I can't describe it. There was just a hideous crack and the whole mountain started to shake as if the rock king decided to roll over. Three bright flashes and smouldering green smoke seeped through the air. I believe the whole mine complex have fallen asunder. Luckily my cell is still intact and I am still alive and breathing...Haven't seen the guard for a while. Maybe he succumbed to the earthquake...I hear a noise. Maybe it's the guard coming to serve me my daily crusts...But...What is this! DESCRIPTION This is my first map and it is a quite unique map, architecturally speaking and it is not meant to be realistic in all manners. It has certan unreal elements to it and some strange nooks. BUILD TIME 8 weeks KNOWN ISSUES/GOOD TO KNOW x As you start as a captive you have no equipment from the start, which means some ghosting. x All clear windows are breakable x FPS-drops at certain spots. x Sometimes ambient sounds from two different locations play simultaneously after reloding. CREDITS Henrik Swenson who's made some ambient music. Custom sounds taken from a custom sound CD, no particular name of the company. THANKS TO Fidcal - Has answered my many questions along the way. Bikerdude - Betatesting and assistance on visportaling. Also thanks to my other betatesters; Sotha, Chiron and Baddcog DOWNLOAD http://www.mediafire...nvdtk2dlr22sj9t Enjoy! /Fieldmedic EDIT! A new version is uploaded! The old version hasn't got any written version number, but this is Betrayal ver 1.1 (Unofficial undertitel: The Good Edition) (see the notes) Changes:
  4. Hitman is a really great serie of game, but I think I like number four the most. I have completed every one of them but retried the second some time ago and damn is it hard! I was used to the fourth game where the people stay down after you've sedated them. But in Hitman 2 they get back up after some minutes Yes you can adjust how much you will sedate them but they still get back up after a whie...quite frustrating when you suddenly hear the alarmsound that they've found something and you wonder what you've done wrong. Then you see some bastard running around in his panties! Haha. That's when you cock your MP5 and starts going postal!
  5. After DMAPing i get a warning; "Brush 5701 at 'coordinates' on entity 0 is unbounded". I cannot find the brush. Is there some kind of search funtion for brushes? Should I care about the brush? The mission plays... EDIT: Found search function. Found brush. Converted brush to func static and grouped with other stuff. Problem solved!
  6. Thanks but I have enough...
  7. Fidcal, I will be out for a cruise to Tallinn from tuesday to thursday. If the betatesters are hard on me, I MAY need two extra days after the deadline... Not sure if I'll need it but just so you know
  8. I read in the Readme of Sons of Baltona that double ambients was a known issue in that map...
  9. As topic sais Send me a PM and I will give a you link to the download!
  10. It's my soon-to-be-B-tested-Summercontest-map You maybe wanna test it out and experience the ballet Lantern in the dark, with two different walk-mans in the ears?
  11. Don't know if these two errors's been reported yet; 1. Sometimes the light gem starts lighter than it should, especially after reloading. I have checked and even if no weapon is drawn/bow in hand, the gem is quite bright, even when I'm standing in a place that prevoiusly has totally concealed me. 2: Have anyone else than me experienced two ambient sounds, played simultaneously? May be useful but not that instant...It happened when reloading a game and the sounds from the current location and the previous location was played at the same time...it went back to normal when I got back to the first location and then back...
  12. I have dedicated my vacation this summer to TDM so I will make it in time...Should hit B-test in a few days, if not tonight...!
  13. Is it possible to add a custom inventory name to a custom loot object with loot-value? When I pick it up it shall say BLABLABLA, AND it shall increase the loot counter...
  14. What exactly are these different MAPNAME.proc, rat, aas and stuff? .cm contains the compiled collision models i reckon?
  15. I'm beginning to tear my hair on this one: I am trying to add a custom ambient to my level. I've done this in my map with other custom ambient but in this case, the damn thing refuses to play! I have added a atdm:location_settings with snd_BLABLABLA - Filename and added a info_location with the property ambient - snd_BLABLABLA I've tested with standard ambient-"music" included in the mod and my own custom-"music" and it works. But not with this particular file! All the sounds are in D:\Games\Doom 3\darkmod\sound\ambient\ambience and as I said, if I just change the property to play another built in ambient, or even any one of my other, own custom ambients it works. So it has nothing to do with bad visportalization or lack of info_separators... I have also tried to restart the game/DR and even the computer with no luck! It's hard to help me on this one since there is absolutely NO difference between the working and noworking ambients...I'm just adding this post it in case someone has had the same problem; That certain custom ambients just refuses to work! SOLVED______ This occured after I began to collect all the neccessary files to include in the pk4-file and I believe I have left old proc, aas32-files and such in my Doom-folder that conflicted...I have now gotten rid of these and the sound works better... I believe I can save my hair for another hair ripping day
  16. Hi I've allready mentioned the lines that appears in DarkRadiant between brushes that are flush. Now I've noticed that they don't allways appear, but sometimes DR acts as before. I happened to have two DR running with two different maps and one was with the lines and the other without. I was then working with moonrays and recognized that in the "line-DR" some models dissappeared behind the rays, but in the DR without the lines, the moonrays was transparent as normal...Just wanted to note this as it seemed to go hand in hand with the line-"bug"...
  17. I often think of mapping during work. Study general design of rooms and stuff...I also train on my stealth skills on my coleagues They get quite confused when I whack them in the back of the head with my black jack Am I the only one who have all views in DR at the same time? It's more convenient that way I think...
  18. Fidcal, do you use some patch-bevel to produce the bevel on the edges, and in the "corner" of the steps?
  19. Ahh, nice, then I know I'm, not alone.
  20. I have discovered something unsettling i've not seen before. If I creep really near the walls and look where two brushes are flush agains each other, the seams between can be seen in the 3D-view...is this normal? I cannot remember I've seen it before? I've tried to use the clipper tool to be really sure there is no gap, but no luck...there is no leak...
  21. Oh lord Sotha! Almost done already? I've pushed myself into a corner and I'm having a quite hard time figuring out a nice/believable story
  22. That is a darn smart solution! No mumbo jumbo, just a simple door! The premade lamp in this case is the "models/darkmod/lights/non-extinguishable/grill_light.lwo"
  23. Ahh, thank you! Any ideas on the other one?; "Is it possible to link the light to the window of the outside material shader? When the light is on, the "brightly lit" texture is on, but when the light is out, the window is changed to a dark/unlit one...?" And some more when the wheels are turning How are the premade light-entities constructed? They are green in the editor...I would like to disconnect the "lightbulb" from the light because it turns when I turn the light and that is not desired in this case... How do I make a window/pane of glass breakable? I guess it has something to do with health but I can only make pre made stuff like the bottles, wich have the flinder properties allready set...Must I make lots of shard-entities that spawn when the window breaks?
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