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Everything posted by Destined

  1. I would even volunteer for gathering the tags (even though I have no idea how long I would actually take), but since I have absolutely no idea about programming, I am not able to implement the tag system into TDM. There I would need help from experienced programmers.
  2. I think, the main problem here is, the way of duplicating and distributing the creators work. When you build a table, the person buying it has no means of duplicating it and give the duplicate to another person. If you have information in digital form, it is possible to duplicate it as often as you want and with the internet it is possible to share it with anyone you want. That is why I do not like the comparison between purely digital work and crafts that create something in real life. It is comparing apples and oranges. I think for a carpenter it would be a better comparison if you chose not a table, but the new table design. This can be easily stolen, copied and redistributed.
  3. Hi guys, through the "cheats" topic I got the idea, that it would be quite useful, if there were tags for missions (the post was about removing the killing restriction in some missions to suit the prefered play style). I don't know how easy or difficult this is, but with them, it would be quite convenient to pick missions with playstyles, environment, etc one does want to use. This could also be expanded to other mission properties. I remember a discussion about climbable drains, handles on doors, that cannot be picked and other things the map author chooses for himself. That way these things would be clearer and as I said before, it is easier to choose missions with playstyles that suit oneself. What do think?
  4. Just like grayman I can only advise to read the Wiki article about campaigns. The main problem with "picking your missions" is, that in order to wrap your campaign you have to define which map is played when (in the article example: Mission 1: red; Mission 2: blue; Mission 3: green). In order to get the "picking your mission" feature, you would have to change the order of the missions. Also, you would have to be able to read out, which postition you are currently on. As long as you are not able to do that (and my scripting skills are way too low to know if you can manipulate data like that), you will have to stick with a fixed order of missions. As demagogue said, it is possible to make these small interludes without problem (btw. what was the name of your campaign? I would like to play it and see for myself), but still they have to be in the given order.
  5. So, if I understand it correctly, the main problem at this point is, that you have to set a specific order in which the missions are played, if you want to create a campaign. This is why MajorLunaC's suggestion with "portals" does not work. But a city hub should still be possible, as long as the linearity is not broken. So, I could make one city map (with tht shops etc), just copy/paste it and use it in between the different missions, for the player to sell loot and buy equipment. Additionally, I could insert some side missions or buildings to explore etc.
  6. As far as I know, when you wrap multiple missions up for a campaign you have shared script files and can also store e.g. accomplished mission objectives. So you it should be possible, to read out the current player life, inventory, etc (albeit being a lot of variables and thus a quite long script, but once written it can be used for each portal), store it in some file and then apply it after loading the game. But this creates new problems (or at least more computing work): This workaround would apply each time a save from this mission is loaded. That way you would also have to store all data with each savegame the player makes. And I don't know what happens on map start. It might make problems if the script would run there, because the values I mentioned would not be defined and if you define them manually you would have to skip the shop, because you don't know what the player buys. This was what I myself had planned, when I thought about including a city hub into a campaign (like in TDS), from where you can access different missions. I also wanted to skip the shop at map start and include shops and fences in there, because I liked the way it worked in TDS. But since I quite recently started mapping, I did not follow it so far. At least not until I have some more mapping experience.
  7. I agree, that usually it makes no difference between campaign and single mission. One point, that improves with the campaigns is that the loot you collect can be transfered to the next mission. That way loot collecting does not seem so needless and the player actually profits from collecting more loot. Is there a way, that you can access the final save of a mission so that you can read out the loot and transfer it to another level?
  8. Actually, before you asked, I have not. I thought maybe someone just knows. After trying, I have found out, that the handle is just bound to the door, but is not the "source" for lockpicking. You have to set the pins and lockpick type on the door. The handle is just decorative. So, sadly it does not work. I also have thought of making the door unfrobable, but this also turns the handle unfrobable Well, then I will just take another alternative and block the door with movable crates from one side. Should also work for a "one way" door.
  9. Another question regarding doors: Is a locked door itself pickable or is it only the handle? So if I make a door with a handle on only one side, would it make that door one-way pickable?
  10. I will have a look at the mentioned missions. Thanks! Should I still not find, what I have in mind, you will hear from me again
  11. Hi guys, I want some ghostly (but harmless) people in my WIP. Is it possible to take a normal AI-model and make it translucent? I did not find any spawnarg for that, but maybe I just missed it. I found "noshadow" which I would also apply, but no transparency...
  12. Actually, I don't like the idea for the looking glass. One thing I enjoyed in TDM was the fact, that you do not have a "loot vision", that is present in most modern games (Thief4, Dishonored, Styx). I know, the standard argument is: "If you don't want to use it, don't use it." But the fear of missing something always makes me use this "loot vision" more frequently than is good for good immersion.
  13. I have started working on a mask in blender and it works better than I thought. But I have noticed a problem: I have no idea, what dimension my mask has. Also, I do not know how good or bad the mask fits onto a NPC. Is there a way to import a head, so that I can design the mask "on it"?
  14. I just reently finished Bioshock Infinite. Was also fun to play. The ending is quite confusing but also very interesting. I also have the old parts in my Steam-Library, but have not played them, yet.
  15. Hi guys, I also like the idea of masks and would like to try and model one. Sadly I am quite new to modelling, I have only finished one Blender-tutorial, so it will take some time (if I succeed at all). When I finish the model in blender, I will also need some help converting the model, that it can be used in DR, but I will come back to you then.
  16. Sadly I don't have any means to upload the savegame. But of you could give me an E-Mail address I can send it? Thanks for the cheat. I will try it later on.
  17. @Oldjim: Blackjacking is not possible, since I cannot reach the guard undetected. At the point of my save, he is just about to reach the door and then starts circling. In addition there is another guard posted there, that would immediately spot me if I tried to reach the other one. The boradhead might work, I will have to test that. @Sotha: I am using TDM version 2.03 and also have downloaded the mission just recently (so I assume it is also the latest version). I have taken a save game whith the AI circling and to be honest this is the problem: I made a Quicksave right after stealing the key (not knowing at this point that I already have it), while in the shadows near the stairs to the cells. That's the reason, why I have to start all over, if I cannot solve the issue
  18. Hi, I am currently playin the mission and so far I really like it (although I also had trouble getting inside...). Anyway, I have a problem right now (I hope I am not spoiling anything, but given that the last entry is over a year old and I don't know how to insert this spoiler thing I will just continue): I have stolen the key from the guard patrolling the cells. Problem is: now he is walking in circles before the door, since he doesn't have the key anymore and thus cannot open the door. He is walking in circles before the door and that is why I cannot pass him. Do you have any suggestions? Otherwise I will have to start over again and just not steal the key from him...
  19. Another question regarding background: I have read, that the scenario is planned as a kind of "Roman Empire that mad it to inustralisation", so my question is: what about slavery? Is it still practiced? Was it banned, when steam machines were invented and part of the workforce that needed slaves was replaced by machines? I can imagine both scenarios...
  20. @Toni: OMG, it is ages since I played that game. I remember it to be quite good. Maybe I should do that again, if I find it. Now that I think about it: I think, I actually did not finish it...
  21. We had a clear sky, but sadly only a partial eclipse (about one third, I would say). Still had no goggles, but another one had some foil, that was sufficient to at least see thorugh for a short period before the eyes began to hurt. Phone did not work, sun was still too bright
  22. No, do not have any goggles either. I will see, what I can do... Most likely phone.
  23. I will watch it here in Bavaria. Hope there is something to see... I missed the one in 1999, because I was on vacation on Malta
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