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Everything posted by nbohr1more

  1. Probably DRM-ed to death too. So mods and fan missions will likely be replaced with "Expansion Content" that can be purchased (but only for consoles...).
  2. CPU Vertex Animation? With regard to the issue of why AI takes such toll this is one of my biggest questions "Is having the CPU animate AI and calculate AI shadow volumes a double-whammy of ultra-hard floating point math that would be better to be done on the GPU?" We won't know the answer until Id Tech 4 goes Open-Source but we can guess by replacing AI models with ones that don't have much geometry and don't animate. If having five cubes path-finding in front of you causes FPS to drop like a rock then it's the AI algorithm itself. Conversely, if we make five animated AI perform a robotic pre-determined action and strip it of any path-finding then that would also clear up things. It may be that these other games are doing more of the latter. Rather than letting the AI think for themselves most of their actions are scripted (and not scripted to enhance their thinking as is done with this mod...). And my monsterclip comment about putting it on the ceiling was only half colorful exaggeration. I was flying around Bikerdude's Business as Usual and some AI saw me way up in the sky and started throwing things at me. So the AI path-finding does go up. I presume this would also mean ceilings? I don't know if putting monsterclip on a ceiling would have any weird side-effects though...? So these are questions that beg for some experiments to see what is possible with what we've got and what may be possible in the future with GPL Id Tech 4.
  3. I love this map. Tweaking the AI after release would be great in my book but I see the logic of prohibiting it to some degree. It's a tough one. At the very least if you find that you can tweak it better make sure to release the better version afterward. If you were as willing to modify even non-contest maps from community feedback we would all be lucky. How many commercial game developers actually listen to their audience after release? As long as you make the changes your way I don't see it as a big artistic compromise. I don't think fixing missions after the fact should be discouraged. I guarantee there are scores of folks here drooling over the pending re-release of Return to the City. If you can improve things then do so, we will all be happier (as long as you don't pull a George Lucas and ruin the FM ...)
  4. It's good to hear that you are alright. I am always worried about cyclists as I've seen too many "squidey" stories on things like Discovery Channel documentaries. If that happened to me, my superstitious brain would be saying that it was a Karma balance for releasing such a great FM (every good thing must be accompanied by a bad thing... that's my combo superstition-cynicism outlook).
  5. If there's to be a halloween contest it'd better start soon (probably today?)
  6. I'd love to test the new one. I will have to re-double my efforts to bypass my wife's PC time restrictions...
  7. I would LOVE for this to be allowed until all the late submissions are final.
  8. Good suggestions SneaksieDave. I'm just glad it wasn't deleted right after I built it . I really liked that BOD mission screen so it's on my radar big-time! Please add your city mission if you feel inclined. (I was trying to keep it to missions with screen-shot or youtube proof but established mappers are credible enough to believe even with an offhand remark). Sticky this thread please
  9. I am requesting, on behalf of the TDM community, that these entrants let us know whether they will complete their entries at some point in the future. I will add any affirmative responses to the Upcoming Fan Missions wiki: http://modetwo.net/d...ng_Fan_Missions Neb Xonze Baal DeathStage_12 _Atti_ nic485x winter (added to wiki) killhour Thanks, nbohr1more
  10. It's Christmas in tafferville... Congrat's Bikerdude! (...couldn't sleep in spite of playing the near final version )
  11. Thanks SiyahParsomen! Updating and adding Castle Murdenstain... http://modetwo.net/d...le-murdenstain/
  12. It's a cool feeling jaxa ! That list is not inclusive of the soon(?) to be release vertical contest entrant(s?). I will post in the contest thread soon to see if any of the stragglers are giving up on their maps or if they still plan to release 'em someday (unless they want to answer here).
  13. I will remove dSpair's entry. I have added all the post specific links. Added Sprinheel's mission? (hope that wasn't an early Builder's Influence shot???)
  14. You're welcome LEGION. Thank the FM authors for leaving their hints
  15. Based on the Fan Missions wiki I'd say the full pk4 but the community will be happy with any size estimate at all
  16. Thanks for the updates! (Although I think Fidcal's updates were the cause of the update conflict that erase all my forum post revisions... ) Keep updating that wiki taffers!
  17. Thanks Melan! Back to work on this one then.
  18. Updated the ETA wiki: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Upcoming_Fan_Missions
  19. Some screen-shots are blocked for me so I may have missed a few in the WIP thread as well .
  20. Saving the best for last (wasn't sure if they are a campaign or separate?) Edit: Wiki Corrected?
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