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Everything posted by Frost_Salamander

  1. It looks like script/tdm_user_addons.script just adds the lamp to the player inventory, so that can be removed and a mapper could just spawn the lamp in a map somewhere and the player could pick it up. And in def/tdm_player_thief.def an extra weapon attachment is created for the lamp. If this could be done dynamically in a script we could remove that file as well. Has anything else in this file been changed (or do we need to get the diff viewer out...)?
  2. If you want to get started, I wrote a tutorial here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Git_and_Github_for_Mappers That tutorial is geared towards working with a fan mission in Git/Github, but if you do the 'Tool Setup' section, you will be all set to contribute. Then you can just DM me or ping me on Discord and I can help with the rest of it. Don't be intimidated by it - it's really very straightforward once you get the hang of it. I can add a section on how to contribute to the community org as well (not sure why I didn't do that actually)...
  3. I set it up ages ago, and yeah it was intended for the community. It was never my intention to own or gatekeep it (but it does need some administration). I was trying to come up with a central place where we could store/share assets instead of trying to hunt down .pk4 files and dealing with broken links, etc. There didn't seem to be much interest in it though (for various reasons, there's a forum thread about it somewhere). But it's there and I can help anyone get started with it. The main limitation is individual files can't exceed 100 MB. I would agree it's not the perfect solution for an asset repository, but practically speaking you can get quite far with it.
  4. OK. The close-and-reopen thing sometimes happens, but it's rare. It's something to do with the frob lock entities I think (the things that prevent you from frobbing through containers while the doors are closed). The musical instruments aren't loot so that cabinet doesn't open. In retrospect, I shouldn't have put a lock on that cabinet door I guess... As for the key on the desk, I'll make a note to make it a different colour in a future update so it's not so easily missed. Thanks!
  5. @snatcher I hope you don't mind, I've added this here: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity/mod-handheld-lamp I was thinking I'd like to use some of this neat stuff you're doing at some point (hopefully soon ), and I would just end up putting it in Git like I do all my stuff as I tinkered with it. I figured it might as well go into a public repository instead. If you would like to keep it up to date in this location, I'm more than happy to do that (or show you how to do it). If not, people can always come to this forum thread and retrieve versions that are posted here
  6. I just tried it a whole bunch of times until it crashed. Oddly, the time I drew the bow before the time it crashed, the arrow was missing from the animation. @stgatilov is this stuff of any use? crash dump: https://drive.proton.me/urls/A6T13TEFJR#6YzRcvVFsMW9 debugger screenshot (link to better image )
  7. what part of the map was it? I can try to reproduce on Windows...
  8. Thanks for playing and the kind feedback re: the bugs: the brew tank is a new one - thanks for that. Will add it to the list for any future update. the bow: I think that's a TDM bug. I experienced it as well, but only the early days of developing the mission so I thought it had gone away, but I guess not: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21345-210-crashes-may-be-bow-frontend-acceleration-related/ the keys on the guard: never did get to the bottom of that one as I could never reproduce it.
  9. Yeah I agree, one type of versioning would be best. I guess the problem is the dev team needs to control this, not the FM author because it's not always the author that does the releases (for example patching older FMs to work with newer versions of TDM). I'm not sure what the best solution is to be honest. I like the 'version' field because it's useful for beta testing and you can make it clear what version the testers are playing. But once it's released that field becomes useless. I'm sure it's been debated extensively already though. I think for my next FM I will just try and stick to integer version with the hope they will match! It just feels weird because it's not semantic versioning which I'm used to (but that's not a good excuse).
  10. Version is displayed in the mission info page (missions list -> click on any mission and look at the page displayed on the left). But as you say TDM uses its own internal versioning which only an integer (e.g. version 1, 2, 3, etc.). If you look at the missions list on the TDM website you can see them. For example, for In Plain Sight it says it's version 5, but the darkmod.txt for that FM is version 1.5). So it's debatable what value that field brings. I guess it is useful, but people need to be aware that the mission DB doesn't care about it. I'm not sure what happens if you have say version 1, and then version 2 appears in the mission database. Do you get a popup that says a new version is available? What would be useful here is if it said what the new version was, but it would be weird if that version wasn't the same as the mission DB version like in the version 5 vs. version 1.5 example above. Maybe the mappers should just stick to the integer versioning in their darkmod.txt as a convention.
  11. What, you mean you actually want to choose what you want to watch? It's not you - I'm on the verge of cancelling Spotify for similar reasons. The other day I couldn't even figure out how to find the stuff in my own library after one of their updates. But it would have been very easy to just do nothing and be force-fed 'we thought you'd like this'-type content.
  12. Thanks! Hint for the safe code here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21837-fan-mission-the-lieutenant-2-high-expectations-by-frost_salamander-20230424/&do=findComment&comment=485264 Actually, it's probably time I added these hints to the original post....
  13. Are you saying I forgot the EOL character? That doesn't appear to be the case:
  14. In case you aren't joking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_room
  15. Thanks! FYI it's already been updated and the new version is available via the in-game downloader:
  16. Version 1.1 is ready: Proton Drive: https://drive.proton.me/urls/6E6GRW28EM#Kbv446IaKHe6 Github: https://github.com/FrostSalamander/fsx/releases/download/1.1/highex.pk4 This should fix the 2 biggest issues: target not spawning crash near start of map on Linux (but was also happening on Windows, just much less often) Full changelog here: https://github.com/FrostSalamander/fsx/releases/tag/1.1 @nbohr1more could we get this updated in the mission database please?
  17. ok here's an updated version with a fix: https://drive.proton.me/urls/6E6GRW28EM#Kbv446IaKHe6 @irisx @DavyJones @jonri could you give it a try?
  18. The ability to change the spawnclass definitely feels like something that you should only do if you know what you are doing (which I clearly don't). Also, @stgatilov any idea why the crash wouldn't happen every time, instead of sometimes? The doors are there, and there is an AI that hangs around it the entire time.
  19. that is strange. Sounds like one for @greebo or @OrbWeaver
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