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Everything posted by greebo

  1. Coming back to this discussion from issue #5739: I'm not so sure about putting the entity classes in the tree as children to the object, but what about this mockup below? Is having a tab with the "Related Entity Classes" too well hidden to be useful or would this be ok?
  2. I don't insist on doing that myself, so feel free I'm currently upgrading to wxWidgets 3.2 on Windows, and I had to fix a few things in terms of implicit wxIcon>wxBitmap>wxBitmapBundle conversions.
  3. We got a bug report here which seems to happen using wxWidgets 3.2. @jonri Is this something that looks like problems you remember running into? https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6080
  4. Does this help? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wer/collecting-user-mode-dumps It says if you create that registry key it will automatically save a dump file to somwhere below your AppData folder.
  5. You need to sign up here: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com Once you have a login, you can create a bug using "Report Issue": https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/bug_report_page.php
  6. Can you please record a crash dump from the moment it stops working? It's the only way I can find out what's going wrong. (Crashdump instructions)
  7. My bad, I've been thinking about Selection Sets. Of course, I'm using groups all the time... Yes, I know about that feature request, to be able to select within groups without disbanding them - very useful, but more involved than it might appear at first glance.
  8. This is exactly the use case I had in mind that got me to open this thread and ask. I recently moved back the undo queue to select an item I had deleted earlier, selected it, copied it to the clipboard, then redid all the steps and pasted the item into the map. A move like this is no longer possible when the redo stack is cleared by selecting the item. But then again, I'm used to selections being undoable from Blender, where this is quite a time saver. It's very easy to mis-select a vertex when moving fast, and being able to remove those wrongly selected items by hitting Ctrl-Z is really nice. For this one feature I'd be interested whether anyone is using it at all - are many people using selection groups in their maps? I found it less useful myself, and the workflow is clunky, having to think of a name for the group before saving. - edit: scratch that, I've been thinking about selection sets here.
  9. I'd like to get some feedback about this old feature request, before I start working on it. What do mission authors think, would it be beneficial to have the selection status be included in the undo/redo operations? Like, you select two items, and by hitting Undo the most recently selected item is de-selected again (hitting undo again will proceed to de-select the first one). Thoughts?
  10. DarkRadiant 3.1.0 is ready for download. What's new: The Texture Tool got its Free Scale operator now, allowing you to fit the texture with the mouse instead of having to type in the percentages. A lot of work went into the Declaration handling (EntityDef, Skins, Materials, Particles, etc.), which is now much more robust and more conformant to how the game is doing things (at least until TDM 2.10). The Material Editor got a plethora of issues resolved Improved the Model Export dialog and options For more things that have changed or fixed, see the list below. Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.1.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! And I'll gladly repeat myself, by thanking all the awesome people who keep using DarkRadiant to create Fan Missions - they are the main reason for me to keep going. Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 3.0.0 Feature: DR doesn't consider wildcards in skins Feature: Reload Images eature: Texture Tool free scale Feature: Add "Show Definition" to all ResourceTreeView instances Fixed: "Reload Defs" doesn't remove entities that have been commented out Fixed: 'Reload Sounds' doesn't load new FM sound shader definitions Fixed: Reload Defs is not sufficient for reloading modelDefs Fixed: Models are reset to origin after reloadDecls Fixed: Skin Chooser doesn't preselect non-matching skins Fixed: Moving speakers deletes distance spawnargs if they're the same as in shader Fixed: Unable to select func_emitter with particle attached Fixed: Particle Editor Preview lacks vertex colours in lighting mode Fixed: Particle effects still visible when hidden via layers or filter Fixed: Entities referring to modelDefs should use the "idle" pose where possible Fixed: DR does not parse materials in def files Fixed: Modifier Hint Popup can crash when hitting Ctrl/Alt/Shift keys during shutdown Fixed: Insignificant digits displayed in Surface Inspector shift/scale/rotate values Improvement: Skin Chooser: show in which .skin file the skin is defined Improvement: Declaration Block Parsing overhauled Improvement: Python Interface for IDeclarationManagerImprovement: leave player start entity selected after placemen Improvement: Let Map Info show materials used by models Improvement: Renaming Declarations causes problems when saving it later Improvement: Light Texture Preview should display editor images if present Improvement: Remove comments about particle generator in .prt files Material Editor: New Material is locked if the default unnamed name is already in use Material Editor: allow to delete materials Material Editor: image browser's "cancel" button rewrites the material source text Material Editor: does not save manual edits to source text Material Editor: should show .mtr the material is defined in Material Editor: after "Reload Images", image previews are only updated when selecting a different material Material Editor: suboptimal preview for cubeMap materials Material Editor: preview object doesn't have smooth shading Material Editor: preview doesn't take "scale" into account in Textured Mode Material Editor: blend add stages are rendered separately in preview in lighting mode Material Editor: test frob highlight button not working Material Editor: doesn't remember settings from previous session Material Editor: image thumbnails use "scale" keyword from previously selected material Material Editor: frob highlight stage not updated correctly when changing diffusemap Material Editor: using Escape to close ignores unsaved changes Material Editor: Global Settings should be preselected Material Editor: some declaration text is lost while editing#6047: Material Editor: clicking "cancel" when selecting a light classname clears the classname field Material Editor: new materials always sorted last Material Editor: filter for image browser Material Editor: can't unlock editing on materials in "Other Materials" folder Material Editor: tries to save materials in DarkRadiant folder if no FM is installed Material Editor: allow to change preview backgroun Material Editor: preview renders shadows for noshadows materials 'Export selected as Collision Model' doesn't auto-create path folder and throws error Model exporter: manually enter export origin Model exporter: export origin choice should use a radio button Model exporter: only 1 entity's model is reloaded Model exporter: "Use entity origin as export origin" still uses map origin Model exporter: rename "Center Objects around Origin" The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  11. The official wxWidgets 3.2.0 has been released just recently, in July, so I assume this was too late for Ubuntu 22.04. But I'm glad that it is out at last (it took seemingly forever), now we can finally move on and remove some of the weird #if workarounds. After removing the problems and crashes, of course.
  12. Here's the pre-release build 3.1.0pre2 After this pre-release phase I'm going to consider doing this differently, like pushing out the releases more regularly, skipping the "beta" phase. It's a lot of work putting the pre-releases together, and I'm somewhat tired of it. What's new: The Texture Tool got its Free Scale operator now, allowing you to fit the texture with the mouse instead of having to type in the percentages. A lot of work went into the Declaration handling (EntityDef, Skins, Materials, Particles, etc.), which is now much more robust and more conformant to how the game is doing things (at least until TDM 2.10). The Material Editor got a plethora of issues resolved Improved the Model Export dialog and options For more things that have changed or fixed, see the list below. Download Windows Portable x64: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12zKwbeesRIMP7DNeGd0znGl5xqBVrrPX/view?usp=sharing Download Windows Installer x64: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12u5YtpDvpIPL7cR8EPdIIFcnjx9TzpCe/view?usp=sharing Linux folks need to compile this stuff from source, instructions for various distributions are on the wiki. If you happen to run into a crash, please record a crashdump: How to record a crashdump Changes since 3.0.0 can be seen on the Bugtracker changelog, here's the summary: #6065: Feature: DR doesn't consider wildcards in skins #5503: Feature: Reload Images #5805: Feature: Texture Tool free scale #6021: Feature: Add "Show Definition" to all ResourceTreeView instances #6003: Fixed: "Reload Defs" doesn't remove entities that have been commented out #6007: Fixed: 'Reload Sounds' doesn't load new FM sound shader definitions #5504: Fixed: Reload Defs is not sufficient for reloading modelDefs #6035: Fixed: Models are reset to origin after reloadDecls #6064: Fixed: Skin Chooser doesn't preselect non-matching skins #6062: Fixed: Moving speakers deletes distance spawnargs if they're the same as in shader #5988: Fixed: Unable to select func_emitter with particle attached #6000: Fixed: Particle Editor Preview lacks vertex colours in lighting mode #6061: Fixed: Particle effects still visible when hidden via layers or filter #6036: Fixed: Entities referring to modelDefs should use the "idle" pose where possible #4910: Fixed: DR does not parse materials in def files #5982: Fixed: Modifier Hint Popup can crash when hitting Ctrl/Alt/Shift keys during shutdown #5981: Fixed: Insignificant digits displayed in Surface Inspector shift/scale/rotate values #5727: Improvement: Skin Chooser: show in which .skin file the skin is defined #5977: Improvement: Declaration Block Parsing overhauled #6023: Improvement: Python Interface for IDeclarationManager #5972: Improvement: leave player start entity selected after placemen #6066: Improvement: Let Map Info show materials used by models #6073: Improvement: Renaming Declarations causes problems when saving it later #6057: Improvement: Light Texture Preview should display editor images if present #6002: Improvement: Remove comments about particle generator in .prt files #6071: Material Editor: New Material is locked if the default unnamed name is already in use #6031: Material Editor: allow to delete materials #6054: Material Editor: image browser's "cancel" button rewrites the material source text #6030: Material Editor: does not save manual edits to source text #6055: Material Editor: should show .mtr the material is defined in #6069: Material Editor: after "Reload Images", image previews are only updated when selecting a different material #6050: Material Editor: suboptimal preview for cubeMap materials #6042: Material Editor: preview object doesn't have smooth shading #6043: Material Editor: preview doesn't take "scale" into account in Textured Mode #6053: Material Editor: blend add stages are rendered separately in preview in lighting mode #6059: Material Editor: test frob highlight button not working #6045: Material Editor: doesn't remember settings from previous session #6046: Material Editor: image thumbnails use "scale" keyword from previously selected material #6056: Material Editor: frob highlight stage not updated correctly when changing diffusemap #6049: Material Editor: using Escape to close ignores unsaved changes #6051: Material Editor: Global Settings should be preselected #6052: Material Editor: some declaration text is lost while editing#6047: Material Editor: clicking "cancel" when selecting a light classname clears the classname field #6034: Material Editor: new materials always sorted last #6033: Material Editor: filter for image browser #6037: Material Editor: can't unlock editing on materials in "Other Materials" folder #6029: Material Editor: tries to save materials in DarkRadiant folder if no FM is installed #6048: Material Editor: allow to change preview backgroun #6040: Material Editor: preview renders shadows for noshadows materials Changes since 3.1.0pre1 #5997: 'Export selected as Collision Model' doesn't auto-create path folder and throws error #6013: Model exporter: manually enter export origin #6012: Model exporter: export origin choice should use a radio button #6014: Model exporter: only 1 entity's model is reloaded #6011: Model exporter: "Use entity origin as export origin" still uses map origin #6015: Model exporter: rename "Center Objects around Origin" Thanks for testing, as always!
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  13. Yes, I came across the same page. I'll try to do that some time and will try to keep it in mind before the next release.
  14. Hey tobi, with tarball, are you referring to the sourcecode.tar.gz in the Github releases page? If so, this file is automatically created when I click "publish" on a new release in Github, I cannot influence its contents. I'm not even sure I placed .gitattributes myself in the repo - I believe my local Git client is already configured to commit Unix line-endings only, but will check out CRLF-style locally. So I could live with removing the .gitattributes file from the repo, I don't need it personally. I can also offer to fix the count_loot.py file or any other file you report to me as faulty. I would have guessed that the .gitattributes file should do exactly that, but maybe it's only working in the check-out direction, not when committing files. @OrbWeaverWhat's your take on that, do you prefer that .gitattributes file staying under version control?
  15. I didn't work on fog or blend lights at all, so yes, it's still an open topic. The corresponding issues are still open on the tracker (I see one of them was opened by you): https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=4706 https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=2350 Maybe during the next round of renderer changes.
  16. There's no shame in not finding that grabber widget to drag the divider - I find myself searching for that on regular occasions.
  17. Sorry, I'm afraid this question is too vague for me to answer. It's all about the VC++ solution, if you intend to use Visual Studio. All the dependencies need to compile against that new platform, the produced binaries can then be linked with the main application and DLLs.
  18. DarkRadiant's main codebase is not relying on any intrinsics as far as I can recall right now, it's generally kept very close to the C++ standard for portability reasons. Third-party libraries like Eigen might use platform-specific stuff, but I assume they are portable as well. It all comes down to whether the third-party dependencies provide a port to the platform, these are some of them: freetype - https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype/ FTGL - https://github.com/frankheckenbach/ftgl GLEW - https://github.com/nigels-com/glew libeigen - https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen libgit2 - https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2 libjpeg - https://sourceforge.net/projects/libjpeg/ libpng - http://www.libpng.org libsigc++ - https://github.com/libsigcplusplus/libsigcplusplus libvorbis - https://github.com/xiph/vorbis/ libxml2 - http://xmlsoft.org/ libzlib - https://zlib.net/ Python - https://www.python.org win_iconv - https://github.com/win-iconv/win-iconv wxWidgets - https://wxwidgets.org A problem might be the openGL version that is supported on your target platform. There could be some openGL API calls in DarkRadiant that may cause troubles.
  19. I remember IZaRTaX telling me that over on Discord. Yes, it's been removed, but it was not intentional. Feel free to open a tracker for this.
  20. Yes, so the 1.40 profile is needed after all. I haven't checked the TDM engine code, but I assume there must be a workaround in place there to achieve instanced rendering on older drivers. Not sure how much work that would be.
  21. @datiswousCan you try to open the file gl/zfill_alpha_vp.glsl and change the version check in the first line to 130 instead of 140? It's possible that GLSL 1.30 is good enough, it worked for me locally at least. #version 130 in vec4 attr_Position; // bound to attribute 0 in source, in object space in vec4 attr_TexCoord; // bound to attribute 8 in source ... I think the interaction glsl files might have a similar check in them, maybe you'll run into the next file - you can try to do the same change there. About hat GLSL version, I remember checking the version history, and GLSL 1.40 was released somewhere around 2009? I have been thinking I'm pretty much on the safe side here, but maybe I've been wrong about this.
  22. https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=5981
  23. Hello Nort. That "some volunteer" you so respectfully refer to, would be me. I'm greebo around here, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'd like to inform you that I didn't mess with anything, especially not the "counting system". And the "engine" is DarkRadiant, which is the editor. And it is still able to count to three, even to four if you want it to. And you can still build your maps just fine, even with textures, because nothing has changed in calculating the texture coordinates, or displaying the brushes, or anything. Could you please get the facts straight and (more importantly) tone down the stress level just a tiny bit?
  24. And @Nort, I'd appreciate you editing your status update to clarify the situation, to not needlessly get people scared about map corruption.
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