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Everything posted by Vadrosaul

  1. That's a terrible analogy. Your government rules a club you have to be a part of. You do not have to be a part of TTLG. They are their own government, and unfortunately it's a dictatorship. A dictatorship that tries to be democratic as much as possible, but still a dictatorship.
  2. With graphical technology improving, and true RPG differences between genders, I see it as nothing more than a choice both aesthetically and gameplay-wise
  3. Kind of like how Bioshock will be heavily inspired by System Shock 2, but is not actual System Shock canon
  4. The link doesn't work
  5. Here's a recent article about said subject: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/28072006/6/n-te...nning-edge.html
  6. More available here (Deus Ex 3 hopes?): http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=143474
  7. Too true. A lot of employers seem to still think that way. They don't understand that people all have their own downtime they spend, and they'll spend it anywhere. Taking away an avenue or form of downtime will only cause the employee to look elsewhere, not to spend that time working.
  8. Vadrosaul


    Did that and then some. Still not as good as the old CRT when it comes to seeing the darkest black. It maybe my eyes as Orbweavel says
  9. Vadrosaul


    Never get LCD's if you want to see true black, so basically never get LCD's if you want to game or watch movies on your computer. I recently tried an LCD with a 1400:1 contrast ratio, 2ms response time. Sure the image was sharper, but black always looked like a backlit grey, so I sent it back and stayed with my 7 year old Samsung Syncmaster CRT
  10. 8/10 The car's scale didn't look quite right, so my instinct was for CGI.
  11. I'm still waiting for developer's AI systems to actually *be* revolutionary, instead of just a little better than the predecessors. It's fallen into the category of a meaningless marketing catch-word.
  12. Very awesome work. I hope you're a member of the team
  13. Vadrosaul

    Cpu Heat

    Here is my temperatures immediately after playing Tomb Raider Legend (with everything maxed @ 1024*768) for 2 hours: The system I have is an AMD 64 3800+, ASUS A8N SLI-Deluxe w/ 2 GB Kingston RAM, and one nVidia NX6800GT 256 MB RAM. I do not overclock, nor use any extra cooling techniques, although the stock fan was of good quality. Hope that helps you with your testing
  14. Have you banned anyone besides spammers that sell crap or the occassional "LOL this idea sux" troll?
  15. This is exactly why I only lurk there. I don't like forums where banning is paraded around like a threat, and ad-hominem attacks are commonplace.
  16. I have the one with the large box shaped like a triangle with a flat top, if that's the one you're referring to.
  17. I don't know if you know, but Toronto is the violent gun crime winner in Canada right now. So much in fact that the police have made specific note of it.
  18. If you move to Saskatoon, prepare yourself for brutally cold winters. Philadelphia's wouldn't remotely compare.
  19. The name "Broken Glass Studio's" will be the pun of many negative jokes of your project Playing this game is like walking barefoot on broken glass Broken Glass Studio's is aptly named, because that's what your monitor will give you after running this game ad nauseum
  20. Excellent video! Thank you very much I like how it closely resembles LGS Thief with the use of colour tones and smoother shadows. I also like the loot pickup chime sound, and how the selected item/door brightens it's own colour and not always blue. A couple questions: Will dragging the bodies have arms extend out ala body awareness? Will the dragging speed be reduced? It seems a little too fast
  21. I had a pickpocket try and take my wallet 3 weeks ago. I was strolling in downtown Vancouver, and bumped into a spasming drugged-up hooker who decided to grab me suggestively. After I disgustingly shrugged her off, I put my hands in my pockets and noticed it was gone. I turned around to look at her and she had it in her right hand. She didnt pack it away quickly enough, so I snatched it from her fingers.
  22. Italy looks strong. I'd put my money on them in Berlin. Good luck. La vittoria per Italia!!
  23. Happy Birthday Dram I also see Komag is expecting. Congratulations
  24. Yeah let's forget about any part of football that's based around the team and break it down into individual skill, since that's all that matters apparently.
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