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The Dark Mod Forums


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Status Replies posted by Springheel

  1. Happy new year to all you taffers out there :oD

  2. ~8 hours left to vote on ModDB

  3. Lost one of the great rhetoricians of our time today. Goodbye, Christopher Hitchens. :(

  4. Thank You TDM Mission/Map Makers!

  5. Thank You TDM Mission/Map Makers!

  6. There is some...thing in my attic scurrying about at night and waking me up...

  7. Twenty six missions last year...only 16 this year so far....

  8. Twenty six missions last year...only 16 this year so far....

  9. Doom 3 source is packaged! Waiting on Zenimax lawyers :(

  10. Just finished the IPB Board upgrade!

  11. Back to TDM editing after a break doing other things. Hope everyone's okay. Nice facelift.

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