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  1. Added builder priest: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=5264 Needs some rigging fixes & complete normal maps.
  2. I think I'd prefer the compromise (black fade, intermittent). (For reasons mentioned by Spar.) Maybe add some "blurry vision" in the mix with each black fade, too? I don't like the red very much. RE: blurry vision, do you think the thief have slightly blurred vision whenever he's under water anyways? Wonder if it'd seem more realistic. He's not wearing goggles, so why give him crystal clear vision. Might lead to some interesting gameplay scenarios. You see creatures swimming in the water, but can't make them out 100%. Or makes it harder to find inventory items under water, too; just as it would be harder in real life. Glint flashes (not like D3's) would become more handy under water (e.g., see a silver coin or keys flashing under water). <Edit: I just saw NH has a light gem/water effect bug thread that, once fixed would maybe make this happen?>
  3. I recommend staying away from the legacy Radiant stuff like ArchiveBuffer, and instead use GdkPixbufs like you originally suggested. I have a (very) future task to remove all of that archive stuff and just have the VFS return a std::istream& with the content of the file, since the current implementation is, like most legacy Radiant code, unnecessarily complex and home-grown. Note that anything called "Scoped" is probably a smart pointer of some sort, and will destroy its owned content when it leaves scope (the end of { }).
  4. You have now beta mapper status *AAAHHHHHHH*! You should see now the internal forums for beta mappers, so you can download the latest build. *OOOHHHHH* You might consider to wait a few days though. We are planning to release a new build in a few days, we are just waiting for one fix that should go into the release first. I expect by mid of next week that we will upload the new release. Since it is more than a gig, it's probably not worth to start downloading right now.
  5. OK. Forget my last post in my other thread, as I posted the same error.
  6. I don't know if I should be using this thread for this or not... in fact, in the immediate time surrounding a new drop, do we want every little possibly-misunderstood-but-possibly-a-problem thing to be tracked? Or would it be better to discuss them before formally tracking them? Anyway, the latter is what I'm assuming with this post at least for the moment. A few unsures and possible problems I've run into in a little bit of checking out 0.8: -can't seem to set game mode to darkmod; has this been made unnecessary? (i.e., darkmod is default, even if it says Doom3) -cubic clipping; (1) is there a way to turn it off completely? (2) when I was seeking the on/off, I found Ctrl-- and Ctrl-+, but when I zoomed it all the way out with Ctrl--, it now seems stuck out there and won't come back. -the camera mode constant (or was it RMB hold?) mouseview mode; I'm not sure, has that been implemented? No problem either way, I just thought it had been, but I'm getting a required toggle in and out of mouseview mode (the original method), and wondering if maybe I have to change a setting. -a couple of assertions I'm trying to reproduce so far. One was after opening the texture tree and then trying to close DR. I don't remember the message. For the second (image below), I believe I had just switched out of render mode and maybe toggled out of mouseview as well at the same time. Trying to repro, sorry I wasn't paying closer attention, I wasn't explicitly looking for probs.
  7. Thanks! New Horizon, could you update the sticky thread, please?
  8. Hi, just to say that im still around, i came here every day lurking the forums but dont have the time to work on my map, please dont give up me. regards
  9. I think there's a certain over-indulgent guard whose picture needs to go in this thread.
  10. Today I saw a photonics catalog, and on the back of it was a scantily clad woman posing next to some huge telescope optics or someting. I was like, wow, you've got to by kidding. I don't think anyone who is putting down $200k on a laser system is going to be influenced by whether the company paid a model to drape herself over it or not. Btw, on a semi-related topic: http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2007/biz2/0...st_2007/15.html The whole article is great, but that one in particular is germane to this thread.
  11. I haven't read the thread that this is from (yet; maybe a good thing?), but I don't think it should stop me from replying. I would just point out to Orbweaver that the kinds of experiments he suggested are actually done all the time. The context I've seen this happening is legal cases for gender discrimination (or racial, etc...). Say a prospective employer denies a job to a woman or an apartment owner denies an apartment lease to a woman (or black or gay or whatever; we'll stick with woman) without reason and she suspects it's because of sexist reasons. She goes to a lawyer, and the first thing the lawyer will want to do is get in touch with a research agency that specializes in this sort of thing. They will start sending control and variable subjects (men and women, across a wide range of traits) to call in about renting the room. They are all very carefully scripted to ask for the same things, and react in the same ways. And very quickly the agency can see whether the owner has a double standard across, e.g., a gender line. I don't think it is as difficult as you think. I've read some of these transcripts, and very often it's obvious because if an owner is really sexist, he is really going to use much different language between male and female applicants that stands out when the exact same questions are met with very different responses. And when this same pattern shows up over 20+ subjects -- every time the same double-standard in the same way across 10 men and 10 women -- this kind of evidence is so powerful in court because it is so damning. This applies to overt sexism in a more "scripted" sort of situation (like renting an apartment or getting a job). I'm not sure if here you guys are talking about this or maybe something which is more like passive/non-overt sexism in more "open" situations, where it might be harder to decide whether sexism is really driving the negative response. This is probably a harder question (although you might be surprised how a creative experiment could really separate discriminatory behavior from non-discriminatory once you read the transcripts). But, one thing to say, that difficulty shouldn't detract from being able to notice clear, overt sexism when it occurs. Maybe a general observation I've made is that context matters; very often the more obvious the discrimination it is, the more ethically wrong it seems it will be to the victim. And discrimination seems much worse in government or market transactions than just day-to-day banter (the kind of wrong we should probably be taking more seriously, IMO; more legally wrong, e.g., in terms of what relief they can expect, from expecting an apology up to compensation). At the same time, even in day-to-day banter, some people might not realize what they're saying hurts the victim a lot more than they might expect because of history and prior experiences of the victim, etc., (of course, it's much worse when they *do* realize how much it will emotionally hurt the victim). Anyway, the point is, one should always try to keep this sort of context in mind, IMO, in any discussion about whether a behavior seemed discriminatory and how morally wrong we can say that that discrimination was in the larger picture, as well as when thinking about what we might do to make the world a more pleasant place for everybody.
  12. Not that I expect this to be a huge debate or something, I just wanted to say some things without further polluting that thread. (Also I don't want to publicly draw attention to the parties involved, so please don't mention them) Of course the other way to prove something to yourself is to experience it first hand or watch it happening right in front of you. You can't go through life scientifically proving everything that confronts you. And you're right that you can never really "prove" it beyond all doubt. You have this constant doubt in your head "maybe it's just me" and that's how you cave in. Watch the people in the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu6jLOapt1o (It's not nearly showing the best bits, but maybe it gives you an idea) They get angry and frustrated very quickly, and quickly start making fools of themselves. Because that's the first reaction, you say "Hey this isn't fair!" but if you watch the vid you soon see how it can be impossible to get a fair say. In fact the people that confide in me (out of all the females I know), most of the time never thought it was sexism, they just wanted to talk to someone to make sure nothing was wrong with them. And that's the sad part. The video I saw, I remember an african-american father saying "Your kid comes home and keeps asking "What's wrong with me Dad?" and every day you're saying "there's nothing wrong with you, there's nothing wrong with you" Jane Elliott's focus might be on racisim but she works in sexism into the demonstration because its the same thing - making the blue eyed people wear the collars is just a generic way to segregate people based on some arbitrary factor. And eventually, things happen that maybe aren't a form of predjudice, but you have to wonder "okay was that a coincidence or was that related to my problem?" that's how it slowly affects you. Yes that's true, but that's just the way it is. Different people deal with it differently.
  13. Man, my thread de-railing detection meter is going off the scale!!! BTW this is Australia. Also this is the kind of sexism that nobody notices, like the kind of racism blacks have to deal with every day that nobody realises. The insidious stuff that, unless you talk to the right people about it, is going to get dismissed. And yet hugely affects how well you perform. A kind of psychological torture. That term is no exaggeration, that's exactly what it is - my Dad is a professional psychologist, and described to me exactly what it is. Where nothing is ever good enough, and you are forced to try your best, and its still not good enough, in fact its impossible to be good enough, and gradually over time, you end up caving in.
  14. --Go through the eye-height settings in the AI def files. Scratch that--save until later http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...opid=96927& --check out drumple's loading screen --What's needed to get weapon icons in-game? Check drumple's old hud.gui. - ok, names already in but need to be repositioned - after timedelay, names should transition off - after timedelay, icons should slide down to where text was and/or shrink Go ahead and put some concepts together for this, the code can be touched up later. --http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=4966 Actually there's an offset in weapon_arrow.def:
  15. Boost has much better documentation, easier to use and less bugs IMHO after having used both of them. I tend to favor boost over wxwidgets classes whenever possible as a result. Many of boost classes do not require you to link to their libraries either. Like their smartptr classes are nice. I would like to use those already but have not done so as anyone who does not have boost on their system would not be able to compile it. If you decide it is permissible to use it we will need to setup a "Installing and Configuring BOOST" thread probably as it is not very intuitive. They have their own build system. A little work for great benefits down the road though seems like a fair trade to me
  16. I tried the new settings out. The only one that rubbed me a little strange was that the lean forward felt more like a slide forward. I messed around a minute or two and came up with this adjustment, but I dunno... up to you guys. pm_lean_forward_stretch = "6" pm_lean_forward_height = ".4" pm_lean_forward_time = "400" pm_lean_forward_angle = "5" I took the settings in the other thread and just made the angle higher and the stretch shorter (dunno if it's the right distance, but it felt roughly the same), just so there's a bit more tilt to the lean and less slide.
  17. Chi Haotian, are most certainly on drugs? Regardless...I will further address your comments, as wacky as they may be. I'm not sure what you think TDM is, but we ARE a fan mission project of sorts. We're creating a toolset to make fan missions. We have beta mappers and internal test maps. How this would make our project more like TDS...I really have no idea how you would come to that conclusion, it makes no sense. Thief 2 had new people come on board...and that didn't ruin the game. It's just a matter of the companies being different and different leaders. I'm sure the team could have put out a much better game if circumstances had been different. Mods like this would never see the light of day if they didn't advertise for help. There is usually a small core group that sticks around, but then other members come and go. This turn over requires a lot of work to keep the level of productivity up. If we never recruited new members, the project would have been dead within months. We have plenty of people who have not been here from the beginning. It was certainly not a similar thing that ruined Deadly Shadows. Being made by a different company, making the game cross platform, poor management, that is what cursed TDS. We're not only trying to attract players, we need to attract Mappers more than anything, which is why we have beta mappers. There are also many people who have played Thief and have never visited TTLG. Aside from that, it doesn't take a Thief fan to make appropriate looking textures, it doesn't take a Thief fan to model a wooden chair....nor does it take a Thief fan to write the code for menus and much more. What it takes, is someone who is interested and dedicated enough to learn about the Thief series, and then put the time and effort into making these assets work within our design. We don't just accept any Sam or Sally off the street, we have an interview process where we evaluate whether or not their skills/style will work within the mod. I highly doubt it. We're constantly seeing people sign up who have only now heard about Dark Mod. Every person who has ever played Thief doesn't hang around message forums all the time.
  18. I'm a bit hesitant to change the lean settings to match the animation. Not to be a stick in the mud, just being honest. Our goal is to have a T1/2 lean, and I put a good deal of time into getting the feeling just right and matching it as closely to T1/2 as I could. As I said in a previous thread, I feel confident that these settings are as close as we can get. From what I've seen of the current lean anim, I think it should match close enough for our purposes.
  19. Ah okay. All I remember about this thread is that someone said he walked funny compared to the others. If it looks the same now then there's no issue
  20. Wrong thread for it. Can a mod clean up these last two posts? (Delete, move, whatever... )
  21. But if publicity does attract people willing to help out, wouldn't accepting them make the TDM more like an FM project, or more like TDS? By accepting people thus attracted, TDM team risks getting people who haven't been there from the beginning and haven't grasped the depth of ideas that inspired the project from the start. Wasn't it a similar thing that ruined Thief: Deadly Shadows for so many who do not like it? As for attracting players for when the Mod is finished -- most of them are on TTLG forums, so making an announcement there on the day of release would be enough. As for gaining audience that would let the developers know that their work is appreciated and its results anticipated -- most of it is on these forums.
  22. There is a thread in News & Announcements called The Dark Mod In Gamestar. Does The Mod need publicity at all? How would the project ever benefit from attracting random audiences?
  23. I just saw this on D3World forums, it's a mod for D3 inspired by Descent (for those who don't know, 6 degree of freedom ship-to-ship combat, but more focussed on enclosed environments than wide-open games like wing commander). Good to know that more D3 mods are still alive, and it's got a public beta for download, too: http://www.chmodoplusr.com/IntoCerberon/
  24. The turn_right anim for the elite guard is now available to be called in game. There is no mirrored version for turn_left yet. What other characters should I add this to? I was thinking to just add it to every "guard" character. Builder guard, house guard, etc... since it's a patrol sort of movement. Well everyone should have it really. You could have a regular dude standing watch out the front of his house. ascottk I uploaded my original anims to the FTP under; models/In-game_Originals/animations So you can re-produce them for any character if you can't wait for me.
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