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  1. Yes, I am downloading it now. I see the dev forums now, thanks. Hehe, thanks! Glad to be a part of it.
  2. Just look in the forums. I think we have a beta here. BTW: Do you see the devs forums now?
  3. If we're going to be straying back ON topic, we should move back to the dev forums....
  4. dear Atti, It looks so cool man...You are working like IKEA!!!! but gothic version of IKEA I dont believe any other team will reach that much mesh quantity in their game...Im so excited...And every object im seeing from the game engine giving me heart attack..I dont think i will survive ....after seeing the first level.... Yesterday i was suffered with the sexual climax problems, today im getting so emotional ..... tomorrow... i dont wanna guess it.. Best..
  5. ok it's on the ftp now. (/TheDarkMod/models/Finished Game Models Only/Furniture/shelfs/bookshelf1.ase ""/bookshelf1_d.tga ""/bookshelf1_local.tga) those tgas are 1024x1024 - so everything together is bigger than 6mb...the 56k users will like that the finished game models directory is ok so far, but we should keep the same structure. here's the thread with the structure. I think we agreed on that: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=496
  6. here's the concept art i did involving the sac and stuff http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=175 Just my personal opinion, but your (excellent) model looks a little... evil. I never saw the burricks as evil, just innocent stupid creatures who didn't know any better than to attack anyhitng that came near it.
  7. Sure you could do this. But if you do this, then we would loose a great character modeler for the team because your model really looks good to me. I don't think that you should stop this. Your model looks fine and if it has some problems then you should learn which ones and fix them, instead of running away. I don't think that there are many mods that have such good modellers and that's not only oDDity I mean. I'm really suprised about the high-quality team that we managed to get together, because when I see some FMs I often think that they are rather amateurish. So far I haven't seen anything on our mod where I had to think this (except my models of course ). It's not bad modelling, but maybe you should really focus on one thing and finish this first? I know what you are doing and this is really a lot. And I don't want for you to burn out because you are taking on everything.
  8. TYROT

    Noblewoman Wip

    dear oDDity:) I ll try to fix the face.. Of course i was more like architectural and mechanical modeller for years... I think i should stick with making just furniture and stuff like that for this mod and keep my time trying to fix things.....I mean of course i can change, add so many other props to your base model but really it doesnt do anything good for my skills which im really trying to improve. I was making cartoon 3d characters for TVs but not that much humanoid characters. And for some time (springheel knows the reason) i may have some anatomical problems.. I think it s better for me not to try anymore on character models... Because really this team has the best.... so the best must create the final characters...I mean we should not give away the quality... So i think .I m not gonna try to make character for this mod again... and I even do not put any kind of picture on LW modellers background. Not even a logo. I mean i force myself to not copy the actual stuff..So for me it s not even an option to put a model and change it...I mean it may take months for me to make a good proportional model or a face but it s ok really i dont have rush After many occupations in this visual art fields i started to focus on modelling mmm couple of months ago.. So i think im still so amateur... i was focusing on so many other things when i was making that woman. i mean my mind was divided in three things as i was making it....It was really so hard for me to work in 3 different PCs on 3 different stuff.... but this is not an excuse... of a bad modelling ... And i admire your work...It s not a good thing for me to mess with it best (with us)
  9. that's nice ! I'd love to texture this can you please upload it ? check out this thread for the ftp data: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=609
  10. i'll do the 4 poster bed.. edit: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=613 finished edit: startting on the victorian end table edit: starting a bookshelf edit:_finished edit:starting wardrobe edit: wardrob finsihed edit:starting small desk
  11. Hi Atti, Just looked at your newer pictures. The weapons are quite decent. We are going to need to have some weapons modeled soon, actually, and some plants as well. If you've got some free time to dedicate to the mod, we're happy to have you. edit: You should have access to the team forums now. Take some time to read through the forums, especially the 3d Models forum, and then let me know when you're ready to go.
  12. My major problem with "body awareness" is, that it's plain stupdi from a real world point of view. At least in many cases. Seeing hands when walking around? Why? When I go I never see my hands and I'm not aware of them. Even running I barely are aware of them, so why would I have a constant reminder that I have hands to use? I know that I have hands and so does the character in the game. Pickupanimations are ok, but they tend to slow down an action and look most of the time simply ridiculous. The lockpicking was not so bad in T3 because the hands were in a quite limited position (hence the suck in) and looked more or less ok. But having a pickup animations means that either the character has to be in a proper position or the animation will look wrong. Either because the hands will have to be extended in order to reach the object properly, they will have to be bended in an unrealistic way, or they look realistic but will touch air instead. If we want realistic moving handanimations, then the player has to be in a position where it makes sense. This means, he has either to be sucked in (which I hate) or he has to move in the proper position himself (which could become frustrating). The major problem with body awareness is IMO that you never will have the amount of control over a computer character as you have over your body. Simply because the only things to control the character is the mouse and the keyboard. And this is exactly the reason why you either have to force the model into an animation or the player has to learn complex control mechanisms. A good example is the slight delay when the palyer is looking in another direction then the body is aligned of. The delay is not realistic, simply because in RL you never have this issue. You can move your head independently of your body (to some extent ). So looking in one direction and going in another is never an issue with a real body, but it is with a computer controled character because usually you can either control the body or the head but not both. And these are similar problems for all other body parts to. I can control my hand while simoutlanously moving my head and also my feet in totally different directions. I can even read while walking and I do this all the time when I'm on the street. So to me body awareness is something that is much overhyped and expresses more a lack of phantasy than anything else. I have no problem seeing no body and still knowing that it's ME that is running around in the castle steeling things. Yes. That's also my opinion.
  13. Guest

    Doom3world Hacked Again

    there are 4(!) meta refesh tags in the source, though only 2 are in valid places, it looks like every instance of the string "doom3world" got replaced by it and the text "Fags Got Pwned doom3 Is gay!!!" doesn't leave much to the imagination some valve-fanboi-CS-1337-mYg0t-script-kiddie who thinks that he's funny, someone ought to give him a spanking
  14. I wouldn't go as far as a hand picking up the book...we don't have hands picking up anything else. But my thought was that we would use something like the PDA animation that already exists, and there you do see the hands briefly as it is raised to your eyes. If the world doesn't show around the book, like the original games, then this isn't an issue. But if we decide we want to go with the 'live reading' feature discussed here -- http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=325 -- we might need hands on the side. I'll have to see.
  15. I think the only reason we would need to have page turning is if we decided to incorporate body awareness for the campaign. From hovering around on the forums I've noticed that a lot of people truly enjoyed it in other games too, but felt that Thief needed to really work on it. So, if we do get body awareness into the campaign...we could definately go the whole nine yards with picking up the book and such. I think it's fine for now that we stick with keeping it simple and going for the classic Thief style presentation. In many ways it should help us build a stronger foundation by not being overly complicated in the beginning.
  16. Okay, I should have posted a link to my progress with the blackjack - I kind of assumed everyone uses the "show new posts" feature of the forums. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=594&hl= I'm using the grenade animations for now, because they are actually a lot like blackjacking animations. The "view" (name for the weapon stuff you see in first person view) mesh and associated animations are all self contained. You have to have the hand(s) modeled into the animations. You never see the actual player model in first person view. This means you can have a lot more detail on the weapons, such as GUI's (the readouts that tell you how much ammo is left), glowing lights that actually affect your surroundings in real time, etc. The things that other people see of you in multiplayer, and what you see in mirrors, are much less detailed. BTW, I updated my post up there with a new modelling suggestion link. It is also from the main tutorial page. I am just suggesting the tutorials. I also re-worded the intro to that post, so its clearer that I don't actually NEED them, but it is ready for them to be dropped straight in.
  17. There is no problem with that. I think the reason for putting it in the middle are twofold. 1.) Because of 3rd person view, the have to position the model in such a way that it looks believable from 3rd person view as well as from first person. That's also why you had to be sucked into position. Placing it on the sides would cause unneccessary problems, because it can either be on the left or right and there has to be enough place so that the model doesn't either dissolve into the building or might be collisioned and can't get into the proper position. 2.) Probably handles on the sides could be harder to see because of lighting conditions. Considering the XBox it might be much worse on a TV screen. When the object is placed in the middle the light is probalby better there. Just pure speculation of course.
  18. YEs. I'm sure it ;ooks even better in game, with the real time specularity. Just on the subject of doors - does anyone know what the reason for the central doorhandles/locks in T3 was? Will there be any problems putting door handles and locks on the right/left side of the door like normal?
  19. Hey Sparhawk, I think you misunderstood the post I made over at moddb. It wasn't the textures that we were having problems with, we actually had a very large set of them already made. The problem was with creating custom models that would react as a physic object. I think I pretty much sum it up on the news post at moddb. Basically, we just have a lot more options with HL2, especially for the medieval setting. It is easier to do large outdoor environments with amazing looking water and foliage. The whole idea, now, will be to incorporate the world into the playing experience. With all of the physics props available we can make for some very interesting and unique ways around certain obstacles. If a group of zombies is coming at you up a hill, just grab some barrels and roll them over instead of wasting a clip of ammo. Anyways, I am glad you guys over here at Dark Mod cared about the mod; it's nice to know that somebody was paying attention. Cheers, r.gun
  20. Like all forums, go to your control center and you can set it to what ever you like. I think most internet savy people would realise this. (that's not a slur on you internet savyness))
  21. When I look at oddities character models they are really looking great, as probably everybody agrees. What I wonder though, is as how they will look in-game. Remember BlackThiefs problems with the Zombie skinning? Because the models are mirrored. So I would suggest to start skinning at least on one character from Oddity to see how they turn out when they are ported into D3. I would really hate to loose that great look of them, but we should get some experience with this.
  22. I have PSP and that would do fine for me. But that still involves downloading them all separately. Is there really no way to log into the server for access enough to whip up a rar archive?? Chripes, if the folder format is now "how it's going to stay" (is it?) then it should take a few minutes and then everyone can download updated textures and stuff. My models don't work right either, but that could be from 'themod' archive or perhaps old mtr files or such? Basically, the only thing that works here on my system is that I can frob an incorrectly textured door (changed by hand) in the frobtest map.
  23. Nice to meet you, Tyro. Great stuff. And welcome to The Dark Mod. I am already impressed by your enthusiasm. I'm the Art Division Leader, so we'll be working together, no doubt. Take some time to read through the different developer forums and bring yourself up to date with what we have already done. When you're ready for some assignments, just let me know. (and you'll find the average age here is fairly high...I'm 32)
  24. That's what the IRC channel is there for. Details here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=450
  25. Eeek, I think there is some confusion here. I've pretty much ripped the guts out of T3 and the gem wasn't 2D. The Gem is a 3D object, just like the compass. It is simply skinned with a 2d texture. The texture will wrap around the gem, and in this way...the gem can be placed in any position we need it and then anchored there while the compass rotates around it. I've checked out the textures oDDity supplied and they should work perfectly. Just a quick shot of the skinned gem model. This is the T3 gem. I used the t3ui.ini to scale it up in size and turn the end towards the player slightly. It's a full 3d model. Just wanted to make sure there was no confusion there. That should help get things moving along. Another shot...angled up and exposing the edge of the gem. Since the t3hud files enabled scaling through the t3ui.ini I'm hoping that there is a similar way for us to do this in doom 3. Having to resize the gem and compass and export it each time we want to try a different size would be time consuming. I've tried the d3world forums but wasn't able to find anything about scaling ingame hud items. I'll send an email to id support.
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