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Can I turn off the shadows?


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Hello everyone!


I have just downloaded The Dark Mod today and I was wondering if there was a way to turn off the shadows?

My computer isn't the best computer out there and the shadows make it a bit laggy at times.

There is no way to do this in the Video Settings Menu and I have tried to edit the DoomConfig.cfg without success.


Doom 3 runs fine for me with the shadows turned off so I am quite sure this is the problem.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



God Bless

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Where would you want to hide in without the shadows? :) I guess this feature is not optional by intention. Sorry.


As far as I know the lightgem also wouldn't work with shadows disabled, but I am not too well informed about the inner workings of this. One of the coders would have to verify my statements...

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Where would you want to hide in without the shadows? :) I guess this feature is not optional by intention. Sorry.


As far as I know the lightgem also wouldn't work with shadows disabled, but I am not too well informed about the inner workings of this. One of the coders would have to verify my statements...


Yeah your right lol, Where would you hide.


It is kind of frustrating though.

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Sorry, mister SPOOK, but all of TDM's lights are dynamic, so only the mapper can turn off their shadows.


Besides, if you turn off every light's ability to cast shadows, then you'll give torches that bleed light right through walls, and we can't have *that* in a game that is so dependent on lights and shadows, right? ;)


Best thing you can do (other than buying a graphics card) is run TDM at a low screen resolution (640x480), turn off Anti-Aliasing, turn off Anisotropy, turn off bloom, Use 'Fast' Ambient Rendering, and 'Standard' Interatction Shader.

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yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Sorry, mister SPOOK, but all of TDM's lights are dynamic, so only the mapper can turn off their shadows.


Besides, if you turn off every light's ability to cast shadows, then you'll give torches that bleed light right through walls, and we can't have *that* in a game that is so dependent on lights and shadows, right? ;)


Yeah, That's okay.

Thank you anyway.

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Turning off shadows might not be as disastrous as everyone thinks - most torches and other lights have a relatively small radius anyway, so there would be occasional glaring bleed-through areas, but overall it might actually work without too much problem (maybe)

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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Oooooh. I just learned something new! ^_^ I searched through our documentation, and there IS a console variable. r_shadows [0/1]. I was even able to pass the stealth training section with shadows off. ...it was damn hard, but I still did it!


Well, If you really want to sacrifice difficulty, and easily break missions ("Too Late" is just IMPOSSIBLE with r_shadows off), I'm not gonna stop you.


Best of luck, m'friend!

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yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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You can turn off shadows, but it will mess with the lightgem and screw up gameplay. Which is why it's not on the menus. :)


Keep in mind that TDM is more resource-intensive than Doom 3 even without shadows; our AI is much more complex so there's a bigger CPU load. Also, the levels tend to be built with more modern video cards in mind; Doom 3 was released six years ago(!), so most people have upgraded their video card at least once since then.

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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