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Spider Animations


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Something strange is going on with the spider animations. When I tried making new idles, the animations looked fine in Maya, but in D3 the legs sunk into the floor and got all scrunched up. When I look at the existing idle, I see it also sinks into the floor a bit. Now the death animation is doing wacky things as well.


My best guess is that something is wrong with the ik information, but I know very little about it. I'm going to try commenting out all the ik stuff and see if that has any effect on the animations. If it's not that, then I have no idea what the problem is.

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Hmm, removing the ik information in the .def file didn't seem to help anything.


I'm not sure exactly what the problem is with the new animations. They look fine in Maya, but after exporting the leg joints are all out of position, and the spider clips significantly into the ground (there is some clipping even with the current animations, I notice). See image below.


Somebody who knows more about animation will have to look at them...there's some reference to nurbCircles, which I have no idea how to use, that might be affecting these animations.


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Ah, ok, I've had some success. I deleted all the nurbsCircles from the spider rig, and was able to export a simple idle animation without any weirdness. Maybe that's all that I needed to do.

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Ok, good. Things appear to be working normally now. I've already created a longer, less repetitive idle animation and I'm now working on a death animation. The rig controls are not very good, but I'll be able to muddle through enough to fix all the spider animation problems for 1.03.

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