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How *not* to launch an anticipated product.


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As I mentioned before, the Raspberry Pi (www.raspberrypi.org) was released. The problem is the way they handled the launch. We all knew there was a LOT of demand for this thing, so RPI foundation licensed two stores to sell the product... but instead of providing links to where we can order the product directly, they just gave us links to the third partys' home page. Searches would only turn up directions to "register your interest in the product" and not to buy it.


Now this is a dumb thing to do on two levels. The more people needlessly using search facilities on the resellers' sites at the same time, the more unnecessary load is placed on the servers and the less additional folks can access them as a result.


The more people who see pages that advertise, yet don't actually allow you to buy the product, the more people begin to wonder if it is available where we live, or even if it was indeed released at all.




This is funny because it kind of reminds me of a game console launch. I remember the madness when the PS3 came out, though the last console I went and got immediately upon release was the Dreamcast. Also, if we believe the Redmond camp, "nobody is interested in messing with Linux stuff". However, the amount of attention a product like this is getting tells a different story. This isn't even the cased consumer version.

Edited by lost_soul

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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I really don't see a problem with it.


I mean, the only reason people are interested is that it's constantly getting hyped up as something its not. If consumers expect too much, as they do here - they will hurt themselves a lot more in the long run by trying to sell it as a consumer product. At the end of the day, it's got a closed gfx core making it a short term toy and the 'deluxe' model is the only one worth actually looking at for most people.

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Yeah, I wonder what percentage of folks who got one will try and hook up a CD-ROM drive to install XP. :)


The funny thing is, apparently some people got REALLY upset over this. They were apparently sending nasty letters and calling people nasty names. I think it would be funny if the foundation could post the letters for the world to see. Reading a bit of nerd rage would certainly crack me up!

Edited by lost_soul

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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