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Today when I started DarkRadiant, it just wouldn't start. It just said something about an Unexpected error. I tried to reinstall the editor, same error, I reinstalled the whole mod, still same error. I have thought of reinstalling Windows for a while and this triggered my thoughts about this. Now I have reinstalled Windows 7 (64 bit) and installed The Dark mod and DarkRadiant. Now I can come into the program, but as soon as I load a map, it crashes...I have tried both 32 and 64 bit versions of the VC++ and older versions of DarkRadiant but same crap...


And I cannot start The game either...Thought this tells me there is something fishy with the craphics card...Shall look into disabling threading optimizations...


I downloaded and installed the newest drivers from the internet and it seems to be working now :)


Strange how it just started to crash...I did nothing special before the crashes, no new games or drivers installed, it just started to crash on me...But good thing I got that reinstall, Windows fell so much fresher now :)


probably a critical windows update, there's been a few updates to windows recently that get removed in an emergency update when its found out they don't work as intended, that windows 10 advert for get windows 10 free broke things I had a few games refusing to work with the windows 10 advert running as it hogs resources, and was making games end so that it could advertise win 10 every hour for 3 days.

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