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Script backwards compatibility


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Dear all,

Is there anyway we can maintain backwards compatibility in the scripting system?

In example, the below function was introduced in tdm_events.script in TDM 2.11:

scriptEvent void removeFrobPeer(entity peer);

Is there something such us the below or can you think of any other way?

if (funcExists("removeFrobPeer"))


Many thanks in advance.


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Hum personally I don't think that exists, at lest for all functions, I could be wrong thou. 

But TDM, coming from Doom 3 should support


but this is particular to script objects/entities and not to ask if some generic global script function exists anywhere and I don't really know how that would be implemented.

But couldn't script macros be used for that? Something like SDL does.

// based verbatin from SDL version define

#define TDM_VERSIONNUM(X, Y, Z)                     \
    ((X)*1000 + (Y)*100 + (Z))



	// run this func only in TDM 2.11 or above
		do stuff;

Not totally sure if script language macro support is robust enough for this but it should be.

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I can tell tell your idea would work, but I am unable to get the current version.


returns zero and:

#define TDM_COMPILEDVERSION sys.getTDMVersion()

doesn't work: can't evaluate undefined macro 'sys', substituted with zero


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Sorry my reply was a bit confusing, those macros aren't defined anywhere (thou you can define them yourself...), it was only a idea for the TDM team to implement if they wanted. Sorry for making you waste your time chacing nothing. 

TDM_MAJOR_VERSION, TDM_MINOR_VERSION and TDM_PATCHLEVEL (and the rest)  need to be defined/created by the TDM team, and made part of the standard game defines, you can define them yourself, but that would be useless to anyone else, because only you would have those defines in your copy of the game, so right now afaik there's no way to do what you want, unless the TDM team creates those or something like those macros. I hope this is more understandable. 

Edited by HMart
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Hmm Licensee.h appears to have these defined ( from svn ) :

#define GAME_NAME "The Dark Mod" // appears on window titles and errors
// greebo: Defines the darkmod release version

#define ENGINE_VERSION "TDM 2.12" // printed in console


Does calling sys.getTDMVersion()  without any define return the correct value?

I am guessing if you wanna use this in a script you just:

float tdm_version_val = sys.getTDMVersion();

if ( tdm_version_val < 2.11 ) { something } ;

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32 minutes ago, nbohr1more said:

Does calling sys.getTDMVersion()  without any define return the correct value?

Yes, it returns the correct value: 210, 211...

33 minutes ago, nbohr1more said:

I am guessing if you wanna use this in a script you just:

float tdm_version_val = sys.getTDMVersion();

if ( tdm_version_val < 2.11 ) { something } ;

The problem is that something contains a function that didn't exist in previous versions, and TDM refuses to launch:

Error during initialization. Error: file script\X.script, line Y: Unknown value "removeFrobPeers"

HMart's method however, seems to be more indulgent and anything in between #if #endif gets a pass, according to my tests.

46 minutes ago, nbohr1more said:

Hmm Licensee.h appears to have these defined ( from svn ) :

#define GAME_NAME "The Dark Mod" // appears on window titles and errors
// greebo: Defines the darkmod release version

#define ENGINE_VERSION "TDM 2.12" // printed in console


I cannot retrieve the values of these identifiers in a script:










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Pretty hacky, but I wonder if you could use something like this?


float tdm_version_val = sys.getTDMVersion();

if ( tdm_version_val > 2.11 ) { 

string tempvalue = removeFrobPeers ;

tempvalue(entity peer) ;

} ;


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Hacky indeed!

if ( tdm_version_val > 211 ) { // no dot

string tempvalue = "removeFrobPeers" ; // quotes

tempvalue(entity peer) ;

} ; 

No joy, though:

Error during initialization. Error: file script\X.script, line Y: idTypeDef::FieldType: tried to get field type on non-field type


It is ok, I guess... Nobody apparently ever had a need for such backwards compatibility anyway, short or long term. Let's forget it. Forward it is!

Many thanks for the support.


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