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Feasability of adding secondary function to key if certain key is held?


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For example, holding shift on a word processor will form a capital letter. Could something similar be added to TDM like a secondary function key? For example, instead of having dedicated lean keys, holding "alt" while pressing A / D will make the character lean rather than strafe. This would free up the lean keys and many other keys. The enormous amount of keybinds that are possible in TDM means lots of finicky finger movements, and something like this could help.

I got the idea because while raising my volume in game via Fn and uparrow, I equip my spyglass for some reason. Pushing uparrow without Fn does not equip it, so the functionality is there it seems for something like this. If Fn and uparrow equips the spyglass, which was a shortcut I was not aware of, what other shortcuts are there, and how can I unbind/rebind them, because I don't want to keep equipping my spyglass when I adjust the speaker volume while in game.

Edited by Wallace
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The problem seems to be that the in-game key binding settings simply don't allow you to use modifier keys with other keys. If you try to change a binding to CTRL-A, you just get a binding for CTRL. The interface is treating modifiers like regular keys.

Whether this is a limitation of the underlying game, or just a problem with the keybinding UI, I have no idea.

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