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"...and of course derailing it killing hundreds of innocents, but hey,.... it's Van Damme"


The man can appently cause autism in kids as young as twelve by staring at them intently.



holy fuck.









(it should be noted i hate damme, but his movies do tend to stray into the 'so bad it's excellent fun' area)


EDIT: Apparently Tripod is being a dick and making the pics not show up, meh.

http://www.thirdfilms. com

A Thief's Path trailer is now on Youtube!

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from what I understand he tried to do an accent and it was so horrible they made him stop.  It was so horrible that the people who thought making that Robin Hood movie was a good idea made him stop.  That's saying a lot in my book.



These are the same people who had a Muslim warrior (Morgan Freeman) return with his bestest buddy Robin Hood to Merry Old Catholic England, where he would have been murdered in about 2 seconds.

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Robin Williams is a really good actor IMO - have you seen One Hour Photo, or Insomnia?  When he restrains his manic side, he does a really good job of "serious" roles.  I am also quite fond of Good Morning Vietnam, but a lot of his movies are just him riffing away - I prefer his stand-up to a movie where he is doing that.


Quote (Sparhawk) "Probably, because stuff like that can be used. Powerhungry poeple like Goerge Bush and all the others can use this for soldiers, but the thought, that instead of killing others, they could enjoy sex must be absolutely horrible to them. Especially since they can't use this for their own maniac purposes."


Indeed, the US Army publishes a pseudo-realistic FPS called America's Army, which is a deliberate recruiting tool for the military...


I don't see the point in not letting 16 year olds see hardcore porn when they are probably already having sex anyway, or seeing full frontal nudity when all they have to do is stand in front of a mirror naked for the same thing, but I do see the point in restricting access to very violent games and movies to adults.


Quote (Sparhawk) "Last weekend I heard some news on the radio that the USA prepares a new law that it can attack other countries with nukes. Does this say enough?

George Bush and his buddies knew that Saddam didn't have any mass desctructive weapons, but he wanted that war so he made it. Any additional comments needed?"


That is what I find so hypocritical about America - they chastise countries like China, Iran and North Korea for developing nukes, when they possess more weapons of mass destruction than all other nations combined.  If America seriously expects other countries to drop their nuclear weapons programs, it needs to lead by example, and it needs to stop supplying them to countries like Israel.


Nuclear weapons are quite pointless...

Mutually Assured Destruction...


Anyone who thinks nukes are a good idea is mentally defective...

Oh, wait, that sums up George Bush in a nutshell



Thats all you find hypocritical about America? Well, sir, there is a whole world of hypocrisy waiting for you here! Didnt you know that...


This is the Land of the Free, where civil liberties are being eroded on an hourly basis, where a judge has ruled that Jose Padilla, a US citizen, can be held by the government without evidence.


This is the Land of Opportunity, where 9 out of 10 white citizens blame the black citizens of New Orleans for not being motivated enough to move away from the dangerous parts of town and where in many cities 3rd world conditions exist next door to some of the wealthiest and most powerful communities in the world.


This is the Land of Equality, where the racial segregation in our schools is as bad as when such segregation was legal and where people of color are regularly harrassed and even murdered by the pigs.


This is the Land of Progress where a number of school districts around the country are attempting to include Intelligent Design in their biology curriculums and where a significant portion of the population believes that its only "fair" to include creationism in classrooms so as to provide "balance".


See, there is a lot more to hate about this place! As for your Williams comments, Ill ignore those as you were obviously under the influence of crack cocaine when you wrote them. *<;o)

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Here in Australia our delightful government has just rammed through more legislation to further increase the powers of our spy agencies - ASIO can hold you for days without charge simply if you happened to be the next door neighbour of a suspected terrorist, and if you tell anyone where you were while they had detained you, you can go to jail for 5 years... Strange thing is our government doesn't have the resources to act on these police state style powers - they don't really fund the agencies enough. Us Aussies are in the unfortunate position of having a government led by a Prime Minister who thinks George Bush is a model president, and without a credible opposition we might be stuck with the bastard for a while yet, and they control both houses of parliament, so they can do pretty much whatever they like...


I think the healthiest thing for America is to start taxing religious organisations as companies, at the highest rate, to start pumping some cash into real, decent, equitable education, and to tar and feather Dubya, tie him to a burro, and send him out of town, and to take his cronies in the Military Industrial Complex with him.


The big problem with both America and Australia is that we have systems of government that claim to be Democratic, but in reality are nothing more than semi-elective dictatorships. In a democracy there are no leaders - by definition, everyone is equally a leader - whereas we currently choose from a limited range of options - Idiot A or B - to rule us for a few years, then we vote them back in because at least you know what to expect from your current idiot, who knows what will happen if you get a new idiot...


Most people are unfortunately too risk averse to try something different, and human nature being what it is, democracy is always the most difficult path to tread, and people often lose sight of the rewards of that path, thus favouring dictatorships that call themselves democracies.


Just remember, the more your leaders start telling you how wonderfully democratic your country is, the more like a dictatorship it actually is.

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There is another problem with democracy. Since the ruling is only for a few years it favours two kinds of "politicians". The one that try to stick in their pocket as much as possible before the four years are gone, and the other ones, who are not doing anything that lasts longer than 2-3 years, because then the legislation is over and the rest of the time has to go into the election process where they tells us how much they care for us and how good it will be once we elected their party.


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One of the problems in the United States is that the public's perception of their leadership and the political process is wildly skewed. Our media is the shameless handmaiden of power, with the disaster of Katrina and the idiocy and callousness of our leaders some critical voices have been heard but for the most part you get the usual B.S. on the news. A perfect case in point is our Social Security system, which is under assault by those who wish to privatize it and steal even more of the publics money. There is absolutely NO PROBLEM with our Social Security as it currently stands. It is not running into bankruptcy like the Monkey King keeps squawking, the federal agency that regulates it (the General Accounting Office) has made numerous statements to the effect that it is fine, it needs no major alterations and it has told this to the President more than once. In fact, its one of the most successful programs in the history of the United States government and it has wide popular support.


To hear our mainstream media, this is not so. So now we have to have a "debate", presenting both sides of the issue as if each were of equal value. This is a famous media maneuver, rather than calling a lie a lie you have a bogus debate over. It sells well in U.S. culture where we like to think we are "fair" and willing to let both sides have their say. BTW, this is how the creationism/evolution debate has been framed and even folks who dont give any creedence to creationism have expressed the willingness to "give boths sides an equal airing." in polls. Most dont realize that there are no real sides, that a very small number of people with the right connections, some half ass studies done by a rightwing thinktank infected with fundamentalist Christians and a lot of $$$ can shift the public debate.


So with Social Security it doesnt matter that one "side" consists of crooked politicians who have demonstrated their willingness to lie and steal innumerable times while on the other hand there are literally thousands of experts who are screaming "There is no problem with Soc. Sec.!!!" It doesnt matter that one side of the story has ++no++ concrete evidence to back it up, that numerous economists and activists have presented tons of evidence to the contrary. Power has spoken and thats enough for the big media outlets. The President could say the sky is polka-dotted and the talking heads would soon pick up this fact and run with it. Simply because of the power and prestige of his office, his words are ususally accepted at face value, despite the fact the man has been caught lying time and time and time again. But as one journalist for a MSNBC put it "You cant just call the President a liar on national T.V.!" But thats your job, asshole. Of course if you do that, you will lose your job so I suppose they are in a pickle themselves.


Our educational system supports these fantasy constructs about our nation as well. We are taught in school that our nation is this very special place, set apart from all others. We are a special people, who understand freedom like no one else does. Our "Founding Fathers" hold an almost cult-like appeal to the average individual, I have heard people say that they "discovered" liberty as a scientist might discover a new bug or bird. You can easily find an individual living in a ditch who will rant on and on about what a wonderful land this is, full of opportunity and eager to lift all boats. Until you get to the level of advanced education, and only with particular professors or programs at that, you are constantly indoctrinated into what has been termed the States "civic religion" and there is not a hint of exaggeration in that term.


Nor are our citizens taught to be very critical thinkers. We are told to be critical thinkers in the classroom but then every other message that students receive, explicit or implicit, is to shut up and do as your told. Especially when you get to history or political science. You can be a critical thinker about something like astrophysics or accounting but if you start to ask too many questions about U.S. history or current policy or whatever, you will run into opposition, from teachers to fellow students to family members.


Our work culture follows a similar pattern. I am an adult educator, training adult students to get their high school diplomas and then seek work. The literature we are given is pretty blatant and says it all. Dont ask critical questions of management. Dont make demands on the workplace. Dont ask what the company can do for you, ask what you can do for the company and then do more. The company is doing you a favor giving you a job, you had better be damned appreciative. These are very busy people, you are imposing on them and dont forget it.


Our culture is also twisted up with what I have dubbed the "Cult of the Individual" We are told that we are the masters of our destiny, that no matter what your background you can rise to commanding heights and drive a shiny new car to boot. Success and failures have little or nothing to do with class, race, sex, but rather with personal integrity and a willingness to make sacrifices to overcome personal obstacles.


As we are a society of free floating individuals, the framework through which the world is commonly viewed is a moral one, specifically its a framework that posits the individuals has having a moral relationship with one's workplace or ones local corporation. Thats why its "immoral" to lie to Wal-Mart about your past on a resume, sure Wal-mart lies all the time but thats not important, whats important is that you are an "honest" individual who won't mislead a company.


I was working at a museum last year and the director of our program was a bald faced lying shitbag who would say whatever it took to get her will done, to the point where she would contradict her own words within the same conversation knowing no one would dare challenge her. Wrong! ;) I ran into trouble early on with this specimen and so I approached my colleagues with this offer: If any of us get canned by this bitch, lets all act as references for one another. Ill say I was your supervisor, you say you were mine, that way our asses are covered. We all knew we were good at what we did and none of us were ax murderers or cannibals. We also knew that this director would have had no problem ruining any of our futures, she probably would have done it for the malicious satisfaction.


One of my workmates signed on, but the others were dead against any such plan. Why? That would be lying ! I pointed out that as workers we have little maneuver room if we were screwed over, that we had no other tools at our disposal other than showing some solidarity and a willingness to cover one anothers backs. I pointed out that lying to a company is a far different thing than lying to your mommy, or to another person in general. I pointed out that our livelihoods depended on references from past employment and that if a former employer chose to tank your reference you would be screwed with no recourse. I pointed out that companies lie and cheat all the time, that the position you are hired for almost always has some hidden duties that will demand more of your time and effort than what you signed up for. None of that mattered, they were stuck in the illusion that lying to a corporation is as much a moral failure as lying to a friend.


So to sum up this longish diatribe, I guess Im saying one of the U.S.'s biggest problems is the "false consciousness" that the majority of our citizenry suffers under. Its a bizarre blend of religious belief that blends into nationalism/jingoism that blends into a simplistic/moralistic view of society. It is the vile glue that has helped to hold this nuthatchery together for almost 230 years. But material conditions are changing here, there is widespread economic suffering, our shiny self image has been heavily tarnished by 9/11 and the war and katrina and the general decline in our public and private lives.

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Interesting read. :) Especially since this is not form some book or news source where I would have to assume that it is made up to fit the company regulations. :)


I guess that shiny self image is not really tarnished since 9/11. At least not for others to see.


BTW: What do you mean with that Katrina?


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Interesting read. :) Especially since this is not form some book or news source where I would have to assume that it is made up to fit the company regulations. :)


I guess that shiny self image is not really tarnished since 9/11. At least not for others to see.


BTW: What do you mean with that Katrina?



Thanks for your comments. The tarnishing I was referring to was the sense that many U.S. citizens had that this is Fortress America, untouchable and above the maddening crowd. Not anymore.

The wild flag waving and drum beating folks around the world have been hearing in the last few years are not symptoms of a secure nation but rather a nation that is feeling the need to puff up its spirits. When people here tell you this is the best of all possible nations, these days there is less smug confidence and more defensiveness. Cracks are slowly appearing in the publics mind, slowly.


Katrina is referring to Hurricane Katrina, the one that just ate New Orleans for dinner. The response of our leadership was idiotic and cruel and you can be sure that the real stories of the victims and their fates will not reach your ears by mainstream routes. Some of our media have even tried to place the blame on the victims.

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Ah that Katrina. Yes I have heard of it. And this was yet another brick added to my opinion that I would no longer like to live in US. When I was younger I adored the USA, but this has been slowly dwindling away when I became older and realized what's going on. Even from the little that I noticed, it was enough to turn it around. Somehow I doubt that something like New Orleans would happen in one of the (middle) European countries and I'm quite happy about that, to live here.


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In Australia we have a culture where many of us take great offence to the sort of overt displays of patriotism that america is renowned for, but we have been importing a lot of the less attractive aspects of American culture over the years... It is a social control mechanism of the most insidious kind "you can't disagree with the President, that makes you unpatriotic - if you're not with him you're against him, that means you hate your country, you are a traitor" I am sure you are familiar with that line of reasoning that power structures use to manipulate people into mindless compliance.


For example, I live in Canberra, and every day I drive past Parliament house, there is the security baricade the Prime Minister had put up after September 11 happened. It is absurd, because we had a very low risk of terrorism until we joined America in interfering with the businesses of other countries (even now it is pretty unlikely), and because it really doesn't add anything to the security of the building (you could jump over it quite easily and run past the overweight parliamentary security guards). It is there for show, to try and make the public believe the Government's hype that if they aren't re-elected, terrorists will pop up all over the place and bomb us all. It is blatant fear mongering, and sadly, even in Australia it works...


The sad thing is, our government did not get a majority of votes, it only won government because they redrew the electoral boundaries in such a way that they won a majority of seats in parliament. It is a sham democracy, it isn't even remotely representitive, and my fellow Aussies were stupid enough to give the government control of both houses, which by tradition we never do, meaning the government has pretty much free reign to do as they please for the next three years. So far they have used this absolute control to approve the privitisation of yet more public assets, push though some very disturbing new "anti-terrorism" powers that set the country up as a potential police state - all the government needs is another terrorist attack or disaster of some sort to use as an excuse for introducing sweeping legislation to completely rip up every last vestige of democracy and install a fully fledged dictator. It is exactly what happened in Germany with Hitler, and while I would like to think it couldn't happen here, fact is it wouldn't take much. At least in America your president is limited to two consecutive terms, and you have a bill of rights... in Australia we have nothing like that, we have relied on the traditional cultural practise of tearing people down when they get too comfortable and cocky in power - we don't tolerate arrogance or self aggrandisement for very long.


I might have to move to New Zealand if this bullshit continues :(

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Hitler can happen any time again. I have no doubts about this. When I was younger I thought that something like this can not happen again, but I don't think so anymore. Simply because the people are the same. You can see teh edges of this in your very neighbourhood, because these people are the candidates to follow him first. The poeple who spy on their neighbours just to find something that they can talk about, or even better, report it. You can find this kind of poeple everywhere, and this is exactly the base. They are properly schocked when they hear some bad news in the TV, but will happily report you without thinking of the consequences. And a goverment like Hitlers has no problems harvesting this. Even in Germany they are mongering the fear or terrorits. I doubt that terrorists will really attack in Germany, especially since Germany did not suport the war and took an opposit position. Well, we can not know what's in the minds of these people, but I'm not really afraid right now. But we still get "biometric" data in our passport. Isnt't this a nice word? Sounds much better then "taking fingerprints" as they do for criminals. Fingerprints are taken from criminials. All other normal people are just giving "biometric characteristics" to the authorities. Isn't language a wonderfull device? And the biggest joke is, that biometric information will NOT help to hunt terrorists. The bigegst problem they have, when looking for terrorists is, the they have no special characteristic to go by. They can loive for years near you and suddenly they are activated. A real help to have their fingerprints somewhere stored. Call me paraniod, but I think all this crap is done to ensure that there are two classes of people remaining.


I was following some of the speeches that Bush did during the war, and when I read the speeches of Hitler I was schocked that they are almost the same. The reasoning is following exactly the same pattern and even the choice of words sometimes is the same. So don't fear that Hitler can not happen again, because it can.


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Ah that Katrina. Yes I have heard of it. And this was yet another brick added to my opinion that I would no longer like to live in US.


Im trying to think of ways to move to Canada in the next few years myself. I dont believe this country is going to be a very nice place to live in the next decade or so, politically, economically, whatever. Maybe New Horizon will let me crash on his couch for a couple of months. I like my eggs cooked over hard, BTW.


Oh, but dont worry about New Orleans, the tourist trap in the French Quarter is already opened back up for business! Come on down folks, party your asses off amongst the toxic sludge and the yet to be found corpses.


For example, I live in Canberra, ...

I was reading an article the other day that revealed that the U.S. government is using not only heavily armored and armed police and National GUard units on the ground in New Orleans but even mercenaries. Yes, thats right, mercs. Blackwater Security people, the hired guns protecting the high ranking Americans in Iraq are also active in New Orleans. Who knows what the fuck those murderers are up to. There are also reports of the police shooting unarmed people, one reporter overheard two cops telling a national guardsman that "No one on this street is innocent", essentially saying these people dont need assistance they need a bullet. Im sure I dont have to tell you what color those people are.




The sad thing is, our government did not get a majority of votes, it only won government because they redrew the electoral boundaries in such a way that they won a majority of seats in parliament. It is a sham democracy, it isn't even remotely representitive, and my fellow Aussies were stupid enough to give the government control of both houses, which by tradition we never do, meaning the government has pretty much free reign to do as they please for the next three years. So far they have used this absolute control to approve the privitisation of yet more public assets, push though some very disturbing new "anti-terrorism" powers that set the country up as a potential police state - all the government needs is another terrorist attack or disaster of some sort to use as an excuse for introducing sweeping legislation to completely rip up every last vestige of democracy and install a fully fledged dictator. It is exactly what happened in Germany with Hitler, and while I would like to think it couldn't happen here, fact is it wouldn't take much. At least in America your president is limited to two consecutive terms, and you have a bill of rights... in Australia we have nothing like that, we have relied on the traditional cultural practise of tearing people down when they get too comfortable and cocky in power - we don't tolerate arrogance or self aggrandisement for very long.


We are the king of sham democracies. In 2000 and 2004 the Republican political machine worked on numerous levels to intimidate voters (in Florida State Troopers went to black neighborhoods, going door to door asking who the inhabitants were voting for w/o explaining why or who they were. For a black family, having a Trooper on your doorstep is scary enough, why were they asking about their voting plans?), to fuck with voting machines (the new voting machines in use around the nation can be tampered with simply by unlocking the back panel and one of the companies who makes the machines is owned by a Republican senator.) and to remove black voters from the voting rolls by incorrecting assigning thousands of people as being ineligible to vote.


The two terms limit is nice but it doesnt help when a cabal has taken over like Bush and Co. They own all three branches of the government now, executive, legislative, and judicial. Its so bad that the Democrats, the few that are left, are regularly ignored by their Republican colleagues, left out of important meetings or given maybe 18 hours to read through a new bill that has a thousand pages. The Bill of Rights in under assault and many seem unconcerned, the Patriot Act gives the pigs all kinds of new powers to spy and detain, its not a pretty picture.


Hitler can happen any time again. I have no doubts about this.

I was following some of the speeches that Bush did during the war, and when I read the speeches of Hitler I was schocked that they are almost the same. The reasoning is following exactly the same pattern and even the choice of words sometimes is the same. So don't fear that Hitler can not happen again, because it can.


I agree. Folks here would shake their heads and laugh but I dont think its that far flung of a possibility.


Edited by Sparhawk: I fixed your quoting tags.

Edited by sparhawk
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Im trying to think of ways to move to Canada in the next few years myself. I dont believe this country is going to be a very nice place to live in the next decade or so, politically, economically, whatever. Maybe New Horizon will let me crash on his couch for a couple of months. I like my eggs cooked over hard, BTW.


And what makes you think Canada is in anyway better. I here a lot of American's saying the same thing, but why they choose Canada is beyond me. It'd be better to stay where you are or find somewhere better.

Loose BOWELS are the first sign of THE CHOLERA MORBUS!
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Oh, but dont worry about New Orleans, the tourist trap in the French Quarter is already opened back up for business!  Come on down folks, party your asses off amongst the toxic sludge and the yet to be found corpses.


Actually you can make a nice profit out of it.


Come to Ne Orleans for an axciting weekend. No fake corpses like in Hollywood. here you get the real thing! Special discount if you book NOW!


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And what makes you think Canada is in anyway better. I here a lot of American's saying the same thing, but why they choose Canada is beyond me. It'd be better to stay where you are or find somewhere better.


It cant be as bad as this bat house. Im sure Canada is not heaven and I plan on doing a lot of research before doing anything but its actually pretty tough to live here sometimes. Not tough financially, although it is and its getting worse but tough in other ways. We work longer than anyone else, get paid less with less social spending and less vacation time, less "golden" years to enjoy, more stress, more pollution except maybe for China or India, greater social inequality, weaker labor laws than any other industrialized nation. Im not the only U.S.er who feels this way I assure you.

Actually you can make a nice profit out of it.


Come to Ne Orleans for an axciting weekend. No fake corpses like in Hollywood. here you get the real thing! Special discount if you book NOW!


The real spectacle is yet to come when the reconstruction effort gets underway. The wealthy and powerful of New Orleans are already lining up to shape the project in their own vision, you can imagine what that means for the less fortunate. The Monkey King is relying on the private sector to fix things up as always. The vultures are already circling, celebrities are holding concerts to raise awareness of their careers, and no ones even talking about the entire fucking coast of Mississippi which was whacked to hell as well.

Oh, thanks for editing those tags!

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I agree. The Villages was pretty bad. I was quite dissapointed, because the ads really piqued my interest and it could have been quite good, but instead it had such a lame ending (in the middle) and after the middle you knew everything, so it was not worth watching it to tthe end anymore.


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About a quarter of the way into the Village I had it pretty much figured out, and I was very disappointed with the ending. While it was an OK exploration of the idea of social control mechanisms, the ending was sooo predictable, and i would much have preferred if the movie went in another direction. I liked the first few minutes, but the rest was just crap...

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Same - you know Signs, with Mel Gibson? Village was made by the same people, and even uses some of the same actors.


Signs was awesome. It was really good at bulding suspense and fear. They tried to do it again with The Village, but yeah I agree with you guys there.


Bit of trivia - in the Village, the head of the forest park that the guy talks to when he's getting the medicine - its the black dude who ran over the lady in Signs, you can see his face in the reflection of the medicine cabinet - apparently he's the guy who made both films too.

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That would be M. Night Shyamalan, and I think he's Indian :)


He also made Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, which I liked. It seems like his work has been going downhill tho, IMO Sixth Sense > Unbreakable > Signs > Village.


Signs was okay, I liked the suspense and atmosphere, but I didn't really like the blatant religious messages that came with the twist ending.

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:blink: Blatant religious messages??


I'm terrible at spotting deep meanings. Well they were probably blatant for a lot of other people but it would be deep for me :D


Oh all that stuff about faith, everything happens for a reason, etc. etc. yeah. Well that was fair - the main character was a priest, so I think thats okay. If someone did something like that in all of their movies without a good explanation, I'd think they were trying to prove something and then I'd get annoyed.

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I quite liked Signs, and while I generally avoid movies with an overtly religious or supernatural theme, I thought the film was doing anything but presenting blatantly religious messages, rather it was simply showing how peoples beliefs and attitudes about the world affects the way they deal with unpleasant, overwhelming or dire circumstances. All of Shyamalan's films I have seen have had some kind of suernatural theme or exploration of people's belief systems as part of the films subtext, but never in a way that could be taken as a particular endorsment of any particular religion.


I didn't really think Signs had a twist ending - like all of Shyamalan's films it was quite predictable, at least it was for me... I saw the "Bruce Willis is a ghost" thing in TSS coming fairly quickly into the piece, Signs seemed like a pretty straight forward plot to me... and the Village - how obvious was that.

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