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Trouble Loading RXGB DDS Files


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Springheel - what's your video card again?


Could this be... uh... I can't recall what the new fangled thing on GF5+ (and whatever for ATI, I don't know) is that allows heat haze, etc, which I also don't see.


In which case it's still a significant problem, as the Thief crowd doesn't have on average mega-machines on their desktops.

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Springheel - what's your video card again?


It's an ATI9800Pro.


I agree, having textures that appear wildly different (or not at all) if players change their video settings is not really desirable.

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FDL... If it's not one thing, it's another. :P


Anyway, that's the only cvar where your copy of D3 and mine seem to be different. Mine has that set to 2 (which means use RxGB compression). However, I'm not having trouble with other textures... could you give me an example of a texture you're having trouble with? Do you have trouble with the vanilla D3 textures too, or just the TDM ones?

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Another thing to remember is that we will want to set our Low and Medium compression settings in the doom config file to higher settings...currently they will recompress things down to 256 or whatever...that's probably where the blur is coming from in some cases. I'll look into this...in reality, with the size of DDS textures we're using, we really only need to a High and Low setting. Low recompressing the DDS to half their original size.

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That's the same behaviour I experienced, using 2 for image_useNormalCompression causes the strange light falloff.


I think we need to find out what the difference between 1 and 2 is, and see if we can generate textures that use this "256-colour compression". Maybe they mean P8?

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It might be some kind of video card or driver or whatever issue, that will no doubt cause the same problem for a decent portion of our users.


If we're already compressing the diffuse and specular, why don't we just not compress the local?


Hrm. I was just reading


down at the 10/28/04 entry, but I'm not sure there's much relevant there. Although wouldn't it be something if the ATI tool somehow doesn't agree with Nvidia. <_<

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Hrm. I was just reading


down at the 10/28/04 entry, but I'm not sure there's much relevant there. Although wouldn't it be something if the ATI tool somehow doesn't agree with Nvidia. <_<


From Kat's tutorial it seems like RxGB is a format unique to ATI (which they no longer provide anyway), so it may well be that nVidia doesn't support it.

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Whoa! Okay, hm. Guess that settles that...? Would id put in proprietary texture compression support? :blink:


Yes, they did.


Has anyone tried creating a P8-compressed DDS and using this with image_useNormalCompression = 1? It might be worth seeing if this is the 256-colour compression id refers to, as this may produce better results.

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My card is an nVidia card, but it supports RxGB just fine.


Oh, we were talking about the card. I though SneaksieDave was referring to lack of support in the nVidia tools.


The card does not directly support the format, it is unswizzled by the Doom 3 shader. I think this is the case whether an ATI or nVidia card is used.

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Do you mean stop loading them completely, or display them with the incorrect lighting?


If I was forced to guess at the incorrect lighting, without knowing much about what is going on I might conclude that it had something to do with the RxGB format not being correctly decoded, perhaps with the result that a certain component of the normal vector was set to 0. I don't understand how this would vary between machines if the DDS files are the same, and it certainly shouldn't happen on vanilla textures.


I just tried both torchtest.map and warehouse.map with it set to 2 and textures displayed fine (all vanilla D3 as far as I can tell).

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Actually, the problem seems to be that when image_useNormalCompression's set to 2, he can read RxGB normalmaps, but NOT other DDS normalmaps. When it's set to 1, he can read other DDS normalmaps but not RxGB. I have that set to 2, and I can read both RxGB and other DDS normalmaps. (if I set it to 1, I can only read other DDS normalmaps, same as him) ...so why is it that his installation can read RxGB and other DDS files, but not at the same time?

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Actually, the problem seems to be that when image_useNormalCompression's set to 2, he can read RxGB normalmaps, but NOT other DDS normalmaps. When it's set to 1, he can read other DDS normalmaps but not RxGB. I have that set to 2, and I can read both RxGB and other DDS normalmaps. (if I set it to 1, I can only read other DDS normalmaps, same as him) ...so why is it that his installation can read RxGB and other DDS files, but not at the same time?


To be honest that behaviour is what I would expect, if a particular compression method is set then only that format would work. The mystery is why it seems to work on your machine. Are you absolutely sure that it is working as you describe, and you haven't overlooked some detail?


Random guess time: if Doom 3 is set to use RxGB and it finds a non-RxGB DDS normal map but NO tga, it will probably break, since it is unlikely to recompress an existing DDS in a different format. Maybe you have the original TGAs which Doom 3 can use in this situation, but Dave doesn't?

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Hmm... that's the best theory I've heard. I'm using the clean materials pack... though it's only 12MB, so I doubt it can have images for all textures. Hmm... actually, I think when you install D3 it installs both DDS files and TGAs... pak001.pk4 contains DDS files, and pak004.pk4 contains TGAs.


@SneaksieDave: Do you have pak004.pk4? And does it contain TGA files?


@Orbweaver: When you look at textures/darkmod/wood/wall/boards_new_001, does it load the normalmap? If so, can you also look at vanilla D3 textures? And if so, what do you have image_useNormalCompression set to?

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@Orbweaver: When you look at textures/darkmod/wood/wall/boards_new_001, does it load the normalmap? If so, can you also look at vanilla D3 textures? And if so, what do you have image_useNormalCompression set to?


With useNormalCompression = 2 it works fine. With useNormalCompression = 1 I get the incorrect lighting. I am beginning to suspect that my random guess was correct, in that Doom 3 needs the original TGA if the normal compression method set in the engine is different from the provided DDS.

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