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I only watched the highlights and even then the game was boring... Despite their best efforts to inflict the game on us over here I can't really see it take off. We are accustomed to 90 minute games with only one 10 minute break in the middle, not 3 hour games with about 50 commercial breaks, plus waiting for the ref to take his tape measure out after every ten seconds. Rugby shows that you can play a physical game for a good length of time without so many rests and without silly padding. Maybe we should repay the favour and take a international rugby match to an American stadium to remind you how Sport is done (the UK being the inventors and masters of all the best sports of course).


I'd have thought the Dolphins would have done well at Wembley given their aquatic species and the amount of rain water on the pitch. They could have swam to the end zone.

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Well at least we didn't get owned that bad. Also we scored a nice Touchdown at the end. I think we can win in two weeks. This week we got a bye :).

When your team hasn't won a single game in half the season, it's time to face reality :mellow:

Loose BOWELS are the first sign of THE CHOLERA MORBUS!
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I remember the Cowboys - Dolphins game a few weeks ago (I'm originally from near Dallas and am a fan).

Let me see if I can dig up that article that summed it up.

Ah, here it is.


I think Cam Cameron summed up this game the best when he called it a "total team loss." Since I can't say it any better myself, let's just move along to analyzing the laundry list of disappointing things uncovered in this game.


Eek. To be conciliatory, that game must have been infectious, because the week or so after this game and its four or so turnovers by Miami, Tony Romo had an awful number of turnovers against Buffalo, like 5 interceptions and a fumble or 2, tying a record for most ever by a Dallas QB in a game ... and they still won on a fluke! And he still gets the $60 million contract deal yesterday, third highest ever in the NFL. Almost feels like we've got that old 90's magic back ... even when they screw up massively they get lucky.


But, yeah, Miami ... you've got the curse of Ray Finkle again. :o

You could use a little more luck yourselves.

Edited by demagogue

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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  • 1 month later...

And the Cowboys lost! :o

What a weird turn of events. They were never close to this bad all year.

Not a single touchdown?

Thank goodness it's practically the end of the season.

Bring on the play-offs.

Edited by demagogue

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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What history books are these that you're reading?

What you mean is that any event that has happened, will continue to be an event that happened, no matter what future date you look back on it from.


I've always scoffed at history in general. People who spend their own lives digging up iron age settlements to see what people back then did with their lives (you can be sure they didn't waste them digging old bits of pottery out of the ground). Whatever they find out about iron age people, what possible relevance does that have to our lives. Who gives a shit how many wives Henry VIII had either.

History = most pointless academic subject in the world.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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Remembering the past doesn't stop it being repeated. Do you think the ethnic cleansing that went on in Bosnia a few years ago was done by people who had no knowledge or recollection of the Nazis?

You could equally claim that remembering past events gives people the idea to do it again.

The point for me is that any useful information or discovery naturally flows forwards anyway, it's doesn't need to be uncovered by historians 300 years later.

No historian or scholar has ever spent years digging into the past and then uncovered anything of any use or value to us in the present.

What we know about the past is that they didn't know as much as us. No one from the past has got anything to say to us that has any relevance.

The problem is that so much crap and bollocks has been dragged forward form the past in the name of 'tradition'.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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I disagree completely. Yes useful information flows forward - it's called time. It's not going to flow backwards, is it?


If the people of the 14th century hadn't looked to the past the renaissance would never have happened. As a result of learning from the mistakes of the last century Europe is now a mostly unified force. America could have learnt from Vietnam and not got into another mess in Iraq. These are just three in an endless list of examples. Just because everything is jolly now, for you, doesn't mean it is for the human race in general and doesn't mean we won't need the past in the future.


Really this is surely the worst thing you've ever suggested. And don't say you're thinking outside the box, you're scraping the bottom of it. At what point do you suggest we forget the past anyway? What's the cut off point?

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I disagree completely. Yes useful information flows forward - it's called time. It's not going to flow backwards, is it?


If the people of the 14th century hadn't looked to the past the renaissance would never have happened.


So, what did the Greeks look back on for their advancement then? Intellectual improvement can only happen via some study of previous centuries? Obviously not.

Further, the renaissance thinkers created their own radically new ideas of science, they did not copy the greeks and romans. There's a reason why what the greeks and romans believed was mostly forgotten, because it was mainly nonsense.



As a result of learning from the mistakes of the last century Europe is now a mostly unified force.

Double whammy. Conjecture and irrelevant. The last century is still within living memory for some people FFS, and does not qualify as history that has to be uncovered. Aside from that, the reason Europe is getting closer is not because it's fed up with the centuries of fighting. It's for economic and trade reasons in a changing world.

Also, making a superstate from smaller states does not mean fighting can't happen, it can just as easily cause friction, and has done many times.


America could have learnt from Vietnam and not got into another mess in Iraq.


See last point. Also, that's a point against your argument about learning from history. They clearly didn't learn from history there, they copied it.


These are just three in an endless list of examples.

None of these are accurate or relevant. You didn't prove anything there, or show any fitting examples. I can't believe you make a living as a journalist, other than one who fills tabloid column inches with vacuous tittle-tattle.



Really this is surely the worst thing you've ever suggested. And don't say you're thinking outside the box, you're scraping the bottom of it. At what point do you suggest we forget the past anyway? What's the cut off point?

The cut-off point is when it falls out of living memory.

Anything after that point which has not remained alive on it's own merit, is not worth digging up 300 years later.

You haven't proven this statement wrong.

It's the pioneers who are creating new knowledge who are important, not the fools digging up the past.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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This rant has fuck all to do with American football.

Who the hell mentioned anything about academic history?


Macsen is talking about the fact that no US football team has ever gotten into the post-season with a 1-13 record with 2 games left. He's not talking about disentangling subtle social dynamics and divining the meaning of capricious leaders' actions. The meaning of 13 straight losses is pretty clear however you slice it.* If the Dolphins did make it past the regular season to the post-season, it would be nothing short of astounding.


If you're going to gay up a thread with these irrelevant tangents, at least keep it to the threads that are already a little gay to begin with.



* To be fair, looking back at the record I didn't realize how many games were less than 3 points difference; damn that must be so frustrating.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Well, I'd certainly call his thread 'gay'. Watching and talking about a bunch of overpaid neanderthals playing sport, is the second most pointless thing after history, do we may as well just group them into the same thread for ridicule.

Civillisation will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last church, falls on the last priest.

- Emil Zola


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The reason why this win was so important is because no other team except the 76 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (expansion team) had gone winless in a season. That was an expansion team though and back then drafting new players was very limited to the worst of the worst. There was no free agency at all.


The Miami Dolphins of 1972 are the only team in NFL history to ever go with an undefeated record and win a championship. For this proud franchise to go winless would be a colosal disaster on all levels. Miracles do happen and they happend last Sunday against the ravens.


Now the Dolphins have to go to Boston and odds are it's going to be their toughest challenge yet. The Patriots scored over 50 points in their last match and totally decimated the Dolphins as they lost their star running back.


Add that lost plus their two starting safeties (defense), their star lineback, their secondary running back, and if it wasn't bad enough their third string running back is now injured.


Despite all the injuries to their best players the Dolphins won and will hold their heads up high when they go battle New England. Sure the odds are stacked against them. Hell you can even call it David vs Goliath. However The Dolphins are definately not quitters and they will fight to the very last second of every last game.


Gentlemen prepare to witness history. :chuk chuk:



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