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Nevermind, wrong thread.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Hopefully someone can take a look at this. I don't have the necessary skillset yet.

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Last rig update (some skin problems fixed):


Ascottk, can you describe what settings exactly you used when importing to fbx? And what tweaking you made in MB after it? My results are quite different from yours, and maybe not so comfortable to animate, I don't know.


- idle pose is not the same as ascottk's (shoulders are lifted, feet closer together)
I didn't move joints. I moved only vertices of model instead. Maybe thats why it looks like another idle anim. And actually thats why I asked to test it - its unusual to me to tweak model to match skeleton, not viceversa, and I didn't know if this method is working.


PS What's is the sword cube for? Can I move it freely when setup rig? And can I move the "sword" joint to align it and it's rotational axes to "shortsword" mesh? Or it can ruin something?

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Last rig update (some skin problems fixed):


Ascottk, can you describe what settings exactly you used when importing to fbx? And what tweaking you made in MB after it? My results are quite different from yours, and maybe not so comfortable to animate, I don't know.

Since my upgrade I haven't been able to import fbx files to maya successfully & I was hoping I'd find how I did it in the animation forum. Also look here for the latest fbx importer/exporter for maya:



And Dom made a short tutorial for a general importing to maya:



I remember putting those values down in the forum somewhere but I can't find the info ATM.


PS What's is the sword cube for? Can I move it freely when setup rig? And can I move the "sword" joint to align it and it's rotational axes to "shortsword" mesh? Or it can ruin something?
It's something to rig the sword joint to. It can't be on a visible mesh because if you animate the sword joint it'll deform the visible mesh. I did the same thing for the head.
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what version of maya are you using? It still works for me in Maya 7.
7. I'm still using the same plugin and maya version except I forgot what settings I used in the plugin. The problem is the mesh separates from the skeleton. Remember I was the one helping out other people when they were having problems with the conversions.


There are four things that are complicating my setup now: a new computer thus I had to reinstall software, I don't remember the settings I used, it's been a long while since I did this, and school is taking time from the mod work.

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remember the fbx files i uploaded to the model src are not the plotted versions, that's probably the reason it's doesn't work.
That's why! I thought it was just me.
A few fbx files in the citywatch_mb folder are also not plotted.
Those fbx files actually belong to the elite citywatch & they are z-axis oriented when they should be facing the x-axis.


The constant reminders that the regular citywatch are the base are constantly ignored/overlooked by someone . . . and quite frankly that tests my patience which is part of the reason why I haven't worked on AI in a long time.

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Last rig update (some skin problems fixed):


The shoulders are strange. They sink down when you pull the hands down. The chainmail clips through the lower tunic. I often put the rig through several and unnatural poses to find rigging issues. You can always go back to the original t-pose by going to (F2 for animation menus) Skin>Go to Bind Pose.


Anyway, it doesn't matter how the mesh fits the skeleton just as long as it's easier to work with as an animator. The mesh itself (just as long as there is a mesh) doesn't matter as far as animations go. Just whatever works best for you.

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The shoulders are strange. They sink down when you pull the hands down. The chainmail clips through the lower tunic.
Thats strange, I didn't even touch "chainmail" mesh, and only lower part of "tunic"
You can always go back to the original t-pose by going to (F2 for animation menus) Skin>Go to Bind Pose.
Yes, I've already learn that, but still thanks, and any advices of that kind are very apreciated, coz I still can't use all maya functionality needed.
Anyway, it doesn't matter how the mesh fits the skeleton just as long as it's easier to work with as an animator. The mesh itself (just as long as there is a mesh) doesn't matter as far as animations go. Just whatever works best for you.

True, but it's not only about that, I think. If I didn't miss something that obvious to all of you, guys (by my low level knowledge of maya or by language barrier), this new rig also allows to aviod double work, when there is any need in precise hand animation for example. Coz for some complex type of animations, finetuning is may be realy equal to double work. And precise animation could be a way too hard when bones are not match mesh.

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The constant reminders that the regular citywatch are the base are constantly ignored/overlooked by someone . . . and quite frankly that tests my patience which is part of the reason why I haven't worked on AI in a long time.

Oh well, welcome to working in a team :) The less straightforward doco there is to follow, the more people will need to be reminded of things. I've done my fair share of reminding here too (when I used to do more in the early days... :) ), and at work, and back in my uni days too. You'll learn to get used to it or write better docs to help prevent it :)


Our animation section on the wiki is anything but straight forward. There are about 5 articles all sort of covering the entire process of getting an anim into Doom 3, but each of them really covers different parts of it. There's no step by step process to follow that covers every single thing we've discovered.


When I'm in to the swing of things and know the process like the back of my hand, I intend to write a complete tutorial that covers everything starting from having a fully modeled and textured but unrigged model, to getting it animating in Doom 3. That includes making a text summary of the tutorial video oDDity made. It's a good vid, but once you're more familiar with things, nothing beats the speed of scrolling through text or doing a word search on it.

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      briefing_video.mp4 You can test it ingame by making a copy of the core tdm_gui.mtr and place it in your-tdm-root/materials/ , then edit line 249 of that file into the location where you placed the new briefing.mp4 file.
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