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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/20 in Posts

  1. I have decided that the @Springheelzombies will have a different background story in the next mission. More details will be clarified with @Amadeusasap. The mission needs a new name... @Dragofer: It normally takes me days to instruct AI how to use the elevators. The chaps you've extracted from Sotha's "Genesis" mission do not need that - during the last test run they came after unseen opponents without specific orders using elevators not meant for usage! The observed behaviour provides a clear answer for a question that has bothered mankind for quite a long time: Yes, free wil exists.
    2 points
  2. @kin testmap isn't ideal when you're starting out because it ignores errors in dmap and loads anyway. It's likely a leak prevented your map from compiling properly. Regarding Mircea's speaker, it's meant to be part of an addon available to all maps and players, so he has to create the speaker via script rather than use DR. Would seem like something that startSound or demagogue's ambient override should be able to handle, though.
    1 point
  3. There's a script herethat identifies all entities on the map that meet a certain criterion. You may also ask @kingsal what method he ended up using to check which entities are within a certain volume, he had asked that same question here a few months ago. Modifying the player's breath: that'd be a case for the breath potion. Alternatively look at the beta thread for ERH's Seed of Lodestar, he's made a diving suit script which automatically regenerates breath. I recall a discussion of using the breath system outside of water, i.e. room with gas, but it didn't seem to be natively supported. Sounds started with startSound should be looping if the soundshader contains a looping flag. stopSound should stop it, just need to call on the same channel as the one it was started on. Alternatively, if the spawned speaker doesn't start playing you might need to do some more, i.e. trigger it (possibly one frame later), set s_looping & s_maxradius/s_minradius, precache the shader on the speaker. As HMart points out, and as we saw with AIs, AI_ flags only work if the entity has been defined as the correct type of entity, i.e. ai or player. The player script was probably done as a scriptobject, so the definition wouldn't be visible to an external script.
    1 point
  4. Well, despite my initial enthusiasm for the game I'm gonna give up on it for a while. It's raw, it's so damn raw. Even ignoring the bugs (of which there are varying degrees of seriousness) and performance issues (some of which can be mitigated by patches, others just by upgrading), ultimately the game is just incredibly sterile. You have this amazing looking city that does nothing but serve as the backdrop for quests. That could be argued is common in the open world genre, but hell in GTA V you can interact with random NPCs and potentially piss them off, make them run, react to your reactions. Here they do nothing but crouch if you scare them. Police spawn in behind you, you don't get into car chases unless it's a scripted event... actually you know what, just browse the /r/cyberpunkgame subreddit for things to make fun of. There's a definite rough gem in there, people have praised the quests themselves (when bugs aren't ruining the experience), but it's just dull in-between and too many game systems are broken or not polished enough to make it worth my time. I get more fun out of playing the older Deus Ex games than this. Also I know this is a facet of game development, but looking at the E3 2018 gameplay demo, the character creation menu and how it changed along with how the same quests shown in both the demo and the final product have turned out, is just embarrassing. So much was cut.
    1 point
  5. Russian lyrics, shamanic spells. This group made music for the Pathologic 2 OST.
    1 point
  6. Has anyone considered implementing a 3d creation process like they did in this editor for Quake / Half-Life? Trenchbroom is able to create brushes directly on surfaces of other brushes on a 3d grid system. Pretty awesome to watch!
    1 point
  7. Just out of curiosity and the forum search didn't turn out anything : has anyone ever tried to make a Fan Mission where you play as a guard, like Upside Down? https://www.thiefguild.com/fanmissions/143/upside-down If not? What are the obstacles you think you'd face? Thanks for any comments on this topic.
    1 point
  8. Thank you for your comments and the discussion so far. I was just thinking about this idea and want to hear if others have had this too or even tried to build something like that. Very nice input. Thank you. I was thinking of a house with different entries the ai could take, so the player isn't able to guard all possible ways at once. Some ai patrols help. The enemy would spawn on multiple random positions and sneak inside the place. It's not possible for the guards to hide and wait in the shadows, but still the player would be free to do so. The enemy could have special abilities like dimming lights, become nearly invisible in the dark, one hit kill the player, run faster than the player, and so on. I think there's really multiple ways to make this fresh and interesting. Maybe the player could even spawn a certain amount of guards in special places before the thieves come in. I understand that this is a thief game - that's why I find this idea so interesting.
    1 point
  9. Looking good! Hopefully there will be an easy to use level editor
    1 point
  10. Guys we already had the same discussion https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/16601-some-questions-about-the-ais-patrol-paths/
    1 point
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