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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/21 in Posts

  1. For the people eager to play with the latest state of development, two things are provided: regular dev builds source code SVN repository Development builds are created once per a few weeks from the current trunk. They can be obtained via tdm_installer. Just run the installer, check "Get Custom Version" on the first page, then select proper version in "dev" folder on the second page. Name of any dev version looks like devXXXXX-YYYY, where XXXXX and YYYY are SVN revision numbers from which the build was created. The topmost version in the list is usually the most recent one. Note: unless otherwise specified, savegames are incompatible between any two versions of TDM! Programmers can obtain source code from SVN repository. Trunk can be checked out from here: https://svn.thedarkmod.com/publicsvn/darkmod_src/trunk/ SVN root is: https://svn.thedarkmod.com/publicsvn/darkmod_src Build instructions are provided inside repository. Note that while you can build executable from the SVN repository, TDM installation of compatible version is required to run it. Official TDM releases are compatible with source code archives provided on the website, and also with corresponding release tags in SVN. A dev build is compatible with SVN trunk of revision YYYY, where YYYY is the second number in its version (as described above). If you only want to experiment with the latest trunk, using the latest dev build gives you the maximum chance of success. P.S. Needless to say, all of this comes with no support. Although we would be glad if you catch and report bugs before the next beta phase starts
    1 point
  2. First off, I love that this is actually happening! Even if the interface is busy it offers a newbie the option to explore what keywords exist and see the results in realtime, rather than hunting them down off of various wikis that (besides ours) barely seem to exist anymore. That alone is a massive improvement. If I may constructively add a few thoughts: 1. I think that even for someone who knows what every single field means (not sure that describes anyone but John Carmack, lol), there is a lot of value in having a basic set of fields that makes it easy for people to cut through the clutter and quickly bring in materials that don't need any special treatment. We could call it Basic/Advanced or Common/All. This isn't about gatekeeping people who are overwhelmed, but making it easier for daily use. I had the idea of doing a word-count on all the keywords contained within all existing material files in order to figure out which ones are the most important to mappers. The most frequent ones should go on the Common tab, and on the All tab they should be placed (within reason) with the most common ones in the prime locations (top / left, tabs ordered by commonality). 1a. The Basic / Common tab could have a checkbox or button to generate a standard frob stage for the material, according to whatever our current best practices are. Even the advanced tab could do something to detect the frob stages and put them in a dedicated stage tab so you don't have to piecemeal it together. 2. If all the texture fields had the option to open a file selection dialog, you could derive the texture name from the selected file path instead of making the user type it out. 3. Having a good set of tooltips might go a long way on this page. Obviously we can't explain everything, but for example a reminder of what the _MACRO options select could be done, anything that can be explained or just jog the user's memory in a one-liner would be helpful. Some of these may not be worth the effort, but those were the ideas that came to mind.
    1 point
  3. I (and we) dont care. Why? See chakkman's opinion at topic whispering hills and thief in skyrim and also see this video about forum Etiquette: (for you Kurshok, from 0:54 to 1:09)
    1 point
  4. Same problem (black screen on v2.09), same solution (setting r_glCoreProfile "0"). System specs:
    1 point
  5. Thief 1 is ripe for a remake. A proper remake. Make it a VR game.
    1 point
  6. If you are doing it out of respect for him and his work it can't be tasteless. Intentions are what count, not how others perceive it.
    1 point
  7. TDM 2.09 locks resolution to Desktop resolution in Windows. Try lowering the Render Scale to 0.75 or lower and set Sharpening to 0.7 That should give you better performance with better image quality than up-scaling via your LCD screen.
    1 point
  8. Could you please test the next version: "test15973-8787" ?
    1 point
  9. We are proud to announce the release of The Dark Mod 2.09! https://www.thedarkmod.com/posts/the-dark-mod-2-09-has-been-released/ TDM 2.09 marks a new phase of performance improvements aimed lowering CPU overhead in the graphics engine. A whole new graphic backend has been created by Cabalistic which uses modern OpenGL features to eliminate the need for the CPU to constantly issue commands to allow the Graphic Processor to render scenes. This gives TDM some of the performance advantages of rendering using a low level API like Vulkan. Stgatilov has been very busy this release cycle. He has put heroic efforts into improving the way that TDM upgrades and hosting operate in addition to the vast improvements to TDM itself. (He also refactored the entire particle engine and created a link system to connect TDM to Dark Radiant.) A full changelog can be viewed here, but some highlights include: Better performance: A brand new Backend that uses UBO, Persistent Mapping, Bindless textures, and Multi-Draw has been added. “Frontend Acceleration” (Multi-Core job based rendering based on Doom 3 BFG) now works as expected. Normal Map compression now uses RGTC resulting in lower storage, VRAM requirements, and less artifacts ( load times should improve in future TDM versions when pre-compressed RGTC textures are added ) Background texture loading has improved. This should shorten load times and reload. Better visuals: A new Sharpening Filter has been added. It can make 70% Render Scale look almost like native resolution (more performance). ( It also cleans up some blurry textures for all Render Scales. ) Bumpmap lighting is smoother, so that lighting does not instantly flip to off when getting close to edges of occluded objects. Particle physics have been substantially improved for both accuracy and performance. Borderless Fullscreen works properly on Windows. Water and other GUI effects that did not respond to Gamma now brighten properly. AMD and Intel fixes have been added for SSAO rendering Better gameplay: Experimental Gamepad support has been added. Creep works in alway-run mode Better mapping: A new linking system allows The Dark Mod to act as a real-time preview of Dark Radiant The redesigned particles now have improved setup and configuration. Automated fixes have been created for “rotation hacked” models Prefabs have been seen numerous fixes and reorganization to make them easier to use Better Sound: Conversation and other sounds are no longer stopped by saving or going to main menu. EFX reverb has been added to “Mission 1: A New Job” Extinguished gas lamps are no longer noisy when doused New Assets: Dragofer, LDAsh, Kingsal, Bikerdude, Dram have all added substantial asset updates ranging from updated Werebeast animations, animation of the steam engine, fireflies and new furniture. More stable: A huge number of fragile code areas have been overhauled to either fix crashes or prevent likely crashes due to risk of divide by zero, uninitialized values, or dangling pointers (leftover settings) on entities and functions. We recommend that you upgrade using the new “tdm_installer” available here. Please be aware that old saved games will not be compatible with 2.09, so finish any missions you might be in the middle of first!
    1 point
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