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  1. Thank you for sharing this. People need to hear more stories like that, since designing stealth levels is probably one of the hardest things to do, and it's easy to get burned out and drop it.
    3 points
  2. Not a cookbook, but a recipe book: https://www.thedarkmod.com/missiondetails/?internalName=bakery_job Very nice mission, thank you, Skaruts.
    2 points
  3. It very much is. I've been goofing around in DR for a decade, on and off, and about two years ago I said to myself "that's it, I'm gonna actually make a mission for once". (And then about a year ago I started making this one.) So yea, my drive to do this hasn't dwindled, it has only gotten stronger. I've always loved making maps for games, and I still very much do. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. I actually wanted to make that book readable, and have some kind of interesting recipes in there, but I just couldn't think of anything... If I ever think of something, I'll do that.
    2 points
  4. Here's my first FM. A small and easy mission, inspired by Thief's Den and The Bakery Job, where you must find and steal a cook's recipe book in order to save a friend from going out of business. Download (version 4): Mediafire (sk_cooks.pk4) TDM Website's Mission Page The in-game mission downloader Thanks to: The people who helped me get this far, both in the forums and on Discord. The beta testers: MirceaKitsune, Mat99, Baal, wesp5, Cambridge Spy, jaxa, grodenglaive, Acolytesix ( Per the author in the beta testing thread. ) Skaruts has given permission to the TDM Team to add Subtitles or Localization Strings to this mission. (No EFX Reverb.) If anyone from the Community or TDM team wishes to create these we will gladly test them and update the mission database.
    1 point
  5. That's one way to not spoil what this game is actually about! Absolutely excellent game and so meta.
    1 point
  6. It's amazing people still make those, and this one is really good. Also, probably the most British point & click adventure game as of late.
    1 point
  7. Thanks Skaruts! I don't really like auto-door close either, but I put that on the exterior doors for performance reasons (to close vis-portals). "stop_when_blocked 0" is a great idea for drawers; I didn't know about that. Random head turning looks easy to turn off. I have always found that annoying too. I would probably save it for select guards, or maybe just have it enabled when they are on alert. Yeah, the "ShouldBeClosed" door property seemed like a good idea, but can be troublesome as it's noticed by all the AI and not just the room guard.
    1 point
  8. Just finished playing this mission on Expert. Took me a little while, but I actually managed to ghost it (with a few suspicions). The spider can be dealt with without incurring any penalties for ghosting. I love the aesthetics. The house looks gorgeous, and the whole outdoor areas are gorgeous as well. The lobby area -- or whatever it's called -- is quite tough for ghosting, I would say. I had never played an assassination mission, so to me it was interesting to have improvise. I presumed the guard outside would hear me stabbing the guy to death, and I also presumed he wouldn't die with a single blow (I later confirmed that). So I decided to... My only issues with the mission, were: That's about it. Lovely mission.
    1 point
  9. I'm rather surprised, for a "first mission", this was so visually appealing that it reminded me one of many Chocobo's classics. I hope your interest in TDM is still big, because I'd love to see more missions from you! By the way, what was Bert's secret?
    1 point
  10. Here's my playthrough of By The Cookbook: https://youtu.be/IQ6kulMvxMs
    1 point
  11. I've got myself a 32:9 monitor and because of how text-heavy these games are it was almost unplayable to go on reading text all the way from my left to my right. I'm an engine programmer by trade so I set out to fix this and wanted to share my results. This fix will center the UI for any resolution wider than 16:9. For resolution that are more square i.e. 4:3 and 5:4 the UI will be anchored to the bottom instead as having the bottom elements floating in the middle looks strange. I also had to employ a trick to make some fullscreen effects stay fullscreen instead of becoming letterboxed, such as the transparent black backgrounds when reading books. Any rect that is 0,0,640,480 or larger will be considered fullscreen and stretch as normal. Of course some are note supposed to stretch like the custom main menu backgrounds so I added a bool variable for windowDefs called aspectAware that can be set to override this behavior. I experimented doing the opposite but could never find out how to make the book backgrounds stretch so I went with this. Still haven't figured out how to position the compass correctly but it looks decent enough.
    1 point
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