There are three rooms:
Main Room: Has surface types arranged in a way that's better for testing consistency between each other (e.g. tile next to metal, metal next to water, etc.), and it includes ladders, a rope, and vines to test climbing sounds.
Swimming Pool Room: For testing swimming sounds.
Prototype Room: For testing almost all of the surface types (including some not in the main room) arranged somewhat alphabetically with duplicate sounds next to each other (e.g. grass and straw, dirt and sand).
Download: z_footsteps_test_map_v1.pk4
Place the pk4 file in the main TDM directory, alongside the other pk4 files.
To Use
Type "map footsteps_test" into the console.
Use with the "Training Mission" to test TDM core sounds.
Use with a mission to test that mission's altered sounds.
* Reload sound shader files while in game.
- reloadDecls
* See the names of sounds.
- s_drawSounds 1; pm_thirdPerson 1
* See AI sound propagation volume and range.
- tdm_spr_debug 1; con_noPrint 0
* See 3D ring of AI sound progation.
- tdm_showsprop_radius 1
* See sound progation to AI shown as lines.
- tdm_showsprop 1
* Show sound decoders.
- com_showSoundDecoders 1
* Files of interest.
- def/tdm_propagated_sounds.def
- def/tdm_player_thief.def
- sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd
- sound/tdm_sfx_movement_footsteps.sndshd
- sound/tdm_sfx_movement_footsteps_player.sndshd
- sound/tdm_sfx_world.sndshd
The method I use to make volume changes involves using tdm_spr_debug and the dB meter from OBS. I run both TDM and OBS in window mode so I can view them simultaneously.
First, I compare two footstep sound shaders with similar volumes as indicated by tdm_spr_debug. Then, I use the OBS dB meter to fine-tune the volume of the sound shader I'm modifying, making final adjustments by ear with headphones.
* Map: Daft Mugi
* Proto Pack: WellingtonCrab
This work is openly licensed via CC0.